

The resume element represents a single résumé or curriculum vitae (CV). It is a summary of a person's experience that is revelant to employment.


resume may be contained in these elements: resumes



A string used to uniquely identify a résumé. The résumé may then be referred to by this identifier.


<resume id="a8df262">

    <name id="harry.potter">
      <street>4 Privet Drive</street>
      <city>Little Whinging</city>
      <postalCode>RO51 5NF</postalCode>

    <para>To defeat Lord Voldemort once and for all, then to become an Auror
    for the Ministry of Magic.</para>

    <title>Magical Skills</title>
      <title>Spells and Curses</title>
      <skill>Unlocking Spell</skill>
      <skill>Patronus Spell</skill>
      <skill>Stunning Spell</skill>
      <skill>Disarming Spell</skill>
      <skill>Reductor Curse</skill>
      <skill>Impediment Curse</skill>
      <skill>Imperious Curse Evasion</skill>
      <skill>Wronski Feint</skill>
      <skill>Steep dives</skill>
      <skill>Bludger Evasion</skill>
      <skill>Parsel Tounge</skill>
      <skill>Troll (point and grunt)</skill>
    <title>Muggle Skills</title>
      <title>Daily Life</title>
      <skill>Riding in cars</skill>
      <skill>Electric lights</skill>
      <skill>Setting up tents</skill>
      <skill>Lighting Matches</skill>

            <year>ca. 1995</year>
          On Gryffindor House Quidditch team four years running
          Quidditch Cup
        <achievement>Youngest Seeker in a century</achievement>
          Faced Lord Voldemort four times and lived.
      <employer>Mrs. Weasley</employer>
            <year>ca. 1995</year>
            <year>ca. 1995</year>
        <para>Removed gnomes from the Weasleys' garden.</para>

        <level>Fourth Year</level>
        <institution>Hogwards School of Witchcraft and Wizardry</institution>
            <title>Defense Against the Dark Arts</title>
            <title>Care of Magical Creature</title>

    <title>School Clubs</title>
      <organization>Dueling Club</organization>
      <description><para>Trained in wizard dueling, with focus on
      <organization>Society for the Protection of Elfish Workers

    <interest><title>Cho Chang</title></interest>

      <address>Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Via Owl Post</address>
      <address>Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Via Owl Post</address>


For additional examples, look at the sample résumés in the examples directory of the XML Résumé Library distribution.