WANTED: proprietary software, dead or alive!
GNU-Darwin developers have been working hard to remove all
proprietary software from the distribution, but they need your help
to root out any lurking bits of un-freedom. If you discover unfree
software in the current GNU-Darwin internet or hard media
send a report.
For as long as this notice remains on
our site, The Free Software Foundation has kindly offered a reward
of exactly $3.14159, check to be signed by RMS, to whoever sends
us a report of any particular program (or portion) in GNU-Darwin
that we verify to be non-free and which has not been previously
reported. (We acknowledge Donald Knuth for this approach.)
In addition, you will have the satisfaction of helping to
maintain GNU-Darwin as a truly free OS and software
distribution now and in the future.
This offer applies only to software which is currently part of
The GNU-Darwin Distribution
installation discs,
website, and
project directories.
It does not apply to files that are no longer found on our
servers, or unauthorized files. Before
assigning rewards, reports must be verified according the
criteria on the following web pages.
Also, be sure to watch this web page for ongoing
announcements regarding the bounty program.