postgresql/0040755000567100000120000000000010117720626012747 5ustar jcameronwheelpostgresql/edit_grant.cgi0100775000567100000120000000535410114726052015560 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # edit_grant.cgi # Display a form for editing or creating a grant require './'; &ReadParse(); $access{'users'} || &error($text{'grant_ecannot'}); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'grant_edit'}, ""); $s = &execute_sql($in{'db'}, 'select relname, relacl from pg_class where (relkind = \'r\' OR relkind = \'S\') and relname !~ \'^pg_\' order by relname'); foreach $g (@{$s->{'data'}}) { if ($g->[0] eq $in{'table'}) { $g->[1] =~ s/^\{//; $g->[1] =~ s/\}$//; @grant = map { /^"(.*)=(.*)"$/ || /^(.*)=(.*)$/; [ $1, $2 ] } split(/,/, $g->[1]); } } @tables = &list_tables($in{'db'}); print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; $u = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, "select usename from pg_shadow"); @users = map { $_->[0] } @{$u->{'data'}}; $r = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, "select groname from pg_group"); @groups = map { $_->[0] } @{$r->{'data'}}; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print " ", "\n"; $i = 0; foreach $g (@grant, [ undef, undef ]) { print "\n"; $i++; } print "
\n"; foreach $p ( [ 'SELECT', 'r' ], [ 'UPDATE', 'w' ], [ 'INSERT', 'a' ], [ 'DELETE', 'd' ], [ 'RULE', 'R' ], [ 'REFERENCES', 'x' ], [ 'TRIGGER', 't' ] ) { printf " %s\n", $p->[0], $g->[1] =~ /$p->[1]/ ? 'checked' : '', $p->[0]; } print "
\n"; print "
\n"; &ui_print_footer("list_grants.cgi", $text{'grant_return'}); postgresql/postgresql-lib.pl0100664000567100000120000004001110117720360016241 0ustar jcameronwheel# # Common PostgreSQL functions # XXX dropping fields from schema table # XXX maybe can only rename within schema? # XXX updating date field # XXX access control and schema tables do '../'; &init_config(); require '../'; if ($config{'plib'}) { $ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}} .= ':' if ($ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}}); $ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}} .= $config{'plib'}; } if ($config{'psql'} =~ /^(.*)\/bin\/psql$/ && $1 ne '' && $1 ne '/usr') { $ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}} .= ':' if ($ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}}); $ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}} .= "$1/lib"; } if ($module_info{'usermin'}) { # Login and password is set by user in Usermin, and the module always # runs as the Usermin user &switch_to_remote_user(); &create_user_config_dirs(); $postgres_login = $userconfig{'login'}; $postgres_pass = $userconfig{'pass'}; $postgres_sameunix = 0; %access = ( 'backup' => 1, 'restore' => 1 ); } else { # Login and password is determined by ACL in Webmin %access = &get_module_acl(); if ($access{'user'} && !$use_global_login) { $postgres_login = $access{'user'}; $postgres_pass = $access{'pass'}; $postgres_sameunix = $access{'sameunix'}; } else { $postgres_login = $config{'login'}; $postgres_pass = $config{'pass'}; $postgres_sameunix = $config{'sameunix'}; } } $cron_cmd = "$module_config_directory/"; if (!$config{'nodbi'}) { # Check if we have DBD::Pg eval <install_driver("Pg"); EOF } # is_postgresql_running() # Returns 1 if yes, 0 if no, -1 if the login is invalid, -2 if there # is a library problem sub is_postgresql_running { local $temp = &tempname(); local $host = $config{'host'} ? "-h $config{'host'}" : ""; $host .= " -p $config{'port'}" if ($config{'port'}); local $cmd; if ($postgres_login) { open(TEMP, ">$temp"); print TEMP "$postgres_login\n$postgres_pass\n"; close(TEMP); local $out; $cmd = "$config{'psql'} -u -c '' $host $config{'basedb'} <$temp"; } else { $cmd = "$config{'psql'} -c '' $host $config{'basedb'}"; } if ($postgres_sameunix && defined(getpwnam($postgres_login))) { $cmd = "su $postgres_login -c ".quotemeta($cmd); } open(OUT, "$cmd 2>&1 |"); while() { $out .= $_; } close(OUT); unlink($temp); if ($out =~ /setuserid:/i || $out =~ /no\s+password\s+supplied/i || $out =~ /no\s+postgres\s+username/i || $out =~ /authentication\s+failed/i || $out =~ /password:.*password:/i || $out =~ /database.*does.*not/i || $out =~ /user.*does.*not/i) { return -1; } elsif ($out =~ /connect.*failed/i || $out =~ /could not connect to server:/) { return 0; } elsif ($out =~ /lib\S+\.so/i) { return -2; } else { return 1; } } # get_postgresql_version() sub get_postgresql_version { local $v = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, 'select version()'); $v = $v->{'data'}->[0]->[0]; if ($v =~ /postgresql\s+([0-9\.]+)/i) { return $1; } else { return undef; } } sub can_drop_fields { return &get_postgresql_version() >= 7.3; } # list_databases() # Returns a list of all databases sub list_databases { local $force_nodbi = 1; local $t = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, 'select * from pg_database order by datname'); return map { $_->[0] } @{$t->{'data'}}; } # list_tables(database) # Returns a list of tables in some database sub list_tables { local @str = &table_structure($_[0], "pg_tables"); local %fields = map { $_->{'field'}, 1 } @str; if ($fields{'schemaname'}) { local $t = &execute_sql($_[0], 'select schemaname,tablename from pg_tables where tablename not like \'pg_%\' and tablename not like \'sql_%\' order by tablename'); return map { ($_->[0] eq "public" ? "" : $_->[0].".").$_->[1] } @{$t->{'data'}}; } else { local $t = &execute_sql($_[0], 'select tablename from pg_tables where tablename not like \'pg_%\' and tablename not like \'sql_%\' order by tablename'); return map { $_->[0] } @{$t->{'data'}}; } } # list_types() # Returns a list of all available field types sub list_types { local $t = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, 'select typname from pg_type where typrelid = 0 and typname !~ \'^_.*\' order by typname'); return map { $_->[0] } @{$t->{'data'}}; } # table_structure(database, table) # Returns a list of hashes detailing the structure of a table sub table_structure { local $tn = $_[1]; $tn =~ s/^([^\.]+)\.//; local $t = &execute_sql($_[0], "select a.attnum, a.attname, t.typname, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, a.atthasdef FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t WHERE c.relname = '$tn' and a.attnum > 0 and a.attrelid = c.oid and a.atttypid = t.oid order by attnum"); local (@rv, $r); foreach $r (@{$t->{'data'}}) { local $arr; $arr++ if ($r->[2] =~ s/^_//); local $sz = $r->[4] - 4; if ($sz >= 65536 && $r->[2] =~ /numeric/i) { $sz = int($sz/65536).",".($sz%65536); } push(@rv, { 'field' => $r->[1], 'arr' => $arr ? 'YES' : 'NO', 'type' => $r->[4] < 0 ? $r->[2] : $r->[2]."($sz)", 'null' => $r->[5] =~ /f|0/ ? 'YES' : 'NO' } ); } return @rv; } # execute_sql(database, sql, [param, ...]) sub execute_sql { local $sql = $_[1]; local @params = @_[2..$#_]; if ($driver_handle && $sql !~ /^\s*(create|drop)\s+database/ && $sql !~ /^\s*\\/ && !$force_nodbi) { # Use the DBI interface local $pid; local $cstr = "dbname=$_[0]"; $cstr .= ";host=$config{'host'}" if ($config{'host'}); $cstr .= ";port=$config{'port'}" if ($config{'port'}); local @uinfo; if ($postgres_sameunix && defined(@uinfo = getpwnam($postgres_login))) { # DBI call which must run in subprocess pipe(OUTr, OUTw); if (!($pid = fork())) { ($(, $)) = ( $uinfo[3], $uinfo[3] ); ($>, $<) = ( $uinfo[2], $uinfo[2] ); close(OUTr); local $dbh = $driver_handle->connect($cstr, $postgres_login, $postgres_pass); if (!$dbh) { print OUTw &serialise_variable( "DBI connect failed : ".$DBI::errstr); exit(0); } $dbh->{'AutoCommit'} = 0; local $cmd = $dbh->prepare($sql); #foreach (@params) { # XXX dbd quoting is broken! # s/\\/\\\\/g; # } if (!$cmd->execute(@params)) { print OUTw &serialise_variable(&text('esql', "".&html_escape($sql)."", "".&html_escape($dbh->errstr)."")); $dbh->disconnect(); exit(0); } local (@data, @row); local @titles = @{$cmd->{'NAME'}}; while(@row = $cmd->fetchrow()) { push(@data, [ @row ]); } $cmd->finish(); $dbh->commit(); $dbh->disconnect(); print OUTw &serialise_variable( { 'titles' => \@titles, 'data' => \@data }); exit(0); } close(OUTw); local $line = ; local $rv = &unserialise_variable($line); if (ref($rv)) { return $rv; } else { &error($rv || "$sql : Unknown DBI error"); } } else { # Just normal DBI call local $dbh = $driver_handle->connect($cstr, $postgres_login, $postgres_pass); $dbh || &error("DBI connect failed : ",$DBI::errstr); $dbh->{'AutoCommit'} = 0; local $cmd = $dbh->prepare($sql); if (!$cmd->execute(@params)) { &error(&text('esql', "".&html_escape($sql)."", "".&html_escape($dbh->errstr)."")); } local (@data, @row); local @titles = @{$cmd->{'NAME'}}; while(@row = $cmd->fetchrow()) { push(@data, [ @row ]); } $cmd->finish(); $dbh->commit(); $dbh->disconnect(); return { 'titles' => \@titles, 'data' => \@data }; } } else { # Check for a \ command my $break_f = 0 ; if ( $sql =~ /^\s*\\/ ) { $break_f = 1 ; if ( $sql !~ /^\s*\\copy\s+/ && $sql !~ /^\s*\\i\s+/ ) { &error ( &text ( 'r_command', ) ) ; } } if (@params) { # Sub in ? parameters local $p; local $pos = -1; foreach $p (@params) { $pos = index($sql, '?', $pos+1); &error("Incorrect number of parameters in $_[1] (".scalar(@params).")") if ($pos < 0); local $qp = $p; $qp =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $qp =~ s/'/''/g; $qp =~ s/\$/\\\$/g; $qp =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $qp = $qp eq '' ? "NULL" : "'$qp'"; $sql = substr($sql, 0, $pos).$qp.substr($sql, $pos+1); $pos += length($qp)-1; } } # Call the psql program local $temp = &tempname(); open(TEMP, ">$temp"); print TEMP "$postgres_login\n$postgres_pass\n"; close(TEMP); local $host = $config{'host'} ? "-h $config{'host'}" : ""; $host .= " -p $config{'port'}" if ($config{'port'}); local $cmd = "$config{'psql'} -u -c ".quotemeta($sql)." $host $_[0]"; if ($postgres_sameunix && defined(getpwnam($postgres_login))) { $cmd = "su $postgres_login -c ".quotemeta($cmd); } if ( $break_f == 0 ) { # Running a normal SQL command, not one with a \ #$ENV{'PAGER'} = "cat"; if (&foreign_check("proc")) { &foreign_require("proc", ""); if (defined(&proc::close_controlling_pty)) { # Detach from tty if possible, so that the psql # command doesn't prompt for a login &proc::close_controlling_pty(); } } open(OUT, "$cmd <$temp 2>&1 |"); local ($line, $rv, @data); do { $line = ; last if (!defined($line)); } while($line =~ /^(username|password|user name):/i || $line =~ /(warning|notice):/i || $line !~ /\S/); unlink($temp); if ($line =~ /^ERROR:\s+(.*)/ || $line =~ /FATAL.*:\s+(.*)/) { &error(&text('esql', "$sql", "$1")); } elsif (!defined($line)) { # Un-expected end of output .. &error(&text('esql', "$sql", "$config{'psql'} failed")); } else { local $dash = ; if ($dash =~ /^\s*\+\-/) { # mysql-style output $line = ; $line =~ s/^[\s\|]+//; $line =~ s/[\s\|]+$//; local @titles = split(/\|/, $line); map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$// } @titles; $line = ; # skip useless dashes while(1) { $line = ; last if (!$line || $line =~ /^\s*\+/); $line =~ s/^[\s\|]+//; $line =~ s/[\s\|]+$//; local @row = split(/\|/, $line); map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$// } @row; push(@data, \@row); } $rv = { 'titles' => \@titles, 'data' => \@data }; } elsif ($dash !~ /^-/) { # no output, such as from an insert $rv = undef; } else { # psql-style output local @titles = split(/\|/, $line); map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$// } @titles; while(1) { $line = ; last if (!$line || $line =~ /^\(\d+\s+\S+\)/); local @row = split(/\|/, $line); map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$// } @row; push(@data, \@row); } $rv = { 'titles' => \@titles, 'data' => \@data }; } } close(OUT); return $rv; } else { # Running a special \ command local ( @titles, @row, @data, $rc, $emsgf, $emsg ) ; $emsgf = &tempname(); $rc = &system_logged ( "$cmd < $temp >$emsgf 2>&1"); $emsg = `cat $emsgf` ; unlink ( $emsgf ) ; if ($rc) { &error ( "
" ); } else { @titles = ( " Command Invocation " ) ; @row = ( " Done ( return code : $rc )" ) ; map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$// } @row ; push ( @data, \@row ) ; return { 'titles' => \@titles, 'data' => \@data } ; } } } } # execute_sql_logged(database, command) sub execute_sql_logged { &additional_log('sql', $_[0], $_[1]); return &execute_sql(@_); } # run_as_postgres(command) sub run_as_postgres { pipe(OUTr, OUTw); local $pid = fork(); if (!$pid) { untie(*STDIN); untie(*STDOUT); untie(*STDERR); close(STDIN); open(STDOUT, ">&OUTw"); open(STDERR, ">&OUTw"); local @u = getpwnam($config{'user'}); $( = $u[3]; $) = "$u[3] $u[3]"; ($>, $<) = ($u[2], $u[2]); exec(@_); print "Exec failed : $!\n"; exit 1; } close(OUTw); return OUTr; } sub can_edit_db { if ($module_info{'usermin'}) { foreach $l (split(/\t/, $config{'access'})) { if ($l =~ /^(\S+):\s*(.*)$/ && ($1 eq $remote_user || $1 eq '*')) { local @dbs = split(/\s+/, $2); foreach $d (@dbs) { $d =~ s/\$REMOTE_USER/$remote_user/g; return 1 if ($d eq '*' || $_[0] =~ /^$d$/); } return 0; } } return 0; } else { local $d; return 1 if ($access{'dbs'} eq '*'); foreach $d (split(/\s+/, $access{'dbs'})) { return 1 if ($d && $d eq $_[0]); } return 0; } } # get_hba_config(version) # Parses the postgres host access config file sub get_hba_config { local $lnum = 0; open(HBA, $config{'hba_conf'}); while() { s/\r|\n//g; s/^\s*#.*$//g; if ($_[0] >= 7.3) { # New file format if (/^\s*(host|hostssl)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)(\s+(\S+))?/) { push(@rv, { 'type' => $1, 'index' => scalar(@rv), 'line' => $lnum, 'db' => $2, 'user' => $3, 'address' => $4, 'netmask' => $5, 'auth' => $6, 'arg' => $8 } ); } elsif (/^\s*local\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)(\s+(\S+))?/) { push(@rv, { 'type' => 'local', 'index' => scalar(@rv), 'line' => $lnum, 'db' => $1, 'user' => $2, 'auth' => $3, 'arg' => $5 } ); } } else { # Old file format if (/^\s*host\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)(\s+(\S+))?/) { push(@rv, { 'type' => 'host', 'index' => scalar(@rv), 'line' => $lnum, 'db' => $1, 'address' => $2, 'netmask' => $3, 'auth' => $4, 'arg' => $6 } ); } elsif (/^\s*local\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)(\s+(\S+))?/) { push(@rv, { 'type' => 'local', 'index' => scalar(@rv), 'line' => $lnum, 'db' => $1, 'auth' => $2, 'arg' => $4 } ); } } $lnum++; } close(HBA); return @rv; } # create_hba(&hba, version) sub create_hba { local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'hba_conf'}); push(@$lref, &hba_line($_[0], $_[1])); &flush_file_lines(); } # delete_hba(&hba, version) sub delete_hba { local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'hba_conf'}); splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, 1); &flush_file_lines(); } # modify_hba(&hba, version) sub modify_hba { local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'hba_conf'}); splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, 1, &hba_line($_[0], $_[1])); &flush_file_lines(); } # swap_hba(&hba1, &hba2) sub swap_hba { local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'hba_conf'}); local $line0 = $lref->[$_[0]->{'line'}]; local $line1 = $lref->[$_[1]->{'line'}]; $lref->[$_[1]->{'line'}] = $line0; $lref->[$_[0]->{'line'}] = $line1; &flush_file_lines(); } # hba_line(&hba, version) sub hba_line { if ($_[0]->{'type'} eq 'host' || $_[0]->{'type'} eq 'hostssl') { return join(" ", $_[0]->{'type'}, $_[0]->{'db'}, ( $_[1] >= 7.3 ? ( $_[0]->{'user'} ) : ( ) ), $_[0]->{'address'}, $_[0]->{'netmask'}, $_[0]->{'auth'}, $_[0]->{'arg'} ? ( $_[0]->{'arg'} ) : () ); } else { return join(" ", 'local', $_[0]->{'db'}, ( $_[1] >= 7.3 ? ( $_[0]->{'user'} ) : ( ) ), $_[0]->{'auth'}, $_[0]->{'arg'} ? ( $_[0]->{'arg'} ) : () ); } } # split_array(value) sub split_array { if ($_[0] =~ /^\{(.*)\}$/) { local @a = split(/,/, $1); return @a; } else { return ( $_[0] ); } } # join_array(values ..) sub join_array { local $alpha; map { $alpha++ if (!/^-?[0-9\.]+/) } @_; return $alpha ? '{'.join(',', map { "'$_'" } @_).'}' : '{'.join(',', @_).'}'; } sub is_blob { return $_[0]->{'type'} eq 'text' || $_[0]->{'type'} eq 'bytea'; } # restart_postgresql() # HUP postmaster if running, so that hosts file changes take effect sub restart_postgresql { if (open(PID, $config{'pid_file'})) { ($pid = ) =~ s/\r|\n//g; close(PID); &kill_logged('HUP', $pid) if ($pid); } } # date_subs(filename) # Does strftime-style date substitutions on a filename, if enabled sub date_subs { if ($config{'date_subs'}) { eval "use POSIX"; eval "use posix" if ($@); local @tm = localtime(time()); return strftime($_[0], @tm); } else { return $_[0]; } } # execute_before(db, handle, escape, path) sub execute_before { local $cmd = $config{'backup_before_'.$_[0]}; if ($cmd) { $ENV{'BACKUP_FILE'} = $_[3]; local $h = $_[1]; local $out = `($cmd) 2>&1 ".&html_escape($out)."" : $out; } } } # execute_after(db, handle, escape, path) sub execute_after { local $cmd = $config{'backup_after_'.$_[0]}; if ($cmd) { $ENV{'BACKUP_FILE'} = $_[3]; local $h = $_[1]; local $out = `($cmd) 2>&1 ".&html_escape($out)."" : $out; } } } sub quote_table { local @tn = split(/\./, $_[0]); return join(".", map { "\"$_\"" } @tn); } 1; postgresql/view_table.cgi0100755000567100000120000002776610115213040015557 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # view_table.cgi # Display all data in some table require './'; if ($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} !~ /boundary=/) { &ReadParse(); } else { &ReadParseMime(); } &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); @str = &table_structure($in{'db'}, $in{'table'}); $qt = "e_table($in{'table'}); if ($in{'field'}) { ($finfo) = grep { $_->{'field'} eq $in{'field'} } @str; $search = "where \"$in{'field'}\" ". ($finfo->{'type'} eq 'bool' && $in{'match'} <= 1 ? "= $in{'for'}" : $finfo->{'type'} eq 'bool' && $in{'match'} > 1 ? "!= $in{'for'}" : $in{'match'} == 0 ? "like '%$in{'for'}%'" : $in{'match'} == 1 ? "like '$in{'for'}'" : $in{'match'} == 2 ? "not like '%$in{'for'}%'" : $in{'match'} == 3 ? "not like '$in{'for'}'" : " = ''"); } if ($in{'delete'}) { # Deleting selected rows $count = 0; foreach $r (split(/\0/, $in{'row'})) { &execute_sql_logged($in{'db'}, "delete from $qt where oid = ?", $r); $count++; } &webmin_log("delete", "data", $count, \%in); &redirect("view_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&". "table=$in{'table'}&start=$in{'start'}&field=$in{'field'}&". "for=".&urlize($in{'for'})."&match=$in{'match'}"); } elsif ($in{'save'}) { # Update edited rows $count = 0; foreach $r (split(/\0/, $in{'row'})) { local @set; local @params; foreach $t (@str) { local $ij = $in{"${r}_$t->{'field'}"}; local $ijdef = $in{"${r}_$t->{'field'}_def"}; next if ($ijdef || !defined($ij)); if (!$config{'blob_mode'} || !&is_blob($str[$i])) { $ij =~ s/\r//g; } push(@set, "$t->{'field'} = ?"); push(@params, $ij eq "" ? undef : $ij); } &execute_sql_logged($in{'db'}, "update $qt set ". join(" , ", @set)." where oid = ?", @params, $r); $count++; } &webmin_log("modify", "data", $count, \%in); &redirect("view_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&". "table=$in{'table'}&start=$in{'start'}&field=$in{'field'}&". "for=".&urlize($in{'for'})."&match=$in{'match'}"); } elsif ($in{'savenew'}) { # Adding a new row for($j=0; defined($in{$j}); $j++) { if (!$config{'blob_mode'} || !&is_blob($str[$i])) { $in{$j} =~ s/\r//g; } push(@set, $in{$j} eq "" ? undef : $in{$j}); } &execute_sql_logged($in{'db'}, "insert into $qt values (". join(" , ", map { "?" } @set).")", @set); &redirect("view_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&". "table=$in{'table'}&start=$in{'start'}&field=$in{'field'}&". "for=".&urlize($in{'for'})."&match=$in{'match'}"); &webmin_log("create", "data", undef, \%in); } elsif ($in{'cancel'} || $in{'new'}) { undef($in{'row'}); } $desc = &text('table_header', "$in{'table'}", "$in{'db'}"); &ui_print_header($desc, $text{'view_title'}, "", "view_table"); foreach $t (@str) { $has_blob++ if (&is_blob($t)); } if (!$driver_handle && $config{'blob_mode'} && $has_blob) { print "
",&text('view_warn', "DBI", "DBD::Pg"),"

\n"; } $d = &execute_sql($in{'db'}, "select count(*) from $qt $search"); $total = $d->{'data'}->[0]->[0]; if ($in{'jump'} > 0) { $in{'start'} = int($in{'jump'} / $config{'perpage'}) * $config{'perpage'}; if ($in{'start'} >= $total) { $in{'start'} = $total - $config{'perpage'}; $in{'start'} = int(($in{'start'} / $config{'perpage'}) + 1) * $config{'perpage'}; } } else { $in{'start'} = int($in{'start'}); } if ($in{'new'} && $total > $config{'perpage'}) { # go to the last screen for adding a row $in{'start'} = $total - $config{'perpage'}; $in{'start'} = int(($in{'start'} / $config{'perpage'}) + 1) * $config{'perpage'}; } if ($in{'start'} || $total > $config{'perpage'}) { print "

\n"; if ($in{'start'}) { printf "". "\n", $in{'db'}, $in{'table'}, $in{'start'} - $config{'perpage'}, $in{'field'}, &urlize($in{'for'}), $in{'match'}; } print "",&text('view_pos', $in{'start'}+1, $in{'start'}+$config{'perpage'} > $total ? $total : $in{'start'}+$config{'perpage'}, $total),"\n"; if ($in{'start'}+$config{'perpage'} < $total) { printf "". "\n", $in{'db'}, $in{'table'}, $in{'start'} + $config{'perpage'}, $in{'field'}, &urlize($in{'for'}), $in{'match'}; } print "
\n"; } if ($in{'field'}) { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
",&text('view_searchhead', "$in{'for'}", "$in{'field'}"),"$text{'view_searchreset'}
\n"; } if ($config{'blob_mode'}) { print "
\n"; } else { print "\n"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; if ($in{'field'}) { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } $check = !defined($in{'row'}) && !$in{'new'}; if ($total || $in{'new'}) { $d = &execute_sql($in{'db'}, "select oid,* from $qt $search limit ". "$config{'perpage'} offset $in{'start'}"); @data = @{$d->{'data'}}; @titles = @{$d->{'titles'}}; shift(@titles); print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n" if ($check); foreach $t (@str) { print "\n"; } print "\n"; map { $row{$_}++ } split(/\0/, $in{'row'}); $w = int(100 / scalar(@str)); $w = 10 if ($w < 10); for($i=0; $i<@data; $i++) { local @d = @{$data[$i]}; local $oid = shift(@d); print "\n"; if ($row{$oid} && ($config{'add_mode'} || $has_blob)) { # Show multi-line row editor printf "\n"; print "\n"; } elsif ($row{$oid}) { # Show simple row editor for($j=0; $j<@d; $j++) { $d[$j] = &html_escape($d[$j]); local $l = $d[$j] =~ tr/\n/\n/; local $nm = "${oid}_$titles[$j]"; if ($config{'blob_mode'} && &is_blob($str[$j])) { # Cannot edit this blob print "\n"; } elsif ($l) { $l++; print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; } } print "\n"; } else { # Show contents of row print "\n" if ($check); local $j = 0; foreach $c (@d) { if ($config{'blob_mode'} && &is_blob($str[$j]) && $c ne '') { print "\n"; } else { printf "\n", $c =~ /\S/ ? &html_escape($c) : "
"; } $j++; } } print "\n"; } if ($in{'new'} && ($config{'add_mode'} || $has_blob)) { # Show new fields in longer format print "
\n", scalar(@d); print "\n"; print " ", "\n"; for($j=0; $j<@d; $j++) { local $nm = "${oid}_$titles[$j]"; print "\n"; $d[$j] = &html_escape($d[$j]); if ($config{'blob_mode'} && &is_blob($str[$j])) { # Show as keep/upload inputs print "\n"; } elsif ($str[$j]->{'type'} =~ /\((\d+)\)/) { local $nw = $1 > 70 ? 70 : $1; print "\n"; } elsif (&is_blob($str[$j])) { print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; } print "\n"; } print "
$titles[$j] $text{'view_keep'}\n"; print " $text{'view_set'}\n"; print "


\n"; print " ", "\n"; for($j=0; $j<@str; $j++) { print "\n"; if ($config{'blob_mode'} && &is_blob($str[$j])) { print "\n"; } elsif ($str[$j]->{'type'} =~ /\((\d+)\)/) { local $nw = $1 > 70 ? 70 : $1; print "\n"; } elsif (&is_blob($str[$j])) { print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; } print "\n"; } } elsif ($in{'new'}) { # Show new field row at end of table print "\n"; for($j=0; $j<@str; $j++) { print "\n"; } print "\n"; } print "
\n"; if ($check) { print &select_all_link("row", 0, $text{'view_all'})," \n"; print &select_invert_link("row", 0, $text{'view_invert'}),"
\n"; } } else { print "$text{'view_none'}

\n"; } print "\n"; if (!$check) { if ($in{'new'}) { print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; } print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "

\n"; if (!$in{'field'} && $total > $config{'perpage'}) { print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; $sel = ""; $match = ""; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
",&text('view_search2', "", $sel, $match); print "  ", "
"; print "
\n"; } &ui_print_footer("edit_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&table=$in{'table'}",$text{'table_return'}, "edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}", $text{'dbase_return'}, "", $text{'index_return'}); postgresql/newdb_form.cgi0100755000567100000120000000255410114726261015561 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # newdb_form.cgi # Display a form for creating a new database require './'; $access{'create'} || &error($text{'newdb_ecannot'}); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'newdb_title'}, "", "newdb_form"); print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; if (&get_postgresql_version() >= 7) { print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
$text{'newdb_user'} $text{'default'}\n"; print "\n"; print "
$text{'newdb_path'} $text{'default'}\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}); postgresql/edit_user.cgi0100775000567100000120000000513110114726111015410 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # edit_user.cgi # Display a form for editing or creating a user require './'; &ReadParse(); $access{'users'} || &error($text{'user_ecannot'}); if ($in{'new'}) { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'user_create'}, ""); } else { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'user_edit'}, ""); $s = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, "select * from pg_shadow ". "where usename = '$in{'user'}'"); @user = @{$s->{'data'}->[0]}; } print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; if ($in{'new'} || &get_postgresql_version() >= 7.4) { print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; } print "\n"; printf "\n"; print "\n"; printf "\n", $user[2] =~ /t|1/ ? '' : 'checked'; print "\n"; printf "\n", $user[4] =~ /t|1/ ? '' : 'checked'; print "\n"; print "
$text{'user_name'}$user[0]$text{'user_passwd'} %s\n", $user[6] ? '' : 'checked', $in{'new'} ? $text{'user_none'} : $text{'user_nochange'}; printf " %s\n", $user[6] ? 'checked' : '', $text{'user_setto'}; print "
$text{'user_db'} $text{'yes'}\n", $user[2] =~ /t|1/ ? 'checked' : ''; printf " $text{'no'}$text{'user_other'} $text{'yes'}\n", $user[4] =~ /t|1/ ? 'checked' : ''; printf " $text{'no'}
$text{'user_until'} \n"; if (!$user[7]) { printf " %s\n", $user[7] ? '' : 'checked', $text{'user_forever'}; printf "\n", $user[7] ? 'checked' : ''; } print "
\n"; print "\n"; if ($in{'new'}) { print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "
\n"; &ui_print_footer("list_users.cgi", $text{'user_return'}); postgresql/edit_dbase.cgi0100755000567100000120000000540010115213040015476 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # edit_dbase.cgi # Show database tables require './'; &ReadParse(); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); @titles = grep { &can_edit_db($_) } &list_databases(); $desc = "$in{'db'}"; if (@titles == 1 && $module_info{'usermin'}) { # Single-database mode &ui_print_header($desc, $text{'dbase_title'}, "", "edit_dbase", 1, 1); $single = 1; } else { &ui_print_header($desc, $text{'dbase_title'}, "", "edit_dbase"); } # Is this database accepting connections? @str = &table_structure($config{'basedb'}, "pg_database"); foreach $f (@str) { $hasconn++ if ($f->{'field'} eq 'datallowconn'); } if ($hasconn) { $rv = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, "select datallowconn from pg_database where datname = '$in{'db'}'"); if ($rv->{'data'}->[0]->[0] !~ /^(t|1)/i) { print "$text{'dbase_noconn'}

\n"; &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}); exit; } } @titles = &list_tables($in{'db'}); if (@titles) { &show_buttons(); @icons = map { "images/table.gif" } @titles; @links = map { "edit_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&table=$_" } @titles; @titles = map { &html_escape($_) } @titles; &icons_table(\@links, \@titles, \@icons, 5); } else { print "$text{'dbase_none'}

\n"; } &show_buttons(); if ($single) { &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); } else { &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}); } sub show_buttons { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; if ($access{'delete'}) { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } if ( &get_postgresql_version() >= 7.2 ) { if ($access{'backup'}) { print "\n" ; print "\n" ; print "\n" ; } if ($access{'restore'}) { print "\n" ; print "\n" ; print "\n" ; } } print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print $text{'dbase_fields'},"\n"; print "
\n"; } postgresql/stop.cgi0100755000567100000120000000115410114725647014426 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # stop.cgi # Stop the PostgreSQL database server require './'; &error_setup($text{'stop_err'}); $access{'stop'} || &error($text{'stop_ecannot'}); if ($config{'stop_cmd'}) { $out = &backquote_logged("$config{'stop_cmd'} 2>&1"); if ($?) { &error("

"); } } else { open(PID, $config{'pid_file'}); ($pid = ) =~ s/\r|\n//g; close(PID); $pid || &error(&text('stop_epidfile', "$config{'pid_file'}")); &kill_logged('TERM', $pid) || &error(&text('stop_ekill', "$pid", "$!")); } sleep(2); &webmin_log("stop"); &redirect(""); postgresql/edit_field.cgi0100755000567100000120000000532210117720626015525 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # edit_field.cgi # Display a form for editing an existing field or creating a new one require './'; &ReadParse(); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); $desc = &text('field_in', "$in{'table'}", "$in{'db'}"); if ($in{'type'}) { # Creating a new field &ui_print_header($desc, $text{'field_title1'}, "", "create_field"); $type = $in{'type'}; } else { # Editing an existing field &ui_print_header($desc, $text{'field_title2'}, "", "edit_field"); @desc = &table_structure($in{'db'}, $in{'table'}); $f = $desc[$in{'idx'}]; $type = $f->{'type'}; } print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n" if (!$in{'type'}); if ($type =~ /^(\S+)\((.*)\)/) { $type = $1; $size = $2; } print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; if ($type eq 'char' || $type eq 'varchar' || $type eq 'numeric') { if ($in{'type'}) { # Type has a size print "\n"; print "\n"; } else { # Type cannot be edited print "\n"; print "\n"; } } print "\n"; if (!$in{'type'}) { # Display nulls print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "
$text{'field_arr'} \n"; if ($in{'type'}) { # Ask if this is an array print " $text{'yes'}\n"; print " $text{'no'}\n"; } else { # Display if array or not print $f->{'arr'} eq 'YES' ? $text{'yes'} : $text{'no'}; } print "
$text{'field_null'}",$f->{'null'} eq 'YES' ? $text{'yes'} : $text{'no'},"
\n"; if ($in{'type'}) { print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; if (&can_drop_fields() && @desc > 1) { print "\n"; } } print "
\n"; &ui_print_footer("edit_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&table=$in{'table'}",$text{'table_return'}, "edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}", $text{'dbase_return'}, "", $text{'index_return'}); postgresql/list_grants.cgi0100775000567100000120000000435610114726241015772 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # list_grants.cgi # Display all granted privileges require './'; $access{'users'} || &error($text{'grant_ecannot'}); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'grant_title'}, "", "list_grants"); # Check for down databases @str = &table_structure($config{'basedb'}, "pg_database"); foreach $f (@str) { $hasconn++ if ($f->{'field'} eq 'datallowconn'); } if ($hasconn) { $rv = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, "select datname,datallowconn from pg_database"); foreach $r (@{$rv->{'data'}}) { $dbup{$r->[0]} = ($r->[1] =~ /^(t|1)/i); } } @dblist = &list_databases(); foreach $d (@dblist) { next if (!$dbup{$d} && $hasconn); $t = &execute_sql($d, "select relname,reltype,relkind,relhasrules from pg_class"); map { $type{$_->[0]} = $_->[2] eq 'r' && $_->[3] eq 't' ? 'v' : $_->[2] } @{$t->{'data'}}; # Create table -> schema map # XXX foreach $tn (&list_tables($d)) { } $s = &execute_sql($d, 'select relname, relacl from pg_class where (relkind = \'r\' OR relkind = \'S\') and relname !~ \'^pg_\' order by relname'); foreach $g (@{$s->{'data'}}) { $type = $type{$g->[0]}; if (!$doneheader++) { print "\n"; print " ", " ", " ", "\n"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } } if ($doneheader) { print "
",&html_escape($g->[0]),"",$text{"grant_$type"}."",&html_escape($d),"\n"; $g->[1] =~ s/^\{//; $g->[1] =~ s/\}$//; @gr = grep { /=\S/ } map { /^"(.*)"$/ ? $1 : $_ } split(/,/, $g->[1]); foreach $gr (@gr) { print " | " if ($gr ne $gr[0]); if ($gr =~ /^=(\S+)/) { print $text{'grant_public'}; } elsif ($gr =~ /^group\s+(\S+)=(\S+)/) { print &text('grant_group', "".&html_escape($1).""); } elsif ($gr =~ /^(\S+)=(\S+)$/) { print "".&html_escape($1).""; } } print " 

\n"; } else { print "$text{'grant_none'}

\n"; } &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}); postgresql/save_user.cgi0100775000567100000120000000276310114725647015446 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # save_user.cgi # Create, update or delete a postgres user require './'; &ReadParse(); $access{'users'} || &error($text{'user_ecannot'}); &error_setup($text{'user_err'}); if ($in{'delete'}) { # just delete the user &execute_sql_logged($config{'basedb'}, "drop user \"$in{'user'}\""); &webmin_log("delete", "user", $in{'user'}); } else { # parse inputs $version = &get_postgresql_version(); if (!$in{'pass_def'}) { $in{'pass'} =~ /^\S+$/ || &error($text{'user_epass'}); $sql .= $version >= 7 ? " with password '$in{'pass'}'" : " with password $in{'pass'}"; } elsif ($in{'new'}) { $sql .= " with password ''"; } if ($in{'db'}) { $sql .= " createdb"; } else { $sql .= " nocreatedb"; } if ($in{'other'}) { $sql .= " createuser"; } else { $sql .= " nocreateuser"; } if (!$in{'until_def'}) { $sql .= " valid until '$in{'until'}'"; } if ($in{'new'}) { $in{'name'} =~ /^\S+$/ || &error($text{'user_ename'}); &execute_sql_logged($config{'basedb'}, "create user \"$in{'name'}\" $sql"); &webmin_log("create", "user", $in{'name'}); } else { &execute_sql_logged($config{'basedb'}, "alter user \"$in{'user'}\" $sql"); if (&get_postgresql_version() >= 7.4 && $in{'name'} ne $in{'user'}) { # Rename too &execute_sql_logged($config{'basedb'}, "alter user \"$in{'user'}\" ". "rename to \"$in{'name'}\""); } &webmin_log("modify", "user", $in{'user'}); } } &redirect("list_users.cgi"); postgresql/edit_table.cgi0100755000567100000120000000533210115476265015537 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # edit_table.cgi # Display the structure of some table require './'; &ReadParse(); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); $desc = &text('table_header', "$in{'table'}", "$in{'db'}"); &ui_print_header($desc, $text{'table_title'}, "", "edit_table"); @desc = &table_structure($in{'db'}, $in{'table'}); print "

\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; $mid = int((@desc / 2)+0.5); print "
\n"; &type_table(0, $mid); print "\n"; &type_table($mid, scalar(@desc)) if (@desc > 1); print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; if (!&can_drop_fields()) { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "
\n"; print "
\n"; print "
\n"; print "
\n"; &ui_print_footer("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}", $text{'dbase_return'}, "", $text{'index_return'}); sub type_table { print "\n"; print " ", " ", " ", "\n"; local $i; for($i=$_[0]; $i<$_[1]; $i++) { local $r = $desc[$i]; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "
",&html_escape($r->{'field'}),"",&html_escape($r->{'type'}),"",$r->{'arr'} eq 'YES' ? $text{'yes'} : $text{'no'},"",$r->{'null'} eq 'YES' ? $text{'yes'} : $text{'no'},"
\n"; } postgresql/defaultacl0100664000567100000120000000007207605704332015000 0ustar jcameronwheeldbs=* create=1 delete=1 stop=1 users=1 backup=1 restore=1 postgresql/images/0040775000567100000120000000000007635467611014233 5ustar jcameronwheelpostgresql/images/db.gif0100644000567100000120000000071607243602425015273 0ustar jcameronwheelGIF89a00`d`!Made with GIMP! ,00x0@8k*`(d)t Cp{F@X۱<(]G9Arvqx* kא 9g U٣ά rh)u|OQPUes)0kl4G _\ZfcbolGB7tE{xB~6``JMFwzͯṋיgsph`hmjǐm -lWO`-dXCt6R>Tod@m YHO弐i:daĖ:-*Q eF~WiĠ*ΆB TjVDOi)qViZQp]5.۹oz+ڟvˉPUKHX̸;postgresql/images/grants.gif0100644000567100000120000000351507243602404016201 0ustar jcameronwheelGIF89a00´޺޾~tҢΚ†|~tΞƊƼʒڶ֪Ҧzt‚|fdҪʒƎʖ̺rlvljdڲƼ֮ʎ̶ƼƆ|ʚvlԚ|Ҟ캶ʼ䖖zztrnl~~t||ԾVVTrrlμƴƼʼ´ܺ¾䦢!Made with GIMP! ,00H*\Ȱ?"F|HQċ+6 G; IɒTqK\(`/se ".`$ @A.ԹJ0XȠB"rp@a!DPUi$J0Q…rW@$2HjhD p`6SJIH`1 D1pf1$He A<@է4j<9tkz#)b>~a"DUzCj!c7Jk#=̹4]т%=,WN D:^o߈8; *q8 !pKBD9DN= QHAD`:CkSTwJt -pC`{Vs 9Pzܶٔ {Z]5˿p{ duկx{%b >N )B#׾jО@Em"0 '21%Kz%V.T#Izn'134)~HB2 ;postgresql/images/table.gif0100644000567100000120000000055607243602360015775 0ustar jcameronwheelGIF89a00`d`!Made with GIMP! ,00x0I8ͻ`(J hl C@߳5  وŤf x0EǡvY/x4L5Q[P ޞ{|su|&0w~zUq&xsr~ƹǛɯʂƽ˓߽Ӽ0dP|v <  F8"}$Ҹ(SL˗0cʜI͛.;postgresql/images/hosts.gif0100644000567100000120000000063407243602076016047 0ustar jcameronwheelGIF89a00[[[!Made with GIMP!,00H06@8KA_mXe%Brm 7ܤƠpAD.)(ARR]Ӗisu֕ 4iʖnpCWLndtQZ 3(R5( xyjqXr.1cu^OYRJ4z *žCʩGIȒlԻ?hz=ශLh譸p0`90Œ` N(DF#X<̇P0E%r*HY"`*UVB̛t8iI\4hMRIT%=oTKrV+D`$;postgresql/images/icon.gif0100644000567100000120000000333007243602334015630 0ustar jcameronwheelGIF89a00~æɞܰkbu[zwc_pyrKd{:N`F^s^~'4@w%,|AWk7IZOi;N`[zKc{4FVfv9M_~E\rF]rMf~RmUrPjUqVt mXv=ReAWlRnα[vͲ!'z3CQo1BQk:EIY_vFS1AP.>Liqtrfru3DT_n{-;I噮Vd2CRw휠q9HPctq_mzEQ*4餶g}Lb8De[to˔^`4?ew9L^pt$xcu~ov0@OWm(5BVgw﮲=QdUo((}m%1ifljMf]rɻ/;#'zqp@KV4=Fou{{"-7h!Made with GIMP!,00 H*\ȰÇ#JHŅ..  $@B!T\2t͑LdzgO&6'Q$Pzsd|S*h kW@`4V"\Q!`,>4t@ =8إ,uHWtm ?@t8: H M 5ÀCu‚.hk r6Ae<]6 i\\g4 9<ؗz 0ZQg: gk Ax2``h@LGdAx>T@%07@ lh 44YH <>Ӹb𐃗Cn =@<OQeJU #HC gAаAh?w!bX%qPjX("RC ͝buX r¨ pt0P ̀A+fJ(y '$YAf z$̠(&IX@̀ Iw>Bؑ/,!LĀ(87<ܹC- >7@h)]2VL, .D@WL.`7Ā6DEDafD,B?ĀBsIϦ|-.E+ID} !@>@[8?$曃VJQzAmlS>]2{Aa{"~X !`nP0nFTG$ElT-x= ' 1|A~ iz+d%P@;postgresql/images/users.gif0100644000567100000120000000044507243602451016045 0ustar jcameronwheelGIF89a00fff!Made with GIMP!,0080I!˥#]52D*P2I뻅 C&{)G3i1V?_ Y/$ fzwY}x:{XY~]tX)iq#)+,YSf@~vowZ@}N AKJT;postgresql/images/smallicon.gif0100664000567100000120000000216707777121251016700 0ustar jcameronwheelGIF87aꚯ3DS·̽pNimj:N`ȣ`}h{y,;H]}eoկϮJbyH`wNhio|a~Qll>SfYep~ikVpWoힱAWl[zϞXq`p^y3DTKe|ͩ˻ֺչomi]t{zjujsf~ҞòПYwhLdyf[t.=KF^s񊡹}άKd{hRl7IZp큛lt9M_RnԐqiWt畧cE[qϭvto{K^sd9L^lkZwhXu=Re}{bPh~JbxH`v㈡b|Lf}˹Oj߀j?Sft{ӡƳѠhwWo,H*,faA%1L0d']LR&ZXH$᠖$$ŀW &Mq)Q"XQH!$Fba@`|0c G,}PPjDAPLO+!5|dQlMX4bha B#zO صㆲ=E@ ?WJIspӢ8gHAi`NQ,e TA,aP+\]Ѩr*: oXoC /D9/H>8<p% (1Br 8(PNX8TI1`,&;postgresql/exec_form.cgi0100755000567100000120000000241010115213040015360 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # exec_form.cgi # Display a form for executing SQL in some database require './'; &ReadParse(); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'exec_title'}, "", "exec_form"); print "

",&text('exec_header', "$in{'db'}"),"

\n"; print "

\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "
\n"; print "
\n"; print "

",&text('exec_header2', "$in{'db'}"),"

\n"; print "

\n"; print " \n"; print "\n"; print " ", "\n"; print "
", "$text{'exec_file'} ", &file_chooser_button("file", 0, 1),"
", "$text{'exec_upload'}
\n"; &ui_print_footer("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}", $text{'dbase_return'}, "", $text{'index_return'}); postgresql/login.cgi0100755000567100000120000000150310114725647014547 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # login.cgi # Save PostgreSQL login and password require './'; &ReadParse(); &error_setup($text{'login_err'}); $access{'user'} || !$access{'noconfig'} || &error($text{'login_ecannot'}); $in{'login'} || &error($text{'login_elogin'}); $postgres_login = $config{'login'} = $in{'login'}; $postgres_pass = $config{'pass'} = $in{'pass'}; if (!$access{'user'}) { $postgres_sameunix = $config{'sameunix'} = $in{'sameunix'}; } if (&is_postgresql_running() == -1) { &error($text{'login_epass'}); } if ($access{'user'}) { # Update this user's ACL $access{'user'} = $in{'login'}; $access{'pass'} = $in{'pass'}; &save_module_acl(\%access); } else { # Update global login &write_file("$module_config_directory/config", \%config); chmod(0700, "$module_config_directory/config"); } &redirect(""); postgresql/list_locals.cgi0100775000567100000120000000144110114726251015742 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # list_locals.cgi # Display local access records require './'; $access{'users'} || &error($text{'local_ecannot'}); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'local_title'}, ""); @locals = grep { $_->{'type'} eq 'local' } &get_hba_config(); print "\n"; print " ", "\n"; foreach $l (@locals) { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "
",$l->{'db'} eq 'all' ? $text{'host_all'} : $l->{'db'} eq 'sameuser' ? $text{'host_same'} : $l->{'db'},"",$text{"host_$l->{'auth'}"},"
\n"; print "$text{'local_add'}

\n"; &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index'}); postgresql/save_group.cgi0100775000567100000120000000240710114725647015617 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # save_group.cgi # Create, update or delete a postgres group require './'; &ReadParse(); $access{'users'} || &error($text{'group_ecannot'}); &error_setup($text{'group_err'}); if ($in{'delete'}) { # just delete the group &execute_sql_logged($config{'basedb'}, "delete from pg_group where grosysid = $in{'gid'}"); &webmin_log("delete", "group", $in{'name'}); } else { # parse inputs $in{'name'} =~ /^\S+$/ || &error($text{'group_ename'}); $s = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, "select * from pg_group where groname = '$in{'name'}'"); $in{'gid'} =~ /^\d+$/ || &error($text{'group_egid'}); if ($in{'new'}) { $s->{'data'}->[0]->[0] && &error($text{'group_etaken'}); } else { $s->{'data'}->[0]->[0] && $s->{'data'}->[0]->[1] != $in{'gid'} && &error($text{'group_etaken'}); } $mems = &join_array(split(/\0/, $in{'mems'})); if ($in{'new'}) { &execute_sql_logged($config{'basedb'}, "insert into pg_group values ('$in{'name'}', '$in{'gid'}', '$mems')"); &webmin_log("create", "group", $in{'name'}); } else { &execute_sql_logged($config{'basedb'}, "update pg_group set groname = '$in{'name'}', grolist = '$mems' where grosysid = $in{'gid'}"); &webmin_log("modify", "group", $in{'name'}); } } &redirect("list_groups.cgi"); postgresql/list_groups.cgi0100775000567100000120000000230610114726244016007 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # list_groups.cgi # Display all groups in the database require './'; $access{'users'} || &error($text{'group_ecannot'}); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'group_title'}, "", "list_groups"); $s = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, "select * from pg_user"); foreach $u (@{$s->{'data'}}) { $uid{$u->[1]} = $u->[0]; } $s = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, "select * from pg_group"); if (@{$s->{'data'}}) { print "$text{'group_add'}
\n"; print "\n"; print " ", " ", "\n"; foreach $g (@{$s->{'data'}}) { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "
", &html_escape($g->[0]),"$g->[1]",join(" | ", map { &html_escape($uid{$_}) } &split_array($g->[2])), " 
\n"; } else { print "$text{'group_none'}

\n"; } print "$text{'group_add'}

\n"; &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}); postgresql/create_table.cgi0100755000567100000120000000230310115213040016024 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # create_table.cgi # Create a new table require './'; &ReadParse(); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); &error_setup($text{'table_err'}); $in{'name'} =~ /^\S+$/ || &error($text{'table_ename'}); for($i=0; defined($in{"field_$i"}); $i++) { next if (!$in{"field_$i"}); $in{"field_$i"} =~ /^\S+$/ || &error(&text('table_efield', $in{"field_$i"})); $in{"type_$i"} || &error(&text('table_etype', $in{"field_$i"})); if ($in{"size_$i"}) { if (&is_blob({ 'type' => $in{"type_$i"} })) { &error(&text('table_eblob', $in{"field_$i"})); } $f = sprintf "\"%s\" %s(%s)", $in{"field_$i"}, $in{"type_$i"}, $in{"size_$i"}; } else { $f = sprintf "\"%s\" %s", $in{"field_$i"}, $in{"type_$i"}; } if ($in{"arr_$i"}) { $f .= "[]"; } if (!$in{"null_$i"}) { $f .= " not null"; } if ($in{"key_$i"}) { $f .= " primary key"; } if ($in{"uniq_$i"}) { $f .= " unique"; } push(@fields, $f); } @fields || &error($text{'table_enone'}); $qt = "e_table($in{'name'}); $sql = "create table $qt (".join(",", @fields).")"; &execute_sql_logged($in{'db'}, $sql); &webmin_log("create", "table", $in{'name'}, \%in); &redirect("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}"); postgresql/config-suse-linux0100644000567100000120000000056507753534503016265 0ustar jcameronwheelhba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf psql=/usr/lib/pgsql/bin/psql start_cmd=/sbin/init.d/postgres start basedb=template1 perpage=25 plib= pass= login=postgres stop_cmd=/sbin/init.d/postgres stop pid_file=/var/run/ nodbi=0 dump_cmd=/usr/lib/pgsql/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/lib/pgsql/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/module.info0100644000567100000120000000114110117720774015107 0ustar jcameronwheelcategory=servers desc_ko_KR.euc=PostgreSQL ͺ̽ risk=low medium high desc_pl=Serwer baz danych PostgreSQL desc=PostgreSQL Database Server desc_es=Servidor de Base de Datos PostgreSQL desc_sv=PostgreSQL-databasserver name=PostgreSQL desc_ja_JP.euc=PostgreSQL ǡ١ desc_zh_CN=PostgreSQL ݿ desc_ca=Servidor de BD PostgreSQL desc_zh_TW.Big5=PostgreSQLƮwA desc_de=PostgreSQL Datenbank-Server desc_ru_SU= PostgreSQL desc_ru_RU= PostgreSQL longdesc=Manage databases, tables and users in your PostgreSQL database server. version=1.161 postgresql/lang/0040775000567100000120000000000010115476137013675 5ustar jcameronwheelpostgresql/lang/en0100644000567100000120000003714210115476137014224 0ustar jcameronwheelindex_title=PostgreSQL Database Server index_notrun=PostgreSQL is not running on your system - database list could not be retrieved. index_start=Start PostgreSQL Server index_startmsg=Click this button to start the PostgreSQL database server on your system with the command
. This Webmin module cannot administer the database until it is started. index_nopass=Webmin needs to know your PostgreSQL administration login and password in order to manage your database. Please enter your administration username and password below. index_nouser=Your Webmin account is configured to connect to the PostgreSQL server as user $1, but this user has been denied access. index_ltitle=PostgreSQL Login index_sameunix=Connect as same Unix user? index_login=Login index_pass=Password index_clear=Clear index_stop=Stop PostgreSQL Server index_stopmsg=Click this button to stop the PostgreSQL database server on your system. This will prevent any users or programs from accessing the database, including this Webmin module. index_dbs=PostgreSQL Databases index_add=Create a new database index_users=User Options index_return=database list index_esql=The PostgreSQL client program $1 was not found on your system. Maybe PostgreSQL is not installed, or your module configuration is incorrect. index_ehba=The PostgreSQL host configuration file $1 was not found on your system. Maybe PostgreSQL has not been initialised, or your module configuration is incorrect. index_superuser=The PostgreSQL client program psql could not execute on your system. Maybe PostgreSQL is not installed, or your module configuration is incorrect. index_eversion=The PostgreSQL database on your system is version $1, but Webmin only supports versions $2 and above. index_elibrary=The PostgreSQL client program $1 could not be run because it could not find the Postgres shared libraries. Check the module configuration and make sure the Path to PostgreSQL shared libraries is set. index_ldpath=Your shared library path is set to $1, and the output from $2 was : index_version=PostgreSQL version $1 index_setup=The PostgreSQL host configuration file $1 was not found on your system, indicating that the database has not been initialized yet. Click the button below to setup PostgreSQL with the command $2. index_setupok=Initialize Database index_nomod=Warning: The Perl module $1 is not installed on your system, so Webmin will not be able to reliably access your PostgreSQL database. Click here to install it now. index_nomods=Warning: The Perl modules $1 and $2 are not installed on your system, so Webmin will not be able to reliably access your PostgreSQL database. Click here to install them now. index_nodbs=You do not have access to any databases. index_backup=Backup Databases index_backupmsg=Click this button to setup the backup of all PostgreSQL databases, either immediately or on a configured schedule. login_err=Login failed login_ecannot=You are not allowed to configure the database login login_elogin=Missing adminstration login login_epass=Incorrect administration username or password dbase_title=Edit Database dbase_noconn=This database is not currently accepting connections, so no actions can be performed in it. dbase_tables=Database Tables dbase_add=Create a new table dbase_drop=Drop Database dbase_exec=Execute SQL dbase_none=This database has no tables. dbase_fields=Fields: dbase_return=table list dbase_ecannot=You are not allowed to edit this database table_title=Edit Table table_title2=Create Table table_opts=Field options table_header=Table $1 in database $2 table_field=Field name table_type=Type table_null=Allow nulls? table_arr=Array? table_none=None table_add=Add field of type: table_return=field list table_data=View Data table_drop=Drop Table table_name=Table name table_initial=Initial fields table_header2=New table options table_err=Failed to create table table_ename=Missing or invalid table name table_efield='$1' is not a valid field name table_etype=Missing type for field $1 table_esize=Missing type size for field $1 table_enone=No initial fields entered table_fielddrop=Drop Field table_eblob=No size is needed for BLOB field $1 field_title1=Add Field field_title2=Modify Field field_in=In table $1 in database $2 field_header=Field parameters field_name=Field name field_type=Data type field_size=Type width field_none=None field_null=Allow nulls? field_arr=Array field? field_key=Primary key? field_uniq=Unique? field_err2=Failed to save field field_err1=Failed to delete field field_esize='$1' is not a valid field size field_eenum=No enumerated values entered field_efield='$1' is not a valid field name field_ekey=Fields that allow nulls cannot be part of the primary key exec_title=Execute SQL exec_header=Enter SQL command to execute on database $1 .. exec_exec=Execute exec_err=Failed to execute SQL exec_out=Output from SQL command $1 .. exec_none=No data returned exec_header2=Select an SQL commands file to execute on database $1 .. exec_file=From local file exec_upload=From uploaded file exec_eupload=No file selected to upload exec_efile=Local file does not exist or cannot be read exec_uploadout=Output from uploaded SQL commands .. exec_fileout=Output from SQL commands in file $1 .. exec_noout=No output generated stop_err=Failed to stop database server stop_epidfile=Failed to open PID file $1 stop_ekill=Failed to kill process $1 : $2 stop_ecannot=You are not allowed to stop the database server start_err=Failed to start database server start_ecannot=You are not allowed to start the database server ddrop_err=Failed to drop database ddrop_title=Drop Database ddrop_rusure=Are you sure you want to drop the database $1 ? $2 tables containing $3 rows of data will be deleted. ddrop_mysql=Because this is the master database, dropping it will probably make your PostgreSQL server unusable! ddrop_ok=Drop Database tdrop_err=Failed to drop table tdrop_title=Drop Table tdrop_rusure=Are you sure you want to drop the table $1 in database $2 ? $3 rows of data will be deleted. tdrop_ok=Drop Table view_title=Table Data view_pos=Rows $1 to $2 of $3 view_none=This table contains no data view_edit=Edit selected rows view_new=Add row view_delete=Delete selected rows view_nokey=Data in this table cannot be edited because it has no primary key. view_all=Select all view_invert=Invert selection view_search2=Search for rows where field $2 $3 $1 view_match0=contains view_match1=matches view_match2=doesn't contain view_match3=doesn't match view_searchok=Search view_searchhead=Search results for $1 in field $2 .. view_searchreset=Reset search view_field=Field name view_data=New data view_jump=Jump to row : view_download=Download.. view_keep=Leave unchanged view_set=Set to contents of file.. view_warn=Warning - uploading files into and viewing the contents of text or bytea fields are unlikely to work unless the $1 and $2 Perl modules are installed and in use. newdb_title=Create Database newdb_header=New database options newdb_db=Database name newdb_path=Database file path newdb_err=Failed to create database newdb_edb=Missing or invalid database name newdb_ecannot=You are not allowed to create databases newdb_ecannot2=You are not allowed to create any more databases newdb_epath=Missing database path newdb_user=Owned by user user_title=PostgreSQL Users user_ecannot=You are not allowed to edit users user_name=Username user_db=Can create databases? user_other=Can create users? user_until=Valid until user_add=Create a new user user_forever=Forever user_pass=Requires password? user_edit=Edit User user_create=Create User user_return=user list user_header=PostgreSQL user details user_passwd=Password user_none=None user_setto=Set to user_nochange=Don't change user_err=Failed to save user user_epass=Missing or invalid password user_ename=Missing or invalid username user_sync=The options below configure synchronization between Unix users created through Webmin and PostgreSQL users. user_sync_create=Add a new PostgreSQL user when a Unix user is added. user_sync_modify=Update a PostgreSQL user when the matching Unix user is modified. user_sync_delete=Delete a PostgreSQL user when the matching Unix user is deleted. host_ecannot=You are not allowed to edit allowed hosts host_title=Allowed Hosts host_desc=When a client connects to the database, hosts listed below are processed in order until one matches and the client is allowed or denied. host_header=PostgreSQL client authentication details host_local=Local connection host_address=Host address host_db=Database host_user=Users host_uall=All users host_auth=Authentication mode host_any=Any network host host_all=All databases host_same=Same as username host_gsame=Same as group name host_other=Other.. host_usel=Listed users.. host_add=Create a new allowed host host_ident=Check ident server on host host_trust=No authentication required host_reject=Reject connection host_password=Plaintext password host_crypt=Encrypted password host_md5=MD5 encrypted password host_krb4=Kerberos V4 host_krb5=Kerberos V5 host_pam=PAM host_passwordarg=Use password file host_identarg=Use user map host_pamarg=Use PAM service host_create=Create Allowed Host host_edit=Edit Allowed Host host_single=Single host host_network=Network host_netmask=Netmask host_return=host access list host_err=Failed to save allowed host host_eident=Missing or invalid user map host_epam=Missing or invalid PAM service host_epassword=Missing or invalid password file host_enetmask=Missing or invalid netmask host_enetwork=Missing or invalid network host_ehost=Missing or invalid host IP address host_move=Move host_edb=No database name(s) entered host_euser=No user name(s) entered host_ssl=SSL connection required? host_viassl=Via SSL grant_title=Granted Privileges grant_tvi=Object grant_type=Type grant_db=Database grant_public=Everyone grant_group=Group $1 grant_add=Add grant in database : grant_return=privileges list grant_ecannot=You are not allowed to edit privileges grant_create=Create Grant grant_edit=Edit Grant grant_header=Privileges granted to users grant_to=Grant privileges on grant_table=Table grant_view=View or index grant_users=Grant privileges to grant_user=User grant_what=Privileges grant_r=Table grant_v=View grant_i=Index grant_S=Sequence grant_none=No tables, views, sequences or indexes exist to grant privileges on. group_title=PostgreSQL Groups group_ecannot=You are not allowed to edit groups group_name=Group name group_id=Group ID group_mems=Members group_add=Create a new group group_edit=Edit Group group_create=Create Group group_header=PostgreSQL group details group_return=groups list group_err=Failed to save group group_ename=Missing or invalid group name group_egid=Missing or invalid group ID group_etaken=Group name is already in use group_none=No PostgreSQL groups currently exist esql=SQL $1 failed : $2 log_start=Started PostgreSQL server log_stop=Stopped PostgreSQL server log_db_create=Created database $1 log_db_delete=Dropped database $1 log_table_create=Created table $1 in database $2 log_table_delete=Dropped table $1 from database $2 log_field_create=Added field $1 $4 to $2 in database $3 log_field_modify=Modified field $1 $4 in $2 in database $3 log_field_delete=Deleted field $1 from $2 in database $3 log_data_create=Added row to table $2 in database $3 log_data_modify=Modified $1 rows in table $2 in database $3 log_data_delete=Deleted $1 rows from table $2 in database $3 log_exec=Executed SQL in database $1 log_exec_l=Executed SQL command $2 in database $1 log_create_user=Created user $1 log_delete_user=Deleted user $1 log_modify_user=Modified user $1 log_create_group=Created group $1 log_delete_group=Deleted group $1 log_modify_group=Modified group $1 log_create_local=Created allowed local connection log_modify_local=Modified allowed local connection log_delete_local=Deleted allowed local connection log_move_local=Moved allowed local connection log_create_all=Created any allowed host log_modify_all=Modified any allowed host log_delete_all=Deleted any allowed host log_move_all=Moved any allowed host log_create_hba=Created allowed host $1 log_modify_hba=Modified allowed host $1 log_delete_hba=Deleted allowed host $1 log_move_hba=Moved allowed host $1 log_grant=Granted privileges on $1 in database $2 log_setup=Initialized database log_backup=Backed up database $1 log_backup_l=Backed up database $1 to file $2 log_backup_all=Backed up all databases log_backup_all_l=Backed up all databases to file $2 acl_dbs=Databases this user can manage acl_dbscannot=This access control will become effective, after starting the PostgreSQL database server. acl_dall=All databases acl_dsel=Selected.. acl_create=Can create new databases? acl_max=Yes, at most acl_delete=Can drop databases? acl_stop=Can stop and start the PostgreSQL server? acl_users=Can edit users, groups, hosts and grants? acl_backup=Can create backups? acl_restore=Can restore backups? acl_login=Login to MySQL as acl_user_def=Username from Module Config acl_user=Username acl_pass=password acl_sameunix=Connect and make backups as same Unix user? fdrop_err=Error during field drop fdrop_header=Drop This One fdrop_lose_data=Select box to confirm that you understand that definitions, such as indexes and default values, on all fields may be lost. fdrop_perform=Drop Field fdrop_title=Drop Field setup_err=Failed to initialize database setup_ecannot=You are not allowed to initialize the database dbase_bkup=Backup dbase_rstr=Restore restore_title=Restore Database restore_header=Restore database options restore_db=Database name restore_path=Backup file path restore_err=Failed to restore database restore_edb=Missing or invalid database name restore_eacl=You must be allowed to create and drop database restore_epath=Missing database path restore_go=Restore restore_pe1=File must be tar file ($1) restore_pe2=File not found ($1) restore_exe=Command execution error ($1) restore_ecmd=The restore command $1 was not found on your system restore_ecannot=You are not allowed to restore backups restore_only=Only restore data, not tables? restore_clean=Delete tables before restoring? backup_title=Backup Database backup_title2=Backup All Databases backup_header=Backup database options backup_db=Database name backup_desc=This form allows you to backup the database $1 as either a file of SQL statements or an archive. backup_desc2=The backup can be performed immediately, or automatically on a selected schedule. backup_desc3=This form allows you to backup all databases as either files of SQL statements or archive. backup_path=Backup file path backup_path2=Backup files directory backup_err=Failed to backup database backup_eacl=You must be allowed to create and drop database backup_edb=Missing or invalid database name backup_epath=Missing database path backup_ok=Backup Now backup_ok1=Save and Backup Now backup_ok2=Save backup_pe1=File must be TAR (.tar) file ($1) backup_pe2=File is existing already ($1) backup_pe3=Missing or invalid backup file path backup_pe4=Missing or non-existant backup files directory backup_ebackup=pg_dump failed : $1 backup_ecmd=The backup command $1 was not found on your system backup_format=Backup file format backup_format_p=Plain SQL text backup_format_t=Tar archive backup_format_c=Custom archive backup_ecannot=You are not allowed to create backups backup_done=Successfully backed up $3 bytes from database $1 to file $2. backup_sched=Scheduled backup enabled? backup_sched1=Yes, at times chosen below .. backup_ccron=Scheduled backup for database enabled. backup_dcron=Scheduled backup for database disabled. backup_ucron=Scheduled backup path, format and times for database updated. backup_ncron=Scheduled backup for database left disabled. backup_before=Command to run before backup backup_after=Command to run after backup r_command=Command Unsupported postgresql/lang/sv0100644000567100000120000002232407202162051014234 0ustar jcameronwheelindex_title=PostgreSQL-databasserver index_notrun=PostgreSQL krs just nu inte p systemet - databaslistan kunde inte hmtas. index_start=Starta PostgreSQL-server index_startmsg=Tryck p denna knapp fr att starta PostgreSQL-databasservern p ditt system med kommandot
Denna Webmin-modul kan inte hantera databasen frrn den har startats. index_nopass=Webmin behver f ditt PostgreSQL-administratrskonto och -lsenord fr att kunna hantera databasen. Skriv in administratrskonto och -lsenord nedan. index_ltitle=PostgreSQL-inloggning index_login=Kontonamn index_pass=Lsenord index_clear=Rensa index_stop=Stanna PostgreSQL-servern index_stopmsg=Tryck p denna knapp fr att stanna PostgreSQL-databasservern p ditt system. Detta hindrar anvndare och program i systemet frn att komma t databasen inklusive denna Webmin-modul. index_dbs=PostgreSQL-databaser index_add=Skapa en ny databas index_users=Anvndarinstllningar index_return=databaslista index_esql=Klientprogrammet $1 till PostgreSQL kunde inte hittas p systemet. PostgreSQL kanske inte har installerats, eller ocks r dina modulinstllningar felaktiga. index_ehba=Datorkonfigurationsfilen $1 fr PostgreSQL kunde inte hittas p systemet. PostgreSQL kanske inte har initialiserats, eller ocks r dina modulinstllningar felaktiga. index_eversion=PostgreSQL-databasen p ditt system r version $1, men Webmin stdjer bara version $2 och hgre. login_err=Inloggningen misslyckades login_ecannot=Du fr inte konfigurera databasinloggningen login_elogin=Du har inte angivit ngot administratrskonto login_epass=Felaktigt administratrskonto eller -lsenord dbase_title=ndra databas dbase_tables=Databastabeller dbase_add=Lgg till en tabell dbase_drop=Ta bort databas dbase_exec=Utfr SQL dbase_none=Databasen har inga tabeller. dbase_fields=Flt: dbase_return=tabellista dbase_ecannot=Du fr inte ndra i denna databas table_title=ndra tabell table_title2=Lgg till tabell table_opts=Fltinstllningar table_header=Tabell $1 i databas $2 table_field=Fltnamn table_type=Typ table_null=r tomma flt tilltna? table_arr=Array? table_none=Ingen table_add=Lgg till flt av typ: table_return=fltlista table_data=Visa data table_drop=Ta bort tabell table_name=Tabellnamn table_initial=Startflt table_header2=Instllningar fr ny tabell table_err=Det gick inte att lgga till tabellen table_ename=Tabellnamn saknas eller r ogiltigt table_efield='$1' r inte ett giltigt fltnamn table_etype=Du har inte angivit ngon typ fr fltet $1 table_esize=Du har inte angivit ngon typstorlek fr fltet $1 table_enone=Du har inte angivit ngot startflt field_title1=Lgg till flt field_title2=ndra flt field_in=I tabell $1 i databas $2 field_header=Fltparametrar field_name=Fltnamn field_type=Datatyp field_size=Typlngd field_none=Ingen field_null=Tillta tomma flt? field_arr=Arrayflt? field_key=Primr nyckel? field_uniq=Unikt? field_err=Det gick inte att spara fltet field_esize='$1' r inte en giltig fltstorlek field_eenum=Du har inte angivit ngra upprkningsbara vrden field_efield='$1' r inte ett giltigt fltnamn field_ekey=Flt som fr innehlla tomma vrden fr inte vara en del av den primra nyckeln. exec_title=Utfra SQL-kommandon exec_header=Skriv in det SQL-kommando som ska utfras p databas $1 ... exec_exec=Utfr exec_err=Det gick inte att utfra SQL-kommandot exec_out=Utdata frn SQL-kommandot $1 ... exec_none=Inga data frn krningen stop_err=Det gick inte att stanna databasservern stop_epidfile=Det gick inte att ppna PID-filen $1 stop_ekill=Det gick inte att sl ihjl processen $1: $2 start_err=Det gick inte att starta databasservern ddrop_err=Det gick inte att ta bort databasen ddrop_title=Ta bort databas ddrop_rusure=Vill du verkligen ta bort databasen $1? $2 tabeller med $3 rader med data kommer att raderas ddrop_mysql=MySQL-servern kommer troligen att bli oanvndbar om du tar bort denna databas, eftersom den r huvuddatabasen. ddrop_ok=Ta bort databasen tdrop_err=Det gick inte att ta bort tabellen tdrop_title=Ta bort tabell tdrop_rusure=Vill du verkligen ta bort tabellen $1 i databasen $2? $3 rader med data kommer att raderas. tdrop_ok=Ta bort tabell view_title=Tabelldata view_pos=Rad $1 till $2 av $3 view_none=Denna tabell innehller inga data view_edit=ndra angivna rader view_new=Lgg till rad view_delete=Ta bort angivna rader view_nokey=Datauppgifter i denna tabell kan inte ndras eftersom det inte finns ngon primr nyckel. view_all=Visa alla view_invert=Visa uteslutna newdb_title=Ny databas newdb_header=Instllningar fr ny databas newdb_db=Databasens namn newdb_path=Skvg till databasen newdb_err=Det gick inte att skapa databasen newdb_edb=Databasens namn saknas eller r felaktigt newdb_ecannot=Du fr inte skapa databaser newdb_epath=Du har inte angivit ngon skvg till databasen user_title=PostgreSQL-anvndare user_ecannot=Du fr inte ndra anvndare user_name=Anvndarnamn user_db=Kunna skapa databaser? user_other=Kunna lgga till anvndare? user_until=Giltig till user_add=Lgg till anvndare user_forever=Alltid user_pass=Krvs lsenord? user_edit=ndra anvndare user_create=Lgg till anvndare user_return=anvndarlista user_header=Uppgifter om PostgreSQL-anvndare user_passwd=Lsenord user_none=Inget user_err=Det gick inte att spara anvndaren user_epass=Lsenord saknas eller r ogiltigt user_ename=Anvndarnamn saknas eller r ogiltigt host_ecannot=Du fr inte ndra tilltna datorer host_title=Tilltna datorer host_local=Lokal uppkoppling host_address=Datoradress host_db=Databas host_auth=Autentiseringsmod host_any=Valfri dator i ntverket host_all=Alla databaser host_same=Samma som anvndarnamnet host_add=Lgg till en tillten dator host_ident=Kontrollera ident-servern p datorn host_trust=Ingen autentisering krvs host_reject=Sprra frbindelsen host_password=Lsenord i klartext host_crypt=Krypterat lsenord host_krb4=Kerberos V4 host_krb5=Kerberos V5 host_passwordarg=Anvnd lsenordsfil host_identarg=Anvnd anvndaromskrivning host_create=Lgg till tillten dator host_edit=ndra tillten dator host_single=Enskild dator host_network=Ntverk host_netmask=Ntmask host_return=datorlista host_err=Det gick inte att spara tilltna datorer host_eident=Anvndaromskrivning saknas eller r ogiltig host_epassword=Lsenordsfil saknas eller r ogiltig host_enetmask=Ntmask saknas eller r ogiltig host_enetwork=Ntverk saknas eller r ogiltigt host_ehost=IP-adress fr datorn saknas eller r ogiltig grant_title=Utdelade rttigheter grant_tvi=Objekt grant_type=Typ grant_db=Databas grant_public=Alla grant_group=Grupp $1 grant_add=Dela ut rttigheter till databas: grant_return=rttighetslista grant_ecannot=Du fr inte ndra rttigheter grant_create=Lgg till rttighet grant_edit=ndra rttighet grant_header=Rttigheter utdelade till anvndare grant_to=Dela ut rttigheter fr grant_table=Tabell grant_view=Vy eller index grant_users=Dela ut rttigheter till grant_user=Anvndare grant_what=Rttigheter grant_r=Tabell grant_v=Vy grant_i=Index grant_S=Sekvens grant_none=Det finns inga tabeller, vyer, sekvenser eller index att dela ut rttigheter fr. group_title=PostgreSQL-grupper group_ecannot=Du fr inte ndra grupper group_name=Gruppnamn group_id=Grupp-ID group_mems=Medlemmar group_add=Lgg till grupp group_edit=ndra grupp group_create=Lgg till grupp group_header=Uppgifter om PostgreSQL-grupp group_return=grupplista group_err=Det gick inte att spara gruppen group_ename=Gruppens namn saknas eller r ogiltigt group_egid=Grupp-ID saknas eller r ogiltigt group_etaken=Gruppnamnet anvnds redan group_none=Det finns fr nrvarande inga PostgreSQL-grupper esql=SQL $1 gick fel: $2 log_start=Startade PostgreSQL-server log_stop=Stannade PostgreSQL-server log_db_create=Lade till databasen $1 log_db_delete=Tog bort databasen $1 log_table_create=Lade till tabellen $1 i databasen $2 log_table_delete=Tog bort tabellen $1 frn databasen $2 log_field_create=Lade till flt $1 $4 till $2 i databasen $3 log_field_modify=Modifierade flt $1 $4 i $2 i databasen $3 log_field_delete=Tog bort flt $1 frn $2 i databasen $3 log_data_create=Lade till en rad till tabell $2 i databasen $3 log_data_modify=Modifierade $1 rader i tabell $2 i databasen $3 log_data_delete=Tog bort $1 rader frn tabell $2 i databasen $3 log_exec=Krde SQL i databasen $1 log_exec_l=Utfrde SQL-kommando $2 i databasen $1 log_create_user=Lade till anvndaren $1 log_delete_user=Tog bort anvndaren $1 log_modify_user=Modifierade anvndaren $1 log_create_group=Lade till gruppen $1 log_delete_group=Tog bort gruppen $1 log_modify_group=Modifierade gruppen $1 log_create_local=Lade till tillten lokal uppkoppling log_modify_local=Modifierade tillten lokal uppkoppling log_delete_local=Tog bort tillten lokal uppkoppling log_create_all=Lade till en tillten dator log_modify_all=Modifierade en tillten dator log_delete_all=Tog bort en tillten dator log_create_hba=Lade till tillten dator $1 log_modify_hba=Modifierade tillten dator $1 log_delete_hba=Tog bort tillten dator $1 log_grant=Delade ut rttigheter fr $1 i databasen $2 acl_dbs=Databaser som denna anvndare fr administrera acl_dall=Alla databaser acl_dsel=Angivna acl_create=Kunna skapa nya databaser? acl_delete=Kunna ta bort databaser? acl_stop=Kunna stanna och starta PostgreSQL-servern? acl_users=Kunna ndra anvndare, grupper och rttigheter? postgresql/lang/es0100644000567100000120000003112510067401522014214 0ustar jcameronwheelindex_title=Servidor de Base de Datos PostgreSQL index_notrun=PostgreSQL no se est ejecutando en tu sistema - la lista de bases de datos no pudo ser recuperada. index_start=Arrancar Servidor PostgreSQL index_startmsg=Haz click en este botn para arrancar el servidor de base de datos PostgreSQL en tu sistema con el comando
. Este mdulo de Webmin no puede administrar la base de datos hasta que est arrancada. index_nopass=Webmin necesita saber tu login de administracin de PostgreSQL y tu clave de acceso con el fin de gestionar tu base de datos. Por favor, digita debajo tu nombre de usuario de administracin y la clave de acceso. index_ltitle=Login a PostgreSQL index_login=Login index_pass=Clave de acceso index_clear=Limpiar index_stop=Parar Servidor PostgreSQL index_stopmsg=Haz click en este botn para parar el servidor de base de datos PostgreSQL de tu sistema. Esto prevendr que cualquier usuario o programa acceda a la base de datos, incluyendo a este mdulo de Webmin. index_dbs=Bases de Datos PostgreSQL index_add=Crear una nueva base de datos index_users=Opciones de Usuario index_return=lista de base de datos index_esql=El programa cliente de PostgreSQL $1 no ha sido encontrado en tu sistema. Quizs PostgreSQL no est instalada o tu configuracin del mdulo es incorrecta. index_ehba=El archivo de configuracin de mquina de PostgreSQL $1 no ha sido encontrado en tu sistema. Quizs PostgreSQL no ha sido inicializada o tu configuracin del mdulo es incorrecta. index_superuser=El programa cliente de PostgreSQL psql no se pudo ejecutar en tu sistema. Quizs PostgreSQL no est instalado en tu sistema o tu configuracin del mdulo no es correcta. index_eversion=La base de datos PostgreSQL de tu sistema es de la versin $1, pero Webmin slamente soporta las versiones $2 y superiores. index_elibrary=El programa cliente $1 de PostgreSQL no pudo ser ejecutado porque no se pudo hallar las bibliotecas compartidas de Postgres. Revisa la configuracin del mdulo y segrate de que la Trayectoria a las bibliotecas compartidas de PostgreSQL est bin puesta. index_version=Versin $1 de POostgreSQL login_err=Fall el login login_ecannot=No ests autorizado a configurar el login a la base de datos login_elogin=Login de administracin sin poner login_epass=Nombre de usuario o clave de acceso de administracin incorrectos dbase_title=Editar Base de Datos dbase_noconn=Esta base de datos no est aceptando conexiones en este momento. Por ello, no se pueden realizar acciones en ella. dbase_tables=Tablas de Base de Datos dbase_add=Crear una nueva tabla dbase_drop=Eliminar Base de Datos dbase_exec=Ejecutar SQL dbase_none=Esta base de datos no tiene tablas. dbase_fields=Campos: dbase_return=lista de tablas dbase_ecannot=No ests autorizado a editar esta base de datos table_title=Editar Tabla table_title2=Crear Tabla table_opts=Opciones de campo table_header=Tabla $1 en base de datos $2 table_field=Nombre de campo table_type=Tipo table_null=Permitir nulos? table_arr=Arreglo? table_none=Ninguno table_add=Aadir tipo de campo: table_return=lista de campos table_data=Ver Datos table_drop=Eliminar Tabla table_name=Nombre de Tabla table_initial=Campos iniciales table_header2=Opciones de nueva tabla table_err=No pude crear tabla table_ename=Nombre de tabla invlido o sin poner table_efield='$1' no es un nombre de campo vlido table_etype=Tipo sin poner para campo $1 table_esize=Medida de tipo sin poner para campo $1 table_enone=No se han digitado campos iniciales table_fielddrop=Borrar Campo field_title1=Aadir Campo field_title2=Modificar Campo field_in=En tabla $1 en base de datos $2 field_header=Parmetros de Campo field_name=Nombre de campo field_type=Tipo de datos field_size=Ancho de tipo field_none=Ninguno field_null=Permito nulos? field_arr=Campo de arreglo? field_key=Clave primaria? field_uniq=nica? field_err=No pude salvar campo field_esize='$1' no es una medida vlida de campo field_eenum=No se han digitado valores enumerados field_efield='$1' no es un nombre vlido de campo field_ekey=Los campos que permiten nulos no pueden formar parte de la clave primaria exec_title=Ejecutar SQL exec_header=Digita comando SQL a ejecutar en base de datos $1... exec_exec=Ejecutar exec_err=No pude ejecutar SQL exec_out=Salida del comando SQL $1... exec_none=No se ha devuelto dato alguno stop_err=No pude para el servidor de base de datos stop_epidfile=No pude abrir el archivo PID $1 stop_ekill=No pude matar el proceso $1: $2 stop_ecannot=No ests autorizado a para el servidor de base de datos start_err=No pude arrancar el servidor de base de datos start_ecannot=No ests autorizado a arrancar el servidor de base de datos ddrop_err=No pude eliminar la base de datos ddrop_title=Eliminar Base de Datos ddrop_rusure=Ests seguro de querer eliminar la base de datos $1?. $2 tablas conteniendo $3 filas de datos sern borradas. ddrop_mysql=A causa de que sta es la base de datos maestra, eliminarla hara probblemente que tu servidor PostgreSQL quedara inservible! ddrop_ok=Eliminar Base de Datos tdrop_err=No pude eliminar tabla tdrop_title=Eliminar Tabla tdrop_rusure=Ests seguro de querer eliminar la tabla $1 en la base de datos $2?. $3 filas de datos sern borradas. tdrop_ok=Eliminar Tabla view_title=Datos de Tabla view_pos=Filas $1 a $2 de $3 view_none=Esta tabla no contiene dato alguno view_edit=Editar filas seleccionadas view_new=Aadir fila view_delete=Borrar filas seleccionadas view_nokey=Los datos de esta tabla no pueden ser editados ya que no tiene clave primaria. view_all=Seleccionar todo view_invert=Invertir seleccin newdb_title=Crear Base de Datos newdb_header=Nuevas opciones de Base de Datos newdb_db=Nombre de base de datos newdb_path=Trayectoria de archivo de base de datos newdb_err=No pude crear base de datos newdb_edb=Nombre de base de datos invlido o sin poner newdb_ecannot=No ests autorizado a crear bases de datos newdb_epath=Trayectoria de base de datos sin poner user_title=Usuarios de PostgreSQL user_ecannot=No ests autorizado a editar usuarios user_name=Nombre de usuario user_db=Puedo crear bases de datos? user_other=Puedo crear usuarios? user_until=Vlido hasta user_add=Crear un nuevo usuario user_forever=Para siempre user_pass=Requiere clave de acceso? user_edit=Editar Usuario user_create=Crear Usuario user_return=lista de usuarios user_header=Detalles de usuario de PostgreSQL user_passwd=Clave de acceso user_none=Ninguna user_err=No pude salvar usuario user_epass=Clave de acceso invlida o sin poner user_ename=Nombre de usuario invlido o sin poner host_ecannot=No ests autorizado a editar mquinas autorizadas host_title=Mquinas Autorizadas host_desc=Cuando un cliente se conecta a la base de datos, las mquinas listadas debajo son procesadas en orden hasta que una coincide y el cliente es autorizado o denegado. host_local=Conexin local host_address=Direccin de mquina host_db=Base de datos host_auth=Modo de autenticacin host_any=Cualquier mquina de red host_all=Todas las bases de datos host_same=Igual al nombre de usuario host_add=Crear una nueva mquina autorizada host_ident=Revisar servidor de identificacin en mquina host_trust=No se requiere autenticacin host_reject=Rechazar conexin host_password=Clave de acceso de texto host_crypt=Clave de acceso encriptada host_krb4=Kerberos V4 host_krb5=Kerberos V5 host_passwordarg=Usar archivo de clave de acceso host_identarg=Usar mapa de usuario host_create=Crear Mquina Autorizada host_edit=Editar Mquina Autorizada host_single=Mquina nica host_network=Red host_netmask=Mscara de red host_return=lista de acceso a mquina host_err=No pude salvar mquina autorizada host_eident=Mapa de usuario invlido o sin poner host_epassword=Archivo de claves de acceso invlido o sin poner host_enetmask=Mscara de red invlida o sin poner host_enetwork=Red invlida o sin poner host_ehost=Direccin IP de mquina invlida o sin poner host_move=Mover grant_title=Privilegios garantizados grant_tvi=Objeto grant_type=Tipo grant_db=Base de Datos grant_public=Todo el mundo grant_group=Grupo $1 grant_add=Aadir garanta en base de datos: grant_return=lista de privilegios grant_ecannot=No ests autorizado a editar privilegios grant_create=Crear Garanta grant_edit=Editar Garanta grant_header=Privilegios garantizados a usuarios grant_to=Garantizar privilegios sobre grant_table=Tabla grant_view=Vista o ndice grant_users=Garantizar privilegios a grant_user=Usuario grant_what=Privilegios grant_r=Tabla grant_v=Vista grant_i=ndice grant_S=Secuencia grant_none=No existen tablas, vistas, secuencias o ndices a los que garantizarles privilegios. group_title=Grupos de PostgreSQL group_ecannot=No ests autorizado a editar grupos group_name=Nombre de grupo group_id=ID de Grupo group_mems=Miembros group_add=Crear un nuevo grupo group_edit=Editar Grupo group_create=Crear Grupo group_header=Detalles de grupo de PostgreSQL group_return=lista de grupos group_err=No pude salvar grupo group_ename=Nombre de grupo invlido o sin poner group_egid=ID de grupo invlida o sin poner group_etaken=El nombre de grupo ya est en uso group_none=No existen actulmente grupos de PostgreSQL esql=SQL $1 fall: $2 log_start=Arrancado servidor de PostgreSQL log_stop=parado servidor de PostgreSQL log_db_create=Creada base de datos $1 log_db_delete=Eliminada base de datos $1 log_table_create=Creada tabla $1 en base de datos $2 log_table_delete=Eliminada tabla $1 de la base de datos $2 log_field_create=Aadido campo $1 $3 a $2 en base de datos $3 log_field_modify=Modificado campo $1 $4 en $2 en base de datos $3 log_field_delete=Borrado campo $1 de $2 en base de datos $3 log_data_create=Aadida fila a tabla $2 en base de datos $3 log_data_modify=Modificadas $1 filas en tabla $2 en base de datos $3 log_data_delete=Borradas $1 filas de la tabla $2 en base de datos $3 log_exec=Ejecutado SQL en base de datos $1 log_exec_l=Ejecutado comando SQL $2 en base de datos $1 log_create_user=Creado usuario $1 log_delete_user=Borrado usuario $1 log_modify_user=Modificado usuario $1 log_create_group=Creado grupo $1 log_delete_group=Borrado grupo $1 log_modify_group=Modificado grupo $1 log_create_local=Creada conexin local autorizada log_modify_local=Modificada conexin local autorizada log_delete_local=Borrada conexin local autorizada log_move_local=Movida conexin local autorizada log_create_all=Creada mquina autorizada a cualquiera log_modify_all=Modificada mquina autorizada a cualquiera log_delete_all=Borrada mquina autorizada a cualquiera log_move_all=Movida cualquier mquina autorizada log_create_hba=Creada mquina autorizada $1 log_modify_hba=Modificada mquina autorizada $1 log_delete_hba=Borrada mquina autorizada $1 log_move_hba=Movida mquina $1 autorizada log_grant=Garantizados privilegios sobre $1 en base de datos $2 log_pgconf=Archivo $1 de configuracin de ejecucin modificado acl_dbs=Bases de datos que este usuario puede gestionar acl_dbscannot=Este control de acceso ser efectivo tras arrancar el servidor de base de datos PostgreSQL. acl_dall=Todas las bases de datos acl_dsel=Las seleccionadas... acl_create=Puede crear nuevas bases de datos? acl_delete=Puede eliminar bases de datos? acl_stop=Puede parar y arrancar el servidor PostgreSQL? acl_users=Puede editar usuarios, grupos y garantas? acl_pgconf=Puede editar los parmetros de configuracin de ejecucin? fdrop_err=Error durante el borrado del campo fdrop_header=Borrar ste fdrop_lose_data=Selecciona la caja para confirmar que comprendes esas definiciones, tales como ndices y valores por defecto, en todos los campos que pueden perderse. fdrop_perform=Borrar Campo fdrop_title=Borrar Campo pgconf_non_grant=No ests autorizado a editar los parmetros de configuracin de ejecucin pgconf_title=Configuracin de ejecucin pgconf_editmsg=Editar el archivo $1 pgconf_default=por defecto pgconf_boolean_string_error=Error en el tipo booleano pgconf_error=valor de $1 error "$2" pgconf_boolean_true=verdadero pgconf_boolean_false=falso pgconf_boolean_on=puesto pgconf_boolean_off=quitado pgconf_int=entero pgconf_bool=booleano pgconf_double=punto flotante pgconf_string=cadena pgconfst_connection_parameters=Parmetros de Conexin pgconfst_performance=Rendimiento pgconfst_optimizer_parameters=Parmetros de Optimizador pgconfst_geqo_optimizer_parameters=Parmtros de Optimizador GEQO pgconfst_inheritance=Herencia pgconfst_deadlock=BloqueoMortal pgconfst_expression_depth_limitation=Lmite de profundidad de Expresin pgconfst_write_ahead_log=Diario de Escritura adelantada (WAL) pgconfst_debug_display=Mostrar depuracin pgconfst_syslog=Diario de sistema pgconfst_statistics=Estadsticas pgconfst_lock_tracing=Traza de Bloqueo pgconfst_etc=Otros pgconf_wal_sync_method_com=Dependencia de Plataforma. postgresql/lang/zh_CN0100644000567100000120000001650407630064656014631 0ustar jcameronwheelindex_title=PostgreSQLݿ index_notrun=ϵͳû PostgreSQL -ܼݿб index_start=PostgreSQL index_startmsg=ťʹ$1ϵͳϵPostgreSQLݿݿ webminģܹݿ⡣ index_nopass=Ϊ˹ݿ⣬webminҪ֪PostgreSQL¼ԼĹûͿ index_ltitle=PostgreSQL¼ index_login=¼ index_pass= index_clear= index_stop=ֹͣPostgreSQL index_stopmsg=ťֹͣϵͳϵPostgreSQLݿ⽫ֹκûݿ⣬webminģ顣 index_dbs=PostgreSQLݿ index_add=һµݿ index_users=ûѡ index_return=ݿб index_esql=ϵͳûзPostgreSQLPostgreSQLδװģȷ index_ehba=ϵͳδҵ PostgreSQLļ $1PostgreSQLδʼģȷ index_superuser=޷ϵͳִPostgreSQLͻpsqlPostgreSQLδװȷ index_eversion=ϵͳеPostgreSQLݿǰ汾$1Webmin ְֻ֧汾$2߰汾 index_elibrary=ΪδҵPostgre⣬ԲPostgreSQLͻ$1ģȷPostgreSQL ·Ѿá index_version=PostgreSQL汾$1 login_err=¼ʧ login_ecannot=ûݿ¼Ȩ login_elogin=δ¼ login_epass=ȷĹû dbase_title=༭ݿ dbase_tables=ݿ dbase_add=һ± dbase_drop=ɾݿ dbase_exec=ִSQL dbase_none=ݿûб dbase_fields=ֶΣ dbase_return=ݱб dbase_ecannot=ûб༭ݿȨ table_title=༭ table_title2= table_opts=ֶѡ table_header=ݿ$2еı$1 table_field=ֶ table_type= table_null=Ϊգ table_arr=飿 table_none= table_add=ֶεͣ table_return=ֶб table_data=ʾ table_drop=ɾ table_name= table_initial=ʼֶ table_header2=±ѡ table_err=ʧ table_ename=δЧı table_efield=$1Чֶ table_etype=δֶ$1 table_esize=δֶ$1ͳ table_enone=ûʼֶ field_title1=ֶ field_title2=޸ֶ field_in=ݿ$2ı$1 field_header=ֶβ field_name=ֶ field_type= field_size=Ϳ field_none= field_null=Ϊգ field_arr=ֶΣ field_key=ؼ֣ field_uniq=أ field_err=ֶʧ field_esize='$1ЧֶδС field_eenum=ûöֵ field_efield=$1һЧֶ field_ekey=ؼֲܰΪյֶ exec_title=ִSQL exec_header=ݿ $1Ҫִе SQL .. exec_exec=ִ exec_err=SQL ִSQLʧ exec_out=SQL$1.. exec_none=ûݷ stop_err=رݿʧ stop_epidfile=򿪽̱ʶļ$1ʧ stop_ekill=رս$1 : $2ʧ stop_ecannot=ûֹͣݿȨ start_err=ݿʧ start_ecannot=ûݿȨ ddrop_err=ɾݿʧ ddrop_title=ɾݿ ddrop_rusure=ȷҪɾݿ $1 $3ݵ $2 ɾ ddrop_mysql=Ϊһݿ⣬ɾMySQL޷ʹá ddrop_ok=ɾݿ tdrop_err=ɾݱʧ tdrop_title=ɾݱ tdrop_rusure=ȷҪɾݿ$2еݱ $1 $3Ҳɾ tdrop_ok=ɾݱ view_title= view_pos=$3е$1$2 view_none=δκ view_edit=༭ѡ view_new= view_delete=ɾѡ view_nokey=Ϊûؼ֣еݲܱ༭ view_all=ȫѡ view_invert=ѡ newdb_title=ݿ newdb_header=ݿѡ newdb_db=ݿ newdb_path=ݿļ· newdb_err=ݿʧ newdb_edb=δЧݿ newdb_ecannot=ûдݿȨ newdb_epath=δݿ· user_title=PostgreSQLû user_ecannot=ûб༭ûȨ user_name=û user_db=Դݿ⣿ user_other=Դû user_until=Чֱ.. user_add=û user_forever=Զ user_pass=Ҫ user_edit=༭û user_create=û user_return=ûб user_header=PostgreSQLûϸ user_passwd= user_none= user_err=ûʧ user_epass=δЧ user_ename=δЧû host_ecannot=ûб༭Ȩ host_title=ɵ host_desc=һͻݿʱгͻᰴ˳ֱҳһƥΪֹҸÿͻԵõɣҲԱܾ host_local= host_address=ַ host_db=ݿ host_auth=֤ģʽ host_any=κ host_all=еݿ host_same=ûһ host_add=µĵõɵ host_ident=ϵ־ host_trust=û֤Ҫ host_reject=ܾ host_password=Ŀ host_crypt=ܿ host_krb4=Kerberos 汾4 host_krb5=kerberos 汾5 host_passwordarg=ʹÿļ host_identarg=ʹûӳ host_create=õɵ host_edit=༭õɵ host_single= host_network= host_netmask= host_return=б host_err=ʧ host_eident=δЧûӳ host_epassword=δЧļ host_enetmask=δЧ host_enetwork=δЧ host_ehost=δЧIPַ host_move=ƶ grant_title=Ȩ grant_tvi= grant_type= grant_db=ݿ grant_public=ÿ grant_group= $1 grant_add=ݿȨ grant_return=Ȩб grant_ecannot=ûб༭ȨбȨ grant_create=Ȩ grant_edit=༭Ȩ grant_header=ȨûȨ grant_to=Ȩ grant_table= grant_view=ͼ grant_users=Ȩ grant_user=û grant_what=Ȩ grant_r= grant_v=ͼ grant_i= grant_S= grant_none=ûҪȨıͼлڡ group_title=PostgreSQ group_ecannot=ûб༭Ȩ group_name= group_id=ʶ group_mems=Ա group_add= group_edit=༭ group_create= group_header=PostgreSQϸ group_return=б group_err=ʧ group_ename=δЧ group_egid=δЧʶ group_etaken=ʹ group_none=ûPostgreSQ esql=SQL $1 ʧ:$2 log_start=PostgreSQ log_stop=ֹͣPostgreSQ log_db_create=ݿ$1 log_db_delete=ɾݿ$1 log_table_create=ݿ$2д$1 log_table_delete=ɾݿ$2еı$1 log_field_create=ݿ$3$2ֶ$1 $4 log_field_modify=޸ݿ$3$2еֶ$1 $4 log_field_delete=ɾݿ$3$2еֶ$1 log_data_create=ݿ$3$2 log_data_modify=޸ݿ$3ı$2е$1 log_data_delete=ɾݿ$3ı$2е$1 log_exec=ִݿ$1еSQL log_exec_l=ִݿ $1еSQL$2 log_create_user=û$1 log_delete_user=ɾû$1 log_modify_user=޸û$1 log_create_group=$1 log_delete_group=ɾ $1 log_modify_group=޸$1 log_create_local=ı log_modify_local=޸ĵõɵı log_delete_local=ɾõɵı log_move_local=ƶõɵı log_create_all=κεõ log_modify_all=޸κεõ log_delete_all=ɾκεõ log_move_all=ƶκεõɵ log_create_hba=õ$1 log_modify_hba=޸ĵõ$1 log_delete_hba=ɾõ$1 log_move_hba=ƶõɵ$1 log_grant=ݿ$2$1ϵȨ acl_dbs=ûԹݿ acl_dbscannot=PostgreSQLݿ֮󣬸÷ʿƽЧ acl_dall=ݿ acl_dsel=ѡ.. acl_create=Դµݿ acl_delete=ɾݿ⣿ acl_stop=ܹرջPostgrSQL acl_users=ܱ༭û鼰Ȩ postgresql/lang/pl0100664000567100000120000002427607366415362014252 0ustar jcameronwheelindex_title=Serwer baz danych PostgreSQL index_notrun=W systemie nie dziaa PostgreSQL - nie mona pobra listy baz danych. index_start=Uruchom serwer PostgreSQL index_startmsg=Nacinij ten przycisk, aby uruchomi serwer baz danych PostgreSQL w Twoim systemie poleceniem
. Ten modu Webmina nie bdzie potrafi zarzdza bazammi danych dopki nie uruchomisz serwera. index_nopass=Webmin musi zna Twj administracyjny login i haso, aby zarzdza bazami danych. Wprowad poniej nazw uytkownika administrujcego oraz jego haso. index_ltitle=Login dla PostgreSQLa index_login=Login index_pass=Haso index_clear=Wyczy index_stop=Zatrzymaj serwer PostgreSQL index_stopmsg=Nacinij ten przycisk, aby zatrzyma serwer baz danych PostgreSQL w Twoim systemie. Uniemoliwi to wszystkim uytkownikom i programom, wcznie z niniejszym moduem Webmina, dostp do baz danych. index_dbs=Bazy danych PostgreSQLa index_add=Utwrz now baz danych index_users=Opcje uytkownika index_return=listy baz danych index_esql=Nie znaleziono w systemie programu klienta PostgreSQLa $1. By moe nie zainstalowano PostgreSQLa lub Twoja konfiguracja moduu jest nieprawidowa. index_ehba=Nie znaleziono w systemie pliku konfiguracyjnego hostw PostgreSQLa $1. By moe nie zainicjalizowano PostgreSQLa lub Twoja konfiguracja moduu jest nieprawidowa. index_superuser=Nie mona uruchomi programu klienta PostgreSQLa psql. By moe nie zainstalowano PostgreSQLa lub Twoja konfiguracja moduu jest nieprawidowa. index_eversion=Baza danych PostgreSQLa w systemie ma wersj $1, a Webmin obsuguje jedynie wersje $2 i wysze. index_elibrary=Nie mona uruchomi programu klienta PostgreSQL $1, gdy nie moe on znale bibliotek wspodzielonych Postgresa. Sprawd konfiguracj moduu i upewnij si, e cieka do katalogu bibliotek wspdzielonych PostgreSQL jest ustawiona. login_err=Nie udao si zalogowa login_ecannot=Nie masz uprawnie do konfigurowania logowania do bazy danych login_elogin=Nie podano nazwy administratora bazy login_epass=Niepoprawna nazwa administratora bazy lub jego haso dbase_title=Zmie baz danych dbase_tables=Tabele bazy danych dbase_add=Utwrz now tabel dbase_drop=Usu baz danych dbase_exec=Wykonaj SQL dbase_none=Baza danych nie zawiera adnej tabeli. dbase_fields=Pola: dbase_return=listy tabel dbase_ecannot=Nie masz uprawnie do zmiany tej bazy danych table_title=Zmie tabel table_title2=Utwrz tabel table_opts=Opcje pl table_header=Tabela $1 w bazie danych $2 table_field=Nazwa pola table_type=Typ table_null=Dozwolony brak wartoci? table_arr=Tablica? table_none=Brak table_add=Dodaj pole typu: table_return=listy pl table_data=Poka dane table_drop=Usu tabel table_name=Nazwa tabeli table_initial=Pola inicjalne table_header2=Opcje nowych tabel table_err=Nie udao si utworzy tabeli table_ename=Nie podana lub niepoprawna nazwa tabeli table_efield='$1' nie jest poprawn nazw pola table_etype=Nie podano typu pola $1 table_esize=Nie podano rozmiaru pola $1 table_enone=Nie podano pol inicjalnych field_title1=Dodaj pole field_title2=Zmie pole field_in=W tabeli $1 bazy danych $2 field_header=Prametry pola field_name=Nazwa pola field_type=Typ danych field_size=Rozmiar pola field_none=Brak field_null=Dozwolony brak wartoci? field_arr=Pole tablicowe? field_key=Klucz gwny? field_uniq=Unikalny? field_err=Nie udao si zachowa pola field_esize='$1' nie jest poprawnym rozmiarem pola field_eenum=Nie wprowadzono wartoci wyliczeniowej field_efield='$1' nie jest poprawn nazw pola field_ekey=Pola dopuszczajce brak wartoci nie mog by czci klucza gwnego exec_title=Wykonaj SQL exec_header=Wprowad polecenie SQL-owe, ktre ma by wykonane w bazie danych $1 .. exec_exec=Wykonaj exec_err=Nie udao si wykona SQL exec_out=Wynik polecenia SQL $1 .. exec_none=Polecenie nic nie zwrcio stop_err=Nie udao si zatrzyma serwera baz danych stop_epidfile=Nie udao si otworzy pliku z numerem PID $1 stop_ekill=Nie udao si zabi procesu $1 : $2 start_err=Nie udao si uruchomi serwera baz danych ddrop_err=Nie udao si usun bazy danych ddrop_title=Usu baz danych ddrop_rusure=Czy jeste pewien, e chcesz usun baz danych $1 ? Zostanie skasowanych $2 tabel zawierajcych $3 wierszy z danymi. ddrop_mysql=Prawdopodobnie uniemoliwi to dalsze korzystanie z serwera PostgreSQL, gdy jest to podstawowa baza danych! ddrop_ok=Usu baz danych tdrop_err=Nie udao si usun tabeli tdrop_title=Usu tabel tdrop_rusure=Czy jeste pewien, e chcesz usun tabel $1 z bazy danych $2 ? Zostanie skasowanych $3 wierszy z danymi. tdrop_ok=Usu tabel view_title=Dane w tabeli view_pos=Wiersze tabeli $3 od $1 do $2 view_none=Ta tabela nie zawiera danych view_edit=Modyfikuj wybrane wiersze view_new=Dodaj wiersz view_delete=Skasuj wybrane wiersze view_nokey=Danych w tej tabeli nie mona modyfikowa, gdy nie zawiera ona klucza gwnego. view_all=Zaznacz wszystkie view_invert=Odwr zaznaczenie newdb_title=Utwrz baz danych newdb_header=Opcje nowej bazy danych newdb_db=Nazwa bazy danych newdb_path=cieka do pliku bazy danych newdb_err=Nie udao si utworzy bazy danych newdb_edb=Nie podana lub niepoprawna nazwa bazy danych newdb_ecannot=Nie masz uprawnie do tworzenia baz danych newdb_epath=Nie podano cieki do bazy danych user_title=Uytkownicy PostgreSQLa user_ecannot=Nie masz uprawnie do zmiany uytkownikw user_name=Nazwa uytkownika user_db=Moe tworzy bazy danych? user_other=Moe tworzy uytkownikw? user_until=Wany do user_add=Utwrz nowego uytkownika user_forever=Zawsze user_pass=Wymaga hasa? user_edit=Zmie uytkownika user_create=Utwrz uytkownika user_return=listy uytkownikw user_header=Dane uytkownika PostgreSQLa user_passwd=Haso user_none=Brak user_err=Nie udao si zachowa uytkownika user_epass=Nie podane lub niepoprawne haso user_ename=Nie podana lub niepoprawna nazwa uytkownika host_ecannot=Nie masz uprawnie do zmiany dozwolonych hostw host_title=Dozwolone hosty host_local=Lokalne poczenie host_address=Adres hosta host_db=Baza danych host_auth=Tryb autoryzacji host_any=Dowolny host w sieci host_all=Wszystkie bazy danych host_same=Takie samo jak nazwa uytkownika host_add=Utwrz nowy dozwolony host host_ident=Sprawdzaj serwer identa na hocie host_trust=Autoryzacja nie wymagana host_reject=Odrzu poczenie host_password=Haso otwartym tekstem host_crypt=Haso zaszyfrowane host_krb4=V4 Kerberosa host_krb5=V5 Kerberosa host_passwordarg=Korzystaj z pliku hase host_identarg=Stosuj odwzorowanie uytkownikw host_create=Utwrz dozwolony host host_edit=Zmie dozwolony host host_single=Pojedyczy host host_network=Sie host_netmask=Maska sieci host_return=listy dostpu do hostw host_err=Nie udao si zachowa dozwolonego hosta host_eident=Nie podane lub niepoprawne odwzorowanie uytkownikw host_epassword=Nie podany lub niepoprawny plik hase host_enetmask=Nie podana lub niepoprawna maska sieci host_enetwork=Nie podana lub niepoprawna sie host_ehost=Nie podany lub niepoprawny adres IP hosta grant_title=Nadane uprawnienia grant_tvi=Obiekt grant_type=Typ grant_db=Baza danych grant_public=Wszyscy grant_group=Grupa $1 grant_add=Dodaj prawo dostpu w&nbap;bazie danych : grant_return=listy uprawnie grant_ecannot=Nie masz prawa do zmiany uprawnie grant_create=Nadaj prawo dostpu grant_edit=Zmie prawo dostpu grant_header=Uprawnienia nadane uytkownikom grant_to=Nadaj uprawnienia do grant_table=Tabeli grant_view=Widoku lub indeksu grant_users=Nadaj uprawnienia dla grant_user=Uytkownika grant_what=Uprawnienia grant_r=Tabela grant_v=Widok grant_i=Indeks grant_S=Cig grant_none=Brak tabel, widokw, cigw i indeksw, w ktrych mona nada uprawnienia. group_title=Grupy PostgreSQLa group_ecannot=Nie masz uprawnie do zmiany grup group_name=Nazwa grupy group_id=Nr ID grupy group_mems=Czonkowie group_add=Utwrz now grup group_edit=Zmie grup group_create=Utwrz grup group_header=Dane grupy PostgreSQLa group_return=listy grup group_err=Nie udao si zachowa grupy group_ename=Nie podana lub niepoprawna nazwa grupy group_egid=Nie podany lub niepoprawny nr ID grupy group_etaken=Ta nazwa grupy jest ju uywana group_none=Nie istnieje adna grupa PostgreSQLa esql=Wykonanie SQL $1 nie powiodo si : $2 log_start=Uruchomiono serwer PostgreSQL log_stop=Zatrzymano serwer PostgreSQL log_db_create=Utworzono baz danych $1 log_db_delete=Usunito baz danych $1 log_table_create=Utworzono tabel $1 w bazie danych $2 log_table_delete=Usunito tabel $1 z bazy danych $2 log_field_create=Dodano pole $1 $4 do $2 w bazie danych $3 log_field_modify=Zmieniono pole $1 $4 w $2 w bazie danych $3 log_field_delete=Usunito pole $1 z $2 w bazie danych $3 log_data_create=Dodano wiersz do tabeli $2 w bazie danych $3 log_data_modify=Zmieniono $1 wierszy w tabeli $2 w bazie danych $3 log_data_delete=Usunito $1 wierszy z tabeli $2 w bazie danych $3 log_exec=Wykonano SQL w bazie danych $1 log_exec_l=Wykonano polecenie SQL $2 w bazie danych $1 log_create_user=Utworzono uytkownika $1 log_delete_user=Usunito uytkownika $1 log_modify_user=Zmieniono uytkownika $1 log_create_group=Utworzono grupe $1 log_delete_group=Usunito grup $1 log_modify_group=Zmieniono grup $1 log_create_local=Utworzono dozwolone poczenie lokalne log_modify_local=Zmieniono dozwolone poczenie lokalne log_delete_local=Usunito dozwolone poczenie lokalne log_create_all=Utworzono pewien dozwolony host log_modify_all=Zmieniono pewien dozwolony host log_delete_all=Usunito pewien dozwolony host log_create_hba=Utworzono dozwolony host $1 log_modify_hba=Zmieniono dozwolony host $1 log_delete_hba=Usunito dozwolony host $1 log_grant=Zapewniono uprawnienia do $1 w bazie danych $2 acl_dbs=Bazy danych, ktrymi ten uytkownik moe zarzdza acl_dbscannot=Ta kontrola dostpu stanie si bardziej efektywna po uruchomieniu serwera baz danych PostgreSQL. acl_dall=Wszystkie acl_dsel=Wybrane.. acl_create=Moe tworzy nowe bazy danych? acl_delete=Moe usuwa bazy danych? acl_stop=Moe zatrzymywa i uruchamia serwer PostgreSQL? acl_users=Moe zmienia uytkownikw, grupy i prawa dostpu? postgresql/lang/ja_JP.euc0100664000567100000120000003761010067670055015363 0ustar jcameronwheelacl_backup=ХååפκĤޤ? acl_create=Υǡ١ǽˤޤ acl_dall=٤ƤΥǡ١ acl_dbs=Υ桼Ǥǡ١ acl_dbscannot=ιܤϥǡ١ưǽȤʤޤ acl_delete=ǡ١ǽˤޤ acl_dsel=.. acl_login=󤹤桼̾ acl_pass=ѥ acl_restore=ХååפĤޤ? acl_sameunix=³ȥХååפκƱUnix桼ǹԤޤ? acl_stop=PostgreSQL Фߤӵưǽˤޤ acl_user=桼̾ acl_user_def=⥸塼꤫Υ桼̾ acl_users=桼롼פǧĤԽǽˤޤ backup_after=Хåå׽λ˼¹Ԥ륳ޥ backup_before=Хåå˼¹Ԥ륳ޥ backup_ccron=塼˽äХååפѲǽǤ backup_db=ǡ١̾ backup_dcron=塼˽äХååפԲĤǤ backup_desc=ΥեǤϥǡ١$1 SQLơȥȥեϥ֤ȤƤΥХååפǽǤ backup_desc2=Хååפ򤷤塼Ϻ˼¹ԤǤޤ backup_done=ǡ١ $1 ΥХååץե $2 $3Х ޤ backup_eacl=ǡ١κȺĤƤʤФʤޤ backup_ebackup=pg_dump : $1 backup_ecannot=ǡ١Ǥޤ backup_ecmd=Хååץޥ $1 դޤǤ backup_edb=ǡ١̾ʤ̵Ǥ backup_epath=ǡ١Υѥޤ backup_err=ǡ١ǤޤǤ backup_exe=ޥɤμ¹Ԥ˼Ԥޤ ($1) backup_format=Хååץե եޥå backup_format_c=ॢ backup_format_p=ץ쥤 SQLƥ backup_format_t=Tar backup_go= backup_header=ǡ١ ץ backup_ncron=ǡ١Хååץ塼̵ΤޤޤˤƤ backup_ok=ľ˥Хåå backup_ok1=ľ¸ȥХåå backup_ok2=¸ backup_path=ХååץեΥѥ backup_pe1=եγĥҤ .tar ǤʤФʤޤ ($1) backup_pe2=ꤵ줿եϤǤ¸ߤޤ ($1) backup_pe3=Хååץեѥ̤ϤǤ backup_sched=Хååץ塼ͭޤ ? 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host_title=Ĥ줿ۥ host_trust=ǧڤפǤ host_uall=٤ƤΥ桼 host_usel=桼Υꥹȥå.. host_user=桼 host_viassl=SSL index_add=ǡ١ index_clear=ꥢ index_dbs=PostgreSQL ǡ١ index_ehba=PostgreSQL ۥ ե $1 ƥˤޤǤPostgreSQL 󥹥ȡ뤵Ƥʤ ⥸塼 ʲǽޤ index_elibrary=PostgreSQL饤ȥץ $1 ϡͭ饤֥꤬Ĥʤ˵ưǤޤ⥸塼ǧPostgreSQLͭ饤֥ΥѥꤷƤ index_esql=PostgreSQL 饤 ץ $1ƥˤޤǤPostgreSQL 󥹥ȡ뤵Ƥʤ ⥸塼 ʲǽޤ index_eversion=ƥ PostgreSQL ǡ١ϥС $1 ǤWebmin ϥС $2 ʹߤΤߤ򥵥ݡȤޤ index_ldpath=ͭ饤֥Υѥ $1 ꤵޤ$2 ν : index_login= index_ltitle=PostgreSQL index_nodbs=ǡ١˥Ƥޤ index_nomod=ٹ: Perl⥸塼 $1 󥹥ȡ뤵ƤʤWebminPostgreSQLǡ١˥Ǥޤ򥯥åƥ󥹥ȡ뤷Ƥ index_nomods=ٹ: Perl⥸塼 $1 $2 󥹥ȡ뤵ƤʤWebminPostgreSQLǡ١˥Ǥޤ򥯥åƥ󥹥ȡ뤷Ƥ index_nopass=Webmin ϥǡ١Τ PostgreSQL ȥѥɤɬפȤޤ桼̾ȥѥɤ򲼤ϤƤ index_notrun=PostgreSQL ƥǼ¹ԤƤޤ - ǡ١ ꥹȤϸǤޤ index_nouser=WebminȤPostgreSQLФ˥桼̾$1פȤƥ褦ꤵƤޤΥ桼ǤΥϵݤޤ index_pass=ѥ index_return=ǡ١ ꥹ index_sameunix=ƱUnix桼Ȥ³ޤ ? index_setup=PostgreSQLǡ١Ƥʤᡢۥե뤬ĤޤǤܥ򥯥å $2 ޥɤPostgreSQL򥻥åȥåפƤ index_setupok=ǡ١ index_start=PostgreSQL Фεư index_startmsg=PostgreSQL ǡ١ Ф򥷥ƥǥޥ
ȤäƵưˤϤΥܥ򥯥åƤ Webmin ⥸塼ϤΥФưޤǥǡ١Ǥޤ index_stop=PostgreSQL Ф index_stopmsg=ƥPostgreSQL ǡ١ ФߤˤϡΥܥ򥯥åƤϡWebmin ⥸塼ޤ桼ޤϥץबǡ١˥Τɤޤ index_superuser=psqlޥɤ¹ԤǤޤǤPostgreSQL 󥹥ȡ뤵Ƥʤ ⥸塼 ʲǽޤ index_title=PostgreSQL ǡ١ index_users=桼 ץ index_version=PostgreSQL С $1 log_create_all=ǤդεĤ줿ۥȤޤ log_create_group=롼 $1 ޤ log_create_hba=Ĥ줿ۥ $1 ޤ log_create_local=Ĥ줿³ޤ log_create_user=桼 $1 ޤ log_data_create=ǡ١ $3 Υơ֥ $2˹Ԥɲäޤ log_data_delete=ǡ١ $3 Υơ֥ $2ե $1 ޤ log_data_modify=ǡ١ $3 Υơ֥ $2ˤե $1 ѹޤ log_db_create=ǡ١ $1 ޤ log_db_delete=ǡ١ $1 ޤ log_delete_all=ǤդεĤ줿ۥȤޤ log_delete_group=롼 $1 ޤ log_delete_hba=Ĥ줿ۥ $1 ޤ log_delete_local=Ĥ줿³ޤ log_delete_user=桼 $1 ޤ log_exec=ǡ١ $1 SQL ¹Ԥޤ log_exec_l=SQL ޥ $2ǡ١ $1 Ǽ¹Ԥޤ log_field_create=ե $1 $4 ǡ١ $3 $2 ɲäޤ log_field_delete=ǡ١ $3 $2ե $1 ޤ log_field_modify=ǡ١ $3$2 ˤե $1 $4 ѹޤ log_grant=ǡ١ $2$1˸¤ǧĤޤ log_modify_all=ǤդεĤ줿ۥȤѹޤ log_modify_group=롼 $1 ѹޤ log_modify_hba=Ĥ줿ۥ $1 ѹޤ log_modify_local=Ĥ줿³ѹޤ log_modify_user=桼 $1 ѹޤ log_move_all=ĤƤۥȤϰưޤ log_move_hba=ĤƤۥ $1 ϰưޤ log_move_local=ĤƤ³ϰưޤ log_setup=줿ǡ١ log_start=PostgreSQL Фưޤ log_stop=PostgreSQL Фߤޤ log_table_create=ǡ١ $2 ˥ơ֥ $1 ޤ log_table_delete=ơ֥ $1 ǡ١ $2 ޤ login_ecannot=ǡ١ Ǥޤ login_elogin=󤬤ޤ login_epass=桼̾ޤϥѥɤǤ login_err=ǤޤǤ newdb_db=ǡ١̾ newdb_ecannot=ǡ١Ǥޤ newdb_edb=ǡ١̾ʤ̵Ǥ newdb_epath=ǡ١Υѥޤ newdb_err=ǡ١ǤޤǤ newdb_header=Υǡ١ ץ newdb_path=ǡ١ եΥѥ newdb_title=ǡ١κ r_command=׵ᤵ줿ޥɤ¤Ƥޤ restore_clean=ơ֥ꥹȥ˺ޤ ? restore_db=ǡ١̾ restore_eacl=ǡ١κȺĤƤʤФʤޤ restore_ecannot=ǡ١Ǥޤ restore_ecmd=ꥹȥޥ $1 Ĥޤ restore_edb=ǡ١̾ʤ̵Ǥ restore_epath=ǡ١Υѥޤ restore_err=ǡ١켺 restore_exe=ޥɤμ¹Ԥ˼Ԥޤ ($1) restore_go=ꥹȥ restore_header=ǡ١ ץ restore_only=ơ֥ϤΤޤޤǡǡΤߥꥹȥޤ ? restore_path=ХååץեΥѥ restore_pe1=եγĥҤ .tar ǤʤФʤޤ ($1) restore_pe2=ꤵ줿ե¸ߤޤ ($1) restore_title=ǡ١ setup_ecannot=ǡ١ĤƤޤ setup_err=ǡ١˼Ԥޤ start_ecannot=ǡ١еưĤƤޤ start_err=ǡ١ ФưǤޤǤ stop_ecannot=ǡ١ߤĤƤޤ stop_ekill=ץ $1 kill ǤޤǤ: $2 stop_epidfile=PID ե $1 򳫤ޤǤ stop_err=ǡ١ ФߤǤޤǤ table_add=Υեɤɲ: table_arr=ˤޤ table_data=ǡɽ table_drop=ơ֥κ table_eblob=BLOBե $1 ɬפʥ­ޤ table_efield='$1' ̵ʥե̾Ǥ table_ename=ơ֥̾ʤ̵Ǥ table_enone=եɤϤƤޤ table_err=ơ֥ǤޤǤ table_esize=ե $1 μΥޤ table_etype=ե $1 μबޤ table_field=ե̾ table_fielddrop=եɤ table_header=ǡ١ $2 Υơ֥ $1 table_header2=ơ֥ ץ table_initial=ե table_name=ơ֥̾ table_none=ʤ table_null=NULLĤޤ table_opts=ե ץ table_return=ե ꥹ table_title=ơ֥Խ table_title2=ơ֥κ table_type= tdrop_err=ơ֥ǤޤǤ tdrop_ok=ơ֥κ tdrop_rusure=ǡ١ $2Υơ֥ $1ƤǤ$3 ԤΥǡޤ tdrop_title=ơ֥κ user_add=桼 user_create=桼κ user_db=ǡ١ǽˤޤ user_ecannot=桼ԽǤޤ user_edit=桼Խ user_ename=桼̾ʤ̵Ǥ user_epass=ѥɤʤ̵Ǥ user_err=桼¸ǤޤǤ user_forever= user_header=PostgreSQL 桼ξܺ user_name=桼̾ user_nochange=ѹʤ user_none=ʤ user_other=桼ǽˤޤ user_pass=ѥɤɬפȤޤ user_passwd=ѥ user_return=桼 ꥹ user_sync=ΥץϡWebminPostgreSQLΥ桼ˤäƺ줿Unix桼Ʊޤ user_sync_create=Unix桼ɲäȤ˿PostgreSQL桼ɲ user_sync_delete=ޥåUnix桼줿顢PostgreSQL桼 user_sync_modify=ޥåUnix桼줿顢PostgreSQL桼򹹿 user_title=PostgreSQL 桼 user_until=ͭ view_all=٤ view_data=ǡ view_delete=򤵤줿Ԥ view_download=.. view_edit=򤵤줿ԤԽ view_field=ե̾ view_invert=ȿž view_jump=Ԥذư : view_keep=ѹʤ view_match0=ޤ view_match1=ޥå view_match2=ޤޤʤ view_match3=ޥåʤ view_new=Ԥɲ view_nokey=Υơ֥Υǡˤϼ祭ʤԽǤޤ view_none=Υơ֥ϥǡޤǤޤ view_pos=$3ι $1 $2 view_search2=ե $2 $3 $1 ιԤ򸡺 view_searchhead=ե $2 Ǥ $1 view_searchok= view_searchreset=ꥻå view_set=եƤ򥻥å.. view_title=ơ֥ ǡ view_warn=ٹ - textޤbyteaեɤؤΥåץɡǡåȡϡPerl⥸塼 $1 $2 ʤǤϤޤʤ⤷ޤ postgresql/lang/ko_KR.euc0100664000567100000120000002052007305563350015375 0ustar jcameronwheelindex_title=PostgreSQL ͺ̽ index_notrun=ý: PostgreSQL ǰ ʽϴ. ͺ̽ ˻ ϴ. index_start=PostgreSQL index_startmsg=
Ͽ ý PostgreSQL ͺ̽ Ϸ ư ʽÿ. Webmin ؾ߸ ͺ̽ ֽϴ. index_nopass=Webmin PostgreSQL αΰ н带 Էؾ ͺ̽ ֽϴ. Ʒ ̸ н带 ԷϽʽÿ. index_ltitle=PostgreSQL α index_login=α index_pass=н index_clear= index_stop=PostgreSQL index_stopmsg=ý PostgreSQL ͺ̽ Ϸ ư ʽÿ. ̷ ϸ Ǵ α׷ Webmin ͺ̽ ׼ϴ ˴ϴ. index_dbs=PostgreSQL ͺ̽ index_add= ͺ̽ ۼ index_users= ɼ index_return=ͺ̽ index_esql=ýۿ PostgreSQL Ŭ̾Ʈ α׷ $1()ϴ. PostgreSQL ġ ʾҰų Ȯ ֽϴ. index_ehba=ýۿ PostgreSQL ȣƮ $1() ϴ. PostgreSQL ʱȭ ʾҰų Ȯ ֽϴ. index_eversion=ý PostgreSQL ͺ̽ $1, Webmin $2 ̻ մϴ. login_err=α login_ecannot=ͺ̽ α ϴ login_elogin= α login_epass=߸ ̸ Ǵ н dbase_title=ͺ̽ dbase_tables=ͺ̽ ̺ dbase_add= ̺ ۼ dbase_drop=ͺ̽ dbase_exec=SQL dbase_none= ͺ̽ ̺ ϴ. dbase_fields=ʵ: dbase_return=̺ dbase_ecannot= ͺ̽ ϴ table_title=̺ table_title2=̺ ۼ table_opts=ʵ ɼ table_header=ͺ̽ $2 ̺ $1 table_field=ʵ ̸ table_type= table_null= մϱ? table_arr=迭մϱ? table_none= table_add= ʵ ߰: table_return=ʵ table_data= table_drop=̺ table_name=̺ ̸ table_initial=ʱ ʵ table_header2= ̺ ɼ table_err=̺ ۼ ߽ϴ table_ename=ų ߸ ̺ ̸ table_efield='$1'() ȿ ʵ ̸ ƴմϴ table_etype=ʵ $1 table_esize=ʵ $1 ũ table_enone=ʱ ʵ带 Է ʾҽϴ field_title1=ʵ ߰ field_title2=ʵ field_in=ͺ̽ $2 ̺ $1 field_header=ʵ Ű field_name=ʵ ̸ field_type= field_size= ʺ field_none= field_null= մϱ? field_arr=ʵ带 迭մϱ? field_key= ŰԴϱ? field_uniq=մϱ? field_err=ʵ带 ߽ϴ field_esize='$1'() ȿ ʵ ũⰡ ƴմϴ field_eenum=Էµ ϴ field_efield='$1'() ȿ ʵ ̸ ƴմϴ field_ekey= ϴ ʵ Ű Ϻ ϴ exec_title=SQL exec_header=ͺ̽ $1 Ϸ SQL ԷϽʽÿ.. exec_exec= exec_err=SQL ߽ϴ exec_out=SQL $1 .. exec_none=ȯ Ͱ ϴ stop_err=ͺ̽ ߽ϴ stop_epidfile=PID $1() ߽ϴ stop_ekill=μ $1() kill ߽ϴ: $2 start_err=ͺ̽ ߽ϴ ddrop_err=ͺ̽ ߽ϴ ddrop_title=ͺ̽ ddrop_rusure=ͺ̽ $1() Ͻðڽϱ? $3 ϴ $2 ̺ ˴ϴ. ddrop_mysql= ͺ̽ ͺ̹̽Ƿ PostgreSQL ֽϴ! ddrop_ok=ͺ̽ tdrop_err=̺ ߽ϴ tdrop_title=̺ tdrop_rusure=ͺ̽ $2 ̺ $1() Ͻðڽϱ? $3 ˴ϴ. tdrop_ok=̺ view_title=̺ view_pos=$3 $1-$2 view_none= ̺ Ͱ ϴ view_edit= view_new= ߰ view_delete= view_nokey= Ű ̺ ͸ ϴ. view_all= view_invert=ݴ newdb_title=ͺ̽ ۼ newdb_header= ͺ̽ ɼ newdb_db=ͺ̽ ̸ newdb_path=ͺ̽ newdb_err=ͺ̽ ۼ ߽ϴ newdb_edb=ų ߸ ͺ̽ ̸ newdb_ecannot=ͺ̽ ۼ ϴ newdb_epath= ͺ̽ user_title=PostgreSQL user_ecannot=ڸ ϴ user_name= ̸ user_db=ͺ̽ ۼ ֽϱ? user_other=ڸ ۼ ֽϱ? user_until=ȿ Ⱓ user_add= ۼ user_forever= user_pass=н尡 ʿմϱ? user_edit= user_create= ۼ user_return= user_header=PostgreSQL user_passwd=н user_none= user_err=ڸ ߽ϴ user_epass=ų ߸ н user_ename=ų ߸ ̸ host_ecannot= ȣƮ ϴ host_title= ȣƮ host_local= host_address=ȣƮ ּ host_db=ͺ̽ host_auth= host_any= Ʈũ ȣƮ host_all= ͺ̽ host_same= ̸ host_add= ȣƮ ۼ host_ident=ȣƮ ident ˻ host_trust= ʿ host_reject= ź host_password=Ϲ ؽƮ н host_crypt=ȣȭ н host_krb4=Kerberos V4 host_krb5=Kerberos V5 host_passwordarg=н host_identarg= host_create= ȣƮ ۼ host_edit= ȣƮ host_single= ȣƮ host_network=Ʈũ host_netmask=ݸũ host_return=ȣƮ ׼ host_err= ȣƮ ߽ϴ host_eident=ų ߸ host_epassword=ų ߸ н host_enetmask=ų ߸ ݸũ host_enetwork=ų ߸ Ʈũ host_ehost=ų ߸ ȣƮ IP ּ grant_title=ο grant_tvi=ü grant_type= grant_db=ͺ̽ grant_public= grant_group=׷ $1 grant_add=ͺ̽ ο ߰: grant_return= grant_ecannot= ϴ grant_create=ο ۼ grant_edit=ο grant_header=ڿ ο grant_to= ο grant_table=̺ grant_view= Ǵ ε grant_users= ο grant_user= grant_what= grant_r=̺ grant_v= grant_i=ε grant_S= grant_none= ο ̺, , Ǵ ε ϴ. group_title=PostgreSQL ׷ group_ecannot=׷ ϴ group_name=׷ ̸ group_id=׷ ID group_mems= group_add= ׷ ۼ group_edit=׷ group_create=׷ ۼ group_header=PostgreSQL ׷ group_return=׷ group_err=׷ ߽ϴ group_ename=ų ߸ ׷ ̸ group_egid=ų ߸ ׷ ID group_etaken=̹ ׷ ̸ group_none=PostgreSQL ׷ ϴ esql=SQL $1 : $2 log_start=PostgreSQL ۵ log_stop=PostgreSQL log_db_create=ͺ̽ $1 ۼ log_db_delete=ͺ̽ $1 log_table_create=ͺ̽ $2 ̺ $1 ۼ log_table_delete=ͺ̽ $2 ̺ $1 log_field_create=ͺ̽ $3 $2 ʵ $1 $4 ߰ log_field_modify=ͺ̽ $3 $2 ִ ʵ $1 $4 log_field_delete=ͺ̽ $3 $2 ʵ $1 log_data_create=ͺ̽ $3 ̺ $2 ߰ log_data_modify=ͺ̽ $3 ̺ $2 ִ $1 log_data_delete=ͺ̽ $3 ̺ $2 ִ $1 log_exec=ͺ̽ $1 SQL log_exec_l=ͺ̽ $1 SQL $2 log_create_user= $1 ۼ log_delete_user= $1 log_modify_user= $1 log_create_group=׷ $1 ۼ log_delete_group=׷ $1 log_modify_group=׷ $1 log_create_local= ۼ log_modify_local= log_delete_local= log_create_all= ȣƮ ۼ log_modify_all= ȣƮ log_delete_all= ȣƮ log_create_hba= $1 ۼ log_modify_hba= ȣƮ $1 log_delete_hba= ȣƮ $1 log_grant=ͺ̽ $2 $1 ο acl_dbs= ڰ ִ ͺ̽ acl_dall= ͺ̽ acl_dsel= ͺ̽.. acl_create= ͺ̽ ۼ ֽϱ? acl_delete=ͺ̽ ֽϱ? acl_stop=PostgreSQL ֽϱ? acl_users=, ׷ ο ֽϱ? postgresql/lang/ca0100644000567100000120000004206210115717243014176 0ustar jcameronwheelindex_title=Servidor de BD PostgreSQL index_notrun=PostgreSQL no est en execuci al sistema - no es pot recuperar la llista de bases de dades. index_start=Inicia el Servidor PostgreSQL index_startmsg=Fes clic sobre aquest bot per iniciar el servidor de bases de dades PostgreSQL amb l'ordre
Aquest mdul Webmin no pot administrar la base de dades fins que no s'inici. index_nopass=Webmin ha de saber el teu nom d'usuari i la teva contrasenya d'administraci per tal de gestionar la base de dades. Introdueix el nom d'usuari i contrasenya aqu sota, si et plau. index_nouser=El teu compte Webmin est configurat per connectar-se al servidor PostgreSQL com a usuari $1, per aquest usuari ha estat denegat. index_ltitle=Connexi a PostgreSQL index_sameunix=Connecta amb el mateix usuari Unix index_login=Usuari index_pass=Contrasenya index_clear=Esborra index_stop=Atura el Servidor PostgreSQL index_stopmsg=Fes clic sobre aquest bot per aturar el servidor de bases de dades PostgreSQL. Aix impedir que cap usuari ni cap programa accedeixi a la base de dades, incloent-hi aquest mdul Webmin. index_dbs=Bases de dades PostgreSQL index_add=Crea una Nova Base de Dades index_users=Opcions d'Usuari index_return=a la llista de bases de dades index_esql=No s'ha trobat al sistema el programa client PostgreSQL $1. Pot ser que PostgreSQL no estigui installat, o b que la configuraci del mdul sigui incorrecta. index_ehba=No s'ha trobat el fitxer de configuraci del host PostgreSQL $1. Pot ser que PostgreSQL no hagi estat inicialitzat, o b que la configuraci del mdul sigui incorrecta. index_superuser=No s'ha pogut executar al sistema el programa client de PostgreSQL. Pot ser que PostgreSQL no estigui installat, o b que la configuraci del mdul sigui incorrecta. index_eversion=La base de dades PostgreSQL del sistema s de la versi $1, per Webmin noms suporta de la versi $2 en amunt. index_elibrary=No es pot executar el programa client PostgreSQL $1 perqu no es troben les llibreries compartides de Postgres. Comprova la configuraci del mdul assegura't que el Cam de les llibreries compartides de PostgreSQL est posat. index_ldpath=La llibreria compartida est establerta a $1, i la resposta de $2 ha estat: index_version=Versi PostgreSQL $1 index_setup=No s'ha trobat al sistema el fitxer $1 de configuraci de PostgreSQL, indicant que la base de dades encara no s'ha inicialitzat. Fes clic sobre el bot de sota per configurar PostgreSQL amb l'ordre $2. index_setupok=Inicialitza la Base de Dades index_nomod=Atenci: El mdul perl $1 no est installat al sistema, de manera que Webmin no podr accedir de forma fiable a la base de dades PostgreSQL. Fes clic aqu per installar-lo ara. index_nomods=Atenci: Els mduls Perl $1 i $2 no est installat al sistema, de manera que Webmin no podr accedir de forma fiable a la base de dades PostgreSQL. Fes clic aqu per installar-lo ara. index_nodbs=No tens accs a cap base de dades. login_err=La connexi ha fallat login_ecannot=No tens perms per configurar les connexions a la base de dades login_elogin=Hi falta el nom d'usuari login_epass=Usuari o contrasenya d'administraci incorrectes dbase_title=Edici de Base de Dades dbase_noconn=Aquesta base de dades actualment no suporta connexions, aix que no s'hi pot efectuar cap acci. dbase_tables=Taules de la base de dades dbase_add=Crea una nova taula dbase_drop=Destrueix la Base de Dades dbase_exec=Executa SQL dbase_none=Aquesta base de dades no t taules. dbase_fields=Camps: dbase_return=a la llista de taules dbase_ecannot=No tens perms per editar aquesta base de dades table_title=Edici de Taula table_title2=Creaci de Taula table_opts=Opcions del camp table_header=Taula $1 de la base de dades $2 table_field=Nom del camp table_type=Tipus table_null=Permet nuls table_arr=Matriu table_none=Cap table_add=Afegeix camp del tipus: table_return=a la llista de columnes table_data=Mostra les Dades table_drop=Destrueix la Taula table_name=Nom de la Taula table_initial=Camps inicials table_header2=Opcions de la nova taula table_err=No he pogut crear la nova taula table_ename=Hi falta el nom de taula o b no s vlid table_efield='$1' no s un nom de camp vlid table_etype=Hi falta el tipus del camp $1 table_esize=Hi falta la mida del camp $1 table_enone=No has introdut cap camp inicial table_fielddrop=Elimina Camp table_eblob=No cal la mida per al camp BLOB $1 field_title1=Addici de Camp field_title2=Modificaci de Camp field_in=De la taula $1 de la base de dades $2 field_header=Parmetres del camp field_name=Nom del camp field_type=Tipus de dades field_size=Mida field_none=Cap field_null=Permet nuls
field_arr=Camp de matriu field_key=Clau primria field_uniq=nica field_err=No he pogut desar el camp field_esize='$1' no s una mida de camp vlida field_eenum=No has introdut cap valor enumerat field_efield='$1' no s un nom de camp vlid field_ekey=Els camps que permeten nuls no poden formar part de la clau primria exec_title=Execuci de SQL exec_header=Introdueix l'ordre SQL a executar sobre la base de dades $1... exec_exec=Executa exec_err=No he pogut executar SQL exec_out=Sortida de l'ordre SQL $1... exec_none=No s'ha retornat cap dada exec_header2=Selecciona un fitxer d'ordres SQL per executar sobre la base de dades $1... exec_file=De fitxer local exec_upload=De fitxer pujat exec_eupload=No has seleccionat cap fitxer per pujar exec_efile=El fitxer local no existeix o no es pot llegir exec_uploadout=Sortida de les ordres SQL pujades... exec_fileout=Sortida de les ordres SQL del fitxer $1... exec_noout=No s'ha generat cap missatge stop_err=No he pogut aturar el servidor de bases de dades stop_epidfile=No he pogut obrir el fitxer de PID $1 stop_ekill=No he pogut matar el procs $1: $2 start_err=No he pogut iniciar el servidor de bases de dades stop_ecannot=No tens perms per aturar el servidor de bases de dades start_ecannot=No tens perms per iniciar el servidor de bases de dades ddrop_err=No he pogut destruir la base de dades ddrop_title=Destrucci de Base de Dades ddrop_rusure=Segur que vols destruir la base de dades $1? Es perdran $2 taules que contenen $3 files de dades. ddrop_mysql=Aquesta s la base de dades mestra, si la destrueixes el servidor PostgreSQL quedar inutilitzat! ddrop_ok=Destrueix la Base de Dades tdrop_err=No he pogut destruir la taula tdrop_title=Destrucci de Taula tdrop_rusure=Segur que vols destruir la taula $1 de la base de dades $2? Es perdran $3 files de dades. tdrop_ok=Destrueix la Taula view_title=Dades de Taula view_pos=Files $1 a $2 de $3 view_none=Aquesta taula no cont dades view_edit=Edita les files seleccionades view_new=Afegeix fila view_delete=Suprimeix les files seleccionades view_nokey=Les dades d'aquesta taula no es poden editar perqu no t clau primria. view_all=Selecciona-ho tot view_invert=Inverteix la selecci view_search2=Busca files on el camp $2 $3 $1 view_match0=cont view_match1=coincideix amb view_match2=no cont view_match3=no coincideix amb view_searchok=Busca view_searchhead=Busca resultats de $1 al camp $2... view_searchreset=Reinicia la recerca view_field=Nom del camp view_data=Dades noves view_jump=Salta a la fila: view_download=Descarrega... view_keep=Deixa-ho tal com est view_set=Estableix el contingut del fitxer... iew_warn=Atenci - la puja de fitxers i la visualitzaci del contingut de camps text o bytea no funcionar a menys que els mduls Perl $1 i $2 estiguin installats i funcionant. newdb_title=Creaci de Bases de Dades newdb_header=Opcions de la nova base de dades newdb_db=Nom de la base de dades newdb_path=Cam dels fitxers de la base de dades newdb_err=No he pogut desar la base de dades newdb_edb=Hi falta el nom de la base dades o b no s vlid newdb_ecannot=No tens perms per crear la base de dades newdb_epath=Hi falta el cam de la base de dades user_title=Usuaris PostgreSQL user_ecannot=No tens perms per editar els usuaris user_name=Usuari user_db=Pot crear bases de dades user_other=Pot crear usuaris user_until=Vlid fins user_add=Crea un nou usuari user_forever=Per sempre user_pass=Cal contrasenya user_edit=Edita Usuari user_create=Crea Usuari user_return=a la llista d'usuaris user_header=Detalls de l'usuari PostgreSQL user_passwd=Contrasenya user_none=Cap user_nochange=No ho canvis user_err=No he pogut desar l'usuari user_epass=Hi falta la contrasenya o b no s vlida user_ename=Hi falta el nom d'usuari o b no s vlid user_sync=Les opcions de sota configuren la sincronia entre els usuaris Unix creats amb Webmin i els usuaris PostgreSQL. user_sync_create=Afegeix un nou usuari PostgreSQL quan s'afegeixi un usuari Unix. user_sync_modify=Actualitza un usuari PostgreSQL quan es modifiqui l'usuari Unix coincident. user_sync_delete=Suprimeix un usuari PostgreSQL quan se suprimeixi l'usuari Unix coincident. host_ecannot=No tens perms per editar els hosts permesos host_title=Hosts Permesos host_desc=Quan es connecta un client a la base de dades, els hosts llistats a sota es processen per ordre fins que algun coincideix i el client s autoritzat o denegat. host_header=Detalls de l'autenticaci del client PostgreSQL host_local=Connexi local host_address=Adrea del host host_db=Bases de dades host_user=Usuaris host_uall=Tots els usuaris host_auth=Mode d'autenticaci host_any=Qualsevol host de la xarxa host_all=Totes les bases de dades host_same=Igual que el nom d'usuari host_gsame=El mateix que el nom del grup host_other=Altres... host_usel=Els usuaris llistats... host_add=Crea un nou host perms host_ident=Comprova el servidor ident al host host_trust=No cal autenticaci host_reject=Rebutja la connexi host_password=Contrasenya en text planer host_crypt=Contrasenya xifrada host_md5=Contrasenya xifrada amb MD5 host_krb4=Kerberos V4 host_krb5=Kerberos V5 host_pam=PAM host_passwordarg=Fes servir el fitxer de contrasenyes host_identarg=Fes servir mapa d'usuaris host_pamarg=Fes servir el servei PAM host_create=Crea un Host Perms host_edit=Edita un Host Perms host_single=Host allat host_network=Xarxa host_netmask=Mscara host_return=a la llista d'accs al host host_err=No he pogut desar el host perms host_eident=Hi falta el mapa d'usuaris o b no s vlid host_epam=Hi falta el servei PAM o b s invlid host_epassword=Hi falta el fitxer de contrasenyes o b no s vlid host_enetmask=Hi falta la mscara de subxarxa o b no s vlida host_enetwork=Hi falta la xarxa o b no s vlida host_ehost=Hi falta l'adrea IP del host o b no s vlida host_move=Desplaa host_edb=No has introdut cap nom de base de dades host_euser=No has introdut cap nom d'usuari host_ssl=cal una connexi SSL host_viassl=Via SSL grant_title=Concessi de Drets grant_tvi=Objecte grant_type=Tipus grant_db=Base de dades grant_public=Tothom grant_group=Grup $1 grant_add=Afegeix el perms a la base de dades: grant_return=a la llista de drets grant_ecannot=No tens perms per editar els drets grant_create=Crea Drets grant_edit=Edita Drets grant_header=Drets concedits als usuaris grant_to=Concedeix drets sobre grant_table=Taula grant_view=Vista o ndex grant_users=Concedeix drets a grant_user=Usuari grant_what=Drets grant_r=Table grant_v=Vista grant_i=ndex grant_S=Seqncia grant_none=No hi ha cap taula, vista, seqncia ni ndex sobre el qual donar drets. group_title=Grups PostgreSQL group_ecannot=No tens perms per editar grups group_name=Nom del grup group_id=ID del grup group_mems=Membres group_add=Crea un nou grup group_edit=Edita Grup group_create=Crea Grup group_header=Detalls del grup PostgreSQL group_return=a la llista de grups group_err=No he pogut desar el grup group_ename=Hi falta el nom del grup o b no s vlid group_egid=Hi falta l'ID del grup o b no s vlid group_etaken=El nom del grup ja est en s group_none=Actualment no hi ha cap grup PostgreSQL. esql=L'ordre SQL $1 ha fallat: $2 log_start=He iniciat el servidor PostgreSQL log_stop=He aturat el servidor PostgreSQL log_db_create=He creat la base de dades $1 log_db_delete=He destrut la base de dades $1 log_table_create=He creat la taula $1 de la base de dades $2 log_table_delete=He destrut la taula $1 de la base de dades $2 log_field_create=He afegit el camp $1 $4 a $2 de la base de dades $3 log_field_modify=He modificat el camp $1 $4 de $2 de la base de dades $3 log_field_delete=He suprimit el camp $1 de $2 de la base de dades $3 log_data_create=He afegit una fila a la taula $2 de la base de dades $3 log_data_modify=He modificat $1 fitxers de la taula $2 de la base de dades $3 log_data_delete=He suprimit $1 fitxers de la taula $2 de la base de dades $3 log_exec=He executat SQL a la base de dades $1 log_exec_l=He executat l'ordre SQL $2 a la base de dades $1 log_create_user=He creat l'usuari $1 log_delete_user=He suprimit l'usuari $1 log_modify_user=He modificat l'usuari $1 log_create_group=He creat el grup $1 log_delete_group=He suprimit el grup $1 log_modify_group=He modificat el grup $1 log_create_local=He creat una connexi local permesa log_modify_local=He modificat una connexi local permesa log_delete_local=He suprimit una connexi local permesa log_move_local=He desplaat la connexi local permesa log_create_all=He creat qualsevol host perms log_modify_all=He modificat qualsevol host perms log_delete_all=He suprimit qualsevol host perms log_move_all=He desplaat tots els hosts permesos log_create_hba=He creat el host perms $1 log_modify_hba=He modificat el host perms $1 log_delete_hba=He suprimit el host perms $1 log_move_hba=He desplaat el host perms $1 log_grant=He donat drets sobre $1 de la base de dades $2 log_setup=He inicialitzat la base de dades acl_dbs=Bases de dades que aquest usuari pot gestionar acl_dbscannot=Aquest control d'accs ser efectiu desprs d'iniciar el servidor de bases de dades PostgreSQL. acl_dall=Totes les bases de dades acl_dsel=Seleccionades... acl_create=Pot crear noves bases de dades acl_delete=Pot destruir bases de dades acl_stop=Pot iniciar i aturar el servidor PostgreSQL acl_users=Pot editar usuaris, grups, hosts i drets acl_login=Entra a MySQL com a acl_user_def=Usuari del mdul Config acl_user=Usuari acl_pass=Contrasenya acl_sameunix=Connecta i fes cpies de seguretat amb el mateix usuari Unix acl_backup=Pot crear cpies de seguretat acl_restore=Pot crear cpies de seguretat fdrop_err=Error en eliminar el camp fdrop_header=Elimina Aquest fdrop_lose_data=Selecciona la caixa per confirmar que entens que es perdran les definicions tals com ara els ndexs i els valors per defecte de tots els camps. fdrop_perform=Elimina Camp fdrop_title=Eliminaci de Camp setup_err=No he pogut inicialitzar la base de dades setup_ecannot=No tens perms per inicialitzar la base de dades dbase_bkup=Copia dbase_rstr=Restaura restore_title=Restauraci de Base de Dades restore_header=Opcions de restauraci de la base de dades restore_db=Nom de la base de dades restore_path=Cam dels fitxers a restaurar restore_err=No he pogut restaurar la base de dades restore_edb=Hi falta el nom de la base de dades o b s invlid restore_eacl=Has de tenir perms per crear i destruir bases de dades restore_epath=Hi falta el cam de la base de dades restore_go=Restaura restore_pe1=El fitxer ha de ser un fitxer tar ($1) restore_pe2=No s'ha trobat el fitxer ($1) restore_exe=Error d'execuci de l'ordre ($1) restore_ecmd=No s'ha trobat al sistema l'ordre de restauraci $1 restore_ecannot=No tens perms per restaurar cpies restore_only=Restaurar noms les dades, sense les taules restore_clean=Suprimeix les taules abans de restaurar backup_title=Cpia de Base de Dades backup_desc=Aquest formulari permet fer una cpia de seguretat de la base de dades $1 b com a fitxer d'instruccions SQL, b com un arxiu. backup_desc2=La cpia es pot portar a terme immediatament, o automticament en base a una planificaci seleccionada. backup_header=Opcions de cpia de la base de dades backup_db=Nom de la base de dades backup_path=Cam dels fitxers a copiar backup_err=No he pogut copiar la base de dades backup_eacl=Has de tenir perms per crear i destruir bases de dades backup_edb=Hi falta el nom de la base de dades o b s invlid backup_epath=Hi falta el cam de la base de dades backup_ok=Fes la Cpia Ara backup_ok1=Desa i Fes la Cpia Ara backup_ok2=Desa backup_pe1=El fitxer ha de ser un fitxer tar ($1) backup_pe2=El fitxer ja existeix ($1) backup_pe3=Hi falta el cam dels fitxers a copiar o b s invlid backup_ebackup=pg_dump ha fallat: $1 backup_ecmd=No s'ha trobat al sistema l'ordre de cpia $1 backup_format=Format del fitxer de cpia backup_format_p=Text SQL planer backup_format_t=Fitxer tar backup_format_c=Fitxer personalitzat backup_ecannot=No tens perms per crear cpies backup_done=S'han copiat $3 bytes de la base de dades $1 al fitxer $2. backup_sched=S'ha activat la cpia planificada backup_sched1=S, a les hores triades a sota... backup_ccron=S'ha activat la cpia planificada de la base dades. backup_dcron=S'ha desactivat la cpia planificada de la base dades. backup_ucron=S'han actualitzat el cam, format i hores de la cpia planificada de la base de dades. backup_ncron=La cpia planificada de la base dades s'ha deixat desactivada. backup_before=Ordre a executar abans de la cpia backup_after=Ordre a executar desprs de la cpia r_command=Ordre no Suportada postgresql/lang/it0100664000567100000120000004044310002211637014221 0ustar jcameronwheelindex_title=Database Server PostgreSQL index_notrun=PostgreSQL non sta girando nel tuo server -- non pu essere estratta la lista dei database. index_start=Fai partire il server PostgreSQL index_startmsg=Usa questo bottone per far partire il database server PostgreSQL nel tuo sistema con il comando $1. Questo modulo di Webmin non pu amministrare un database finch non partito. index_nopass=Webmin deve conoscere login e password dell'amministratore di PostgreSQL per gestire il tuo database. Per favore inserisci il nome utente e la password dell'amministratore qui sotto. index_nouser=Webmin configurato per connettersi al server PostgreSQL come utente $1, ma l'accesso con questo utente stato rifiutato. index_ltitle=Login PostgreSQL index_sameunix=Connessione con utente uguale all'utente Unix? index_login=Login index_pass=Password index_clear=Cancella index_stop=Ferma Server PostgreSQL index_stopmsg=Usa questo bottone per fermare il database server PostgreSQL nel tuo sistema. Questo ne impedir l'accesso a qualsiasi utente o programma, incluso questo modulo Webmin. index_dbs=Database PostgreSQL index_add=Crea un nuovo database index_users=Opzioni Utente index_return=elenco database index_esql=Il programma client di PostgreSQL $1 non stato trovato nel tuo sistema. PostgreSQL potrebbe non essere installato, oppure la configurazione del modulo errata. index_ehba=Il file di configurazione di PostgreSQL $1 non stato trovato nel tuo sistema. PostgreSQL potrebbe non essere stato inizializzato, oppure la configurazione del modulo errata. index_superuser=Il programma client di PostgreSQL non stato trovato nel tuo sistema. PostgreSQL potrebbe non essere installato, oppure la configurazione del modulo errata. index_eversion=La versione di PostgreSQL nel tuo sistema $1, ma Webmin supporta solo PostgreSQL versione $2 e superiori. index_elibrary=Il programma client di PostgreSQL non pu essere eseguito perch non sono state trovale le librerie condivise di PostgreSQL. Controlla la configurazione del modulo per essere sicuro che il Percorso per le librerie condivise di PostgreSQL sia corretto. index_ldpath=Il percorso per le librerie condivise $1, e l'output da $2 : index_version=PostgreSQL versione $1 index_setup=Il file di configurazione di PostgreSQL $1 non stato trovato nel tuo sistema, questo indica che il database non stato ancora inizializzato, usa il bottone qui sotto per inizializzare PostgreSQL con il comando $2. index_setupok=Inizializza Database index_nomod=Il modulo Perl $1 non installato nel tuo sistema, quindi Webmin non sar in grado di accedere correttamente al tuo database PostgreSQL. Installa il modulo adesso. index_nomods=I moduli Perl $1 e $2 non sono installati nel tuo sistema, quindi Webmin non sar in grado di accedere correttamente al tuo database PostgreSQL. Installa i moduli adesso. index_nodbs=Non hai accesso a nessun database PostgreSQL. login_err=Login fallito login_ecannot=Non sei autorizzato a configurare il login al database login_elogin=Login amministratore mancante login_epass=Nome utente amministratore o password errati dbase_title=Modifica Database dbase_noconn=Questo database non sta accettando connessioni, quindi non pu essere eseguita nessuna azione su di esso. dbase_tables=Tabelle Database dbase_add=Crea una nuova tabella dbase_drop=Cancella Database dbase_exec=Esegui SQL dbase_none=Questo database non ha tabelle. dbase_fields=Campi: dbase_return=elenco tabelle dbase_ecannot=Non sei autorizzato a modificare questo database table_title=Modifica Tabella table_title2=Crea Tabella table_opts=Opzioni campi table_header=Tabella $1 del database $2 table_field=Nome campo table_type=Tipo table_null=Permetti valore null? table_arr=Array? table_none=Nessuno table_add=Aggiungi campo di tipo: table_return=elenco campi table_data=Visualizza Dati table_drop=Cancella tabella table_name=Nome tabella table_initial=Campi iniziali table_header2=Opzioni nuova tabella table_err=Creazione tabella fallita table_ename=Nome tabella mancante o invalido table_efield='$1' non un nome campo valido table_etype=Tipo mancante per il campo $1 table_esize=Dimensione mancante per il campo $1 table_enone=Nessun campo iniziale inserito table_fielddrop=Cancella Campo field_title1=Aggiungi Campo field_title2=Modifica Campo field_in=Nella tabella $1 del database $2 field_header=Parametri dei campi field_name=Nome campo field_type=Tipo dati field_size=Dimensione tipo field_none=Nessuno field_null=Permetti null? field_arr=Campo Array? field_key=Chiave primaria? field_uniq=Unique? field_err=Salvataggio campo fallito field_esize='$1' non una dimensione campo valida field_eenum=Nessun valore elencato inserito field_efield='$1' non un nome di campo valido field_ekey=Campi che possono essere null non posso essere parte della chiave primaria exec_title=Esegui SQL exec_header=Inserisci il comando SQL da eseguire nel database .. exec_exec=Esegui exec_err=Esecuzione SQL fallita exec_out=Output del comando SQL $1 .. exec_none=Nessun dato ritornato exec_header2=Seleziona un file con comandi SQL da eseguire nel database $1 .. exec_file=Da file locale exec_upload=Da file trasferito (upload) exec_eupload=Nessun file selezionato da trasferire exec_efile=Il file locale non esiste o non pu essere letto exec_uploadout=Output dai comandi del file SQL trasferito .. exec_fileout=Output dai comandi SQL nel file $1 .. exec_noout=Nessun output generato stop_err=Fallimento nel fermare il database stop_epidfile=Apertura file PID $1 fallita stop_ekill=Kill processo $1 fallito : $2 stop_ecannot=Non sei autorizzato a fermare il database server start_err=Fallimento nel far partire il database start_ecannot=Non sei autorizzato a far partire il database server ddrop_err=Cancellazione database fallita ddrop_title=Cancella Database ddrop_rusure=Sei sicuro di voler cancellare il database $1 ? $2 tabelle contenenti $3 righe di dati verranno cancellate. ddrop_mysql=Questo il database master, cancellandolo probabilmente renderai il tuo MySQL server inutilizzabile! ddrop_ok=Cancella Database tdrop_err=Cancellazione tabella fallita tdrop_title=Cancella Tabella tdrop_rusure=Sei sicuro di voler cancellare la tabella $1 dal database $2 ? verranno cancellate $3 righe di dati. tdrop_ok=Cancella Tabella view_title=Contenuto Tabella view_pos=Righe dalla $1 alla $2 di $3 view_none=Questa tabella non contiene dati view_edit=Modifica le righe selezionate view_new=Aggiungi riga view_delete=Cancella le righe selezionate view_nokey=I dati in questa tabella non possono essere modificati perch non ha chiave primaria. view_all=Seleziona tutto view_invert=Inverti selezione view_search2=Cerca righe con campo $2 $3 $1 view_match0=contiene view_match1=corrisponde view_match2=non contiene view_match3=non corrisponde view_searchok=Cerca view_searchhead=Risultati ricerca per $1 nel campo $2 .. view_searchreset=Reset ricerca view_field=Nome campo view_data=Nuovi dati view_jump=Salta alla riga : view_download=Download.. view_keep=Non modificare view_set=Setta al contenuto del file.. view_warn=Avviso - il trasferimento di file e la visualizzazione del contenuto di campi text o byte probabilmente non funzioner a meno che i moduli Perl $1 e $2 non siano installati e in uso. newdb_title=Creazione Database newdb_header=Opzioni nuovo database newdb_db=Nome database newdb_path=Percorso ai file del database newdb_err=Creazione database fallita newdb_edb=Nome database mancante o invalido newdb_ecannot=Non sei autorizzato a creare database newdb_epath=Percorso del database mancante user_title=Utenti PostgreSQL user_ecannot=Non sei autorizzato a modificare gli utenti user_name=Nome utente user_db=Pu creare database? user_other=Pu creare utenti? user_until=Valido fino a user_add=Crea un nuovo utente user_forever=Per sempre user_pass=Richiede password? user_edit=Modifica Utente user_create=Creazione Utente user_return=lista utenti user_header=Dettagli utente PostgreSQL user_passwd=Password user_none=Nessuna user_nochange=Non cambiare user_err=Salvataggio utente fallito user_epass=Password mancante o invalida user_ename=Nome utente mancante o invalida user_sync=Le opzioni qui sotto configurano la sincronizzazione tra l'utente Unix creato con Webmin e gli utenti PostgreSQL. user_sync_create=Aggiungi un nuovo utente PostgreSQL all'aggiunta di un utente Unix. user_sync_modify=Aggiorna un utente PostgreSQL quando l'utente Unix corrispondente modificato. user_sync_delete=Cancella un utente PostgreSQL quando l'utente Unix corrispondente cancellato. host_ecannot=Non sei autorizzato a modificare gli host autorizzati host_title=Host Autorizzati host_desc=Quando un client si connette al database, gli host elencati qui sotto sono controllati in ordine fino a quando non viene trovata una riga corrisponde al client, che verr quindi autorizzato oppure no. host_header=Dettagli autenticazione client PostgreSQL host_local=Connessioni locali host_address=Indirizzo host host_db=Database host_user=Utenti host_uall=Tutti gli utenti host_auth=Modalit di autenticazione host_any=Qualunque host in rete host_all=Tutti i database host_same=Uguale al nome utente host_gsame=Uguale al nome gruppo host_other=Altro.. host_usel=Utenti elencati.. host_add=Crea un nuovo host autorizzato host_ident=Controlla ident del server host_trust=Nessuna autorizzazione richiesta host_reject=Rifiuta connessione host_password=Password in chiaro host_crypt=Password criptata host_md5=Password criptata MD5 host_krb4=Kerberos V4 host_krb5=Kerberos V5 host_pam=PAM host_passwordarg=Usa file con le password host_identarg=Usa mappa utenti host_pamarg=Usa servizio PAM host_create=Crea Host Autorizzato host_edit=Modifica Host Autorizzato host_single=Host singolo host_network=Rete host_netmask=Netmask host_return=lista accessi da host host_err=Salvataggio host autorizzati fallito host_eident=Mappa utenti mancante o invalida host_epam=Servizio PAM mancante o invalido host_epassword=File con le password mancante o invalido host_enetmask=Netmask mancante o invalido host_enetwork=Rete mancante o invalido host_ehost=Indirizzo IP host mancante o invalido host_move=Muovi host_edb=Nessun nome di database inserito host_euser=Nessun nome di utente inserito grant_title=Privilegi Assegnati grant_tvi=Oggetto grant_type=Tipo grant_db=Database grant_public=Tutti grant_group=Gruppo $1 grant_add=Aggiungi privilegio nel database (grant) : grant_return=lista privilegi grant_ecannot=Non sei autorizzato a modificare i privilegi grant_create=Crea privilegio grant_edit=Modifica privilegio grant_header=Privilegi assegnati agli utenti grant_to=Assegna privilegi su grant_table=Tabella grant_view=Vista o indice grant_users=Assegna privilegi a grant_user=Utente grant_what=Privilegi grant_r=Tabella grant_v=Vista grant_i=Indice grant_S=Sequence grant_none=Non esiste nessuna tabella, vista, sequenza o indice a cui assegnare privilegi. group_title=Gruppi PostgreSQL group_ecannot=Non sei autorizzato a modificare i gruppi group_name=Nome gruppo group_id=ID gruppo group_mems=Membri group_add=Crea un nuovo gruppo group_edit=Modifica gruppo group_create=Crea gruppo group_header=Dettagli gruppo PostgreSQL group_return=lista gruppi group_err=Salvataggio gruppo fallito group_ename=Nome gruppo mancante o invalido group_egid=ID gruppo mancante o invalido group_etaken=Quel nome di gruppo gi in uso group_none=Non esiste nessun gruppo PostgreSQL esql=SQL $1 fallito : $2 log_start=Fatto partire server PostgreSQL log_stop=Fermato server PostgreSQL log_db_create=Creato database $1 log_db_delete=Cancellato database $1 log_table_create=Creata tabella $1 nel database $2 log_table_delete=Cancellata tabella $1 dal database $2 log_field_create=Aggiunto campo $1 $4 a $2 nel database $3 log_field_modify=Modificato campo $1 $4 in $2 nel database $3 log_field_delete=Cancellato field $1 da $2 nel database $3 log_data_create=Aggiunta riga alla tabella $2 nel database $3 log_data_modify=Modificate $1 righe della tabella $2 nel database $3 log_data_delete=Cancellate $1 righe dalla tabella $2 nel database $3 log_exec=Eseguito SQL nel database $1 log_exec_l=Eseguito comando SQL $2 nel database $1 log_create_user=Creato utente $1 log_delete_user=Cancellato utente $1 log_modify_user=Modificato utente $1 log_create_group=Creato gruppo $1 log_delete_group=Cancellato gruppo $1 log_modify_group=Modificato gruppo $1 log_create_local=Creata autorizzazione connessione locale log_modify_local=Modificata autorizzazione connessione locale log_delete_local=Cancellata autorizzazione connessione locale log_move_local=Spostata autorizzazione connessione locale log_create_all=Creata autorizzazione host qualunque log_modify_all=Modificata autorizzazione host qualunque log_delete_all=Cancellata autorizzazione host qualunque log_move_all=Spostata autorizzazione host qualunque log_create_hba=Creata autorizzazione host $1 log_modify_hba=Modificata autorizzazione host $1 log_delete_hba=Cancellata autorizzazione host $1 log_move_hba=Spostata autorizzazione host $1 log_grant=Assegnati privilegi su $1 nel database $2 log_setup=Database inizializzato acl_dbs=Database che questo utente pu gestire acl_dbscannot=Questo controllo d'accesso diventer effettivo alla partenza del server PostgreSQL. acl_dall=Tutti i database acl_dsel=Selezionati.. acl_create=Pu creare nuovi database? acl_delete=Pu cancellare database? acl_stop=Pu fermare e far partire il server PostgreSQL? acl_users=Pu modificare utenti, gruppi, host e autorizzazioni? acl_backup=Pu creare backup? acl_restore=Pu ripristinare (restore) backup? acl_login=Login a PostgreSQL come acl_user_def=Nome utente dal modulo di configurazione acl_user=Nome utente acl_pass=password acl_sameunix=Connessione e creazione backup come utente Unix corrispondente all'utente PostgreSQL? fdrop_err=Errore durante la cancellazione del campo fdrop_header=Cancella fdrop_lose_data=Seleziona per confermare che hai capito che definizioni come indici e valori di default, in tutti i campi, potrebbero essere persi. fdrop_perform=Cancella Campo fdrop_title=Cancellazione Campo setup_err=Inizializzazione database fallita setup_ecannot=Non sei autorizzato a inizializzare il database dbase_bkup=Backup dbase_rstr=Ripristino (restore) restore_title=Ripristino (Restore) Database restore_header=Opzioni di ripristino database restore_db=Nome database restore_path=Percorso del file di backup restore_err=Ripristino database fallito restore_edb=Nome database mancante o invalido restore_eacl=Devi essere autorizzato a creare e cancellare database restore_epath=Percorso database mancante restore_go=Ripristino restore_pe1=Il file deve essere in formato tar ($1) restore_pe2=File non trovato ($1) restore_exe=Errore nell'esecuzione del comando ($1) restore_ecmd=Il comando di ripristino $1 non stato trovato nel tuo sistema restore_ecannot=Non sei autorizzato a ripristinare il backup restore_only=Ripristino solo i dati senza ripristinare le tabelle? restore_clean=Svuoto le tabelle prima di ripristinare? backup_title=Backup Database backup_header=Opzioni di backup database backup_db=Nome database backup_desc=Questo form permette di fare backup del database $1 su di un file con comandi SQL. backup_desc2=Il backup pu essere effettuato immediatamente, o automaticamente con la schedulazione selezionata. backup_path=Percorso file di backup backup_err=Backup database fallito backup_eacl=Devi essere autorizzato a creare e cancellare database backup_edb=Nome database mancante o invalido backup_epath=Percorso database mancante backup_ok=Esegui Backup backup_ok1=Salva ed Esegui Backup backup_ok2=Salva backup_pe1=Il file deve essere in formato .tar ($1) backup_pe2=Il file gi esistente ($1) backup_pe3=Percorso file di backup mancante o invalido backup_ebackup=pg_dump fallito : $1 backup_ecmd=Il comando di backup $1 non stato trovato nel tuo sistema backup_format=Formato file di backup backup_format_p=Testo SQL backup_format_t=Archivio tar backup_format_c=Archivio personalizzato backup_ecannot=Non sei autorizzato a creare backup backup_done=Backup eseguito correttamente, $3 byte dal database $1 al file $2. backup_sched=Backup schedulati abilitati? backup_sched1=Si, scegli quando .. backup_ccron=Backup schedulati per i database abilitati. backup_dcron=Backup schedulati per i database disabilitati. backup_ucron=Percorso backup, opzioni e tempi per la schedulazione aggiornati. backup_ncron=La schedulazione dei backup stata lasciata disabilitata. r_command=Comando non supportato postgresql/lang/zh_TW.Big50100644000567100000120000001717210067670063015443 0ustar jcameronwheelindex_title=PostgreSQLƮwA index_notrun=bztΤWS PostgreSQL -˯ƮwC index_start=ҰPostgreSQLA index_startmsg=IoӫsAϥΩRO$1ҰʱztΤWPostgreSQLƮwA.ƮwҰʫAowebminҲդ~޲zƮwC index_nopass=F޲zzƮwAwebminݭnDzPostgreSQL޲znJHαKXCЦbUJz޲zbMKXC index_ltitle=PostgreSQLnJ index_login=nJ index_pass=KX index_clear=M index_stop=PostgreSQLA index_stopmsg=IoӫsAztΤWPostgreSQLƮwACoN|ϥΪ̩ε{iJƮwA]AowebminҲաC index_dbs=PostgreSQLƮw index_add=sW@ӷsƮw index_users=ϥΪ̿ﶵ index_return=ƮwC index_esql=bztΤSo{PostgreSQLA]\SwˡAΪ̱zҲհtmTC index_ehba=bztΤ PostgreSQLDtmɮ $1Cγ\PostgreSQLSlơAΪҲհtmTC index_superuser=PostgreSQLȤݵ{psqlLkbztΰA γ\PostgreSQLSwˡAΪ̱zҲհtmTC index_eversion=bztΪPostgreSQLƮwO$1AOWebmin u䴩$2C index_elibrary=PostgreSQLȤݵ{$1LkA]SPostgresɨ禡wA ˬdҲղպA MTwPostgreSQLɨ禡|wg]w index_version=PostgreSQL$1 login_err=nJ login_ecannot=zStmƮwnJv login_elogin=SJ޲znJ login_epass=T޲zbΪ̱KX dbase_title=sƮw dbase_noconn=ƮwثeLkT{O_suAҥHʧ@nDLkC dbase_tables=Ʈw dbase_add=sW@ӷs dbase_drop=RƮw dbase_exec=SQL dbase_none=oӸƮwSC dbase_fields=G dbase_return=ƪC dbase_ecannot=zSs覹Ʈwv table_title=s table_title2=sW table_opts=ﶵ table_header=Ʈw$2$1 table_field=W table_type= table_null=\šH table_arr=}CH table_none=L table_add=W[쪺G table_return=C table_data=ܸ table_drop=R table_name=W table_initial=l table_header2=sﶵ table_err=sW楢 table_ename=SJΪ̵LĪW table_efield=$1OW table_etype=SJ$1 table_esize=SJ$1 table_enone=SJl table_fielddrop=󥢱 field_title1=W[ field_title2=ק field_in=bƮw$2$1 field_header=Ѽ field_name=W field_type= field_size=e field_none=L field_null=\šH field_arr=}CH field_key=DH field_uniq=WSH field_err=xs쥢 field_esize='$1Ojp field_eenum=SJC| field_efield=$1O@ӦĪW field_ekey=\Ū줣OD䪺@ exec_title=SQL exec_header=JbƮw $1W檺 SQL RO.. exec_exec= exec_err=SQL SQL exec_out=SQLRO$1X.. exec_none=SƶǦ^ stop_err=ƮwA stop_epidfile=}PIDɮ$1 stop_ekill={$1 : $2 stop_ecannot=zQ\ƮwA start_err=ҰʸƮwA start_ecannot=zQ\ҰʸƮwA ddrop_err=RƮw ddrop_title=RƮw ddrop_rusure=TwnRƮw $1H]t $3ƪ $2 ӪNQRC ddrop_mysql=]oO@ӥDƮwAR]\|ϱzPostgreSQLAϥΡC ddrop_ok=RƮw tdrop_err=Rƪ楢 tdrop_title=Rƪ tdrop_rusure=zTwnRƮw$2ƪ $1ܡH $3ƱNQRC tdrop_ok=Rƪ view_title= view_pos=$3$1$2 view_none=oӪS view_edit=s view_new=W[ view_delete=R view_nokey=boӪ椤ƤQsA]SDC view_all= view_invert=Ͽ newdb_title=sWƮw newdb_header=sƮwﶵ newdb_db=ƮwW newdb_path=Ʈwɮ׸| newdb_err=sWƮw newdb_edb=SJΪ̵LĸƮwW newdb_ecannot=zSvQsWƮw newdb_epath=SJƮw| user_title=PostgreSQLϥΪ user_ecannot=zLsϥΪ̪v user_name=b user_db=sWƮwH user_other=sWϥΪ̡H user_until=Ĩ user_add=sWsϥΪ user_forever=û user_pass=ݭnKXH user_edit=sϥΪ user_create=sWϥΪ user_return=ϥΪ̦C user_header=PostgreSQLϥΪ̤e user_passwd=KX user_none=L user_err=xsϥΪ̥ user_epass=SJΪ̵LıKX user_ename=SJΪ̵Lıb host_ecannot=zLvs褹\D host_title=\D host_desc=@ӫȤݳsu즹ƮwɡAU誺DCN|ҬO_ŦXӧP_\ΩڵC host_local=as host_address=D} host_db=Ʈw host_auth={ҼҦ host_any=D host_all=ҦƮw host_same=Mb@ host_add=sW@ӷs\D host_ident=ˬdDWлxA host_trust=S{һݭn host_reject=ڵs host_password=KX host_crypt=[KKX host_krb4=Kerberos 4 host_krb5=kerberos 5 host_passwordarg=ϥΪ̱KXɮ host_identarg=ϥΨϥΪ̬Mg host_create=sW\D host_edit=s褹\D host_single=D host_network= host_netmask=Bn host_return=DiJC host_err=xs\D host_eident=SJΪ̵LĨϥΪ̬Mg host_epassword=SJΪ̵LıKXɮ host_enetmask=SJΪ̵LĺBn host_enetwork=SJΪ̵Lĺ host_ehost=SJΪ̵LĥDIP} host_move= grant_title=¤Sv grant_tvi=H grant_type= grant_db=Ʈw grant_public=CӤH grant_group=s $1 grant_add=W[bƮwvG grant_return=SvC grant_ecannot=z\sSvC grant_create=sWv grant_edit=sv grant_header=vϥΪ̪Sv grant_to=¯Sv grant_table= grant_view=sί grant_users=¯Sv grant_user=ϥΪ grant_what=Sv grant_r= grant_v=s grant_i= grant_S=ǦC grant_none=S¤SvAsAǦCΪ̯ަsbC group_title=PostgreSQs group_ecannot=z\ss group_name=sզW group_id=sռ group_mems= group_add=sWss group_edit=ss group_create=sW@Ӹs group_header=PostgreSQsդe group_return=sզC group_err=xssե group_ename=SJΪ̵LĸsզW group_egid=SJΪ̵Lĸsռ group_etaken=sզW٤wgbϥ group_none={bSPostgreSQsզsb esql=SQL $1 :$2 log_start=ҰPostgreSQA log_stop=PostgreSQA log_db_create=sWƮw$1 log_db_delete=RƮw$1 log_table_create=bƮw$2sW$1 log_table_delete=RƮw$2$1 log_field_create=bƮw$3$2W[$1 $4 log_field_modify=קƮw$3$2$1 $4 log_field_delete=RƮw$3$2$1 log_data_create=bƮw$3V$2W[ log_data_modify=קbƮw$3$2$1 log_data_delete=RbƮw$3$2$1 log_exec=bƮw$1SQLyk log_exec_l=bƮw $1SQLRO$2 log_create_user=sWϥΪ$1 log_delete_user=RϥΪ$1 log_modify_user=קϥΪ$1 log_create_group=sWs$1 log_delete_group=Rs $1 log_modify_group=קs$1 log_create_local=sW\as log_modify_local=ק魯\as log_delete_local=R\as log_move_local=\su log_create_all=sW󤹳\D log_modify_all=ק󤹳\D log_delete_all=R󤹳\D log_move_all=\Dm log_create_hba=sW\D$1 log_modify_hba=ק魯\D$1 log_delete_hba=R\D$1 log_move_hba=\Dm$1 log_grant=¤Ʈw$2b$1WSv acl_dbs=oӨϥΪ̥iH޲zƮw acl_dbscannot=oǶiJNMΦbҰPostgreSQLA acl_dall=ҦƮw acl_dsel=.. acl_create=iHsWsƮwܡH acl_delete=RƮwH acl_stop=ఱΪ̱ҰPostgrSQL AܡH acl_users=sϥΪ̡AsաAMvܡH fdrop_err=ɵoͿ~ fdrop_header=󦹶 fdrop_lose_data=T{ĿﲰOzFѤeAbWީMeNC fdrop_perform=~ fdrop_title=~ postgresql/lang/en.bak0100644000567100000120000003161407617314035014757 0ustar jcameronwheelindex_title=PostgreSQL Database Server index_notrun=PostgreSQL is not running on your system - database list could not be retrieved. index_start=Start PostgreSQL Server index_startmsg=Click this button to start the PostgreSQL database server on your system with the command
. This Webmin module cannot administer the database until it is started. index_nopass=Webmin needs to know your PostgreSQL administration login and password in order to manage your database. Please enter your administration username and password below. index_ltitle=PostgreSQL Login index_sameunix=Connect as same Unix user? index_login=Login index_pass=Password index_clear=Clear index_stop=Stop PostgreSQL Server index_stopmsg=Click this button to stop the PostgreSQL database server on your system. This will prevent any users or programs from accessing the database, including this Webmin module. index_dbs=PostgreSQL Databases index_add=Create a new database index_users=User Options index_return=database list index_esql=The PostgreSQL client program $1 was not found on your system. Maybe PostgreSQL is not installed, or your module configuration is incorrect. index_ehba=The PostgreSQL host configuration file $1 was not found on your system. Maybe PostgreSQL has not been initialised, or your module configuration is incorrect. index_superuser=The PostgreSQL client program psql could not execute on your system. Maybe PostgreSQL is not installed, or your module configuration is incorrect. index_eversion=The PostgreSQL database on your system is version $1, but Webmin only supports versions $2 and above. index_elibrary=The PostgreSQL client program $1 could not be run because it could not find the Postgres shared libraries. Check the module configuration and make sure the Path to PostgreSQL shared libraries is set. index_ldpath=Your shared library path is set to $1, and the output from $2 was : index_version=PostgreSQL version $1 index_setup=The PostgreSQL host configuration file $1 was not found on your system, indicating that the database has not been initialized yet. Click the button below to setup PostgreSQL with the command $2. index_setupok=Initialize Database index_nomod=Warning: The Perl module $1 is not installed on your system, so Webmin will not be able to reliably access your PostgreSQL database. Click here to install it now. index_nomods=Warning: The Perl modules $1 and $2 are not installed on your system, so Webmin will not be able to reliably access your PostgreSQL database. Click here to install them now. login_err=Login failed login_ecannot=You are not allowed to configure the database login login_elogin=Missing adminstration login login_epass=Incorrect administration username or password dbase_title=Edit Database dbase_noconn=This database is not currently accepting connections, so no actions can be performed in it. dbase_tables=Database Tables dbase_add=Create a new table dbase_drop=Drop Database dbase_exec=Execute SQL dbase_none=This database has no tables. dbase_fields=Fields: dbase_return=table list dbase_ecannot=You are not allowed to edit this database table_title=Edit Table table_title2=Create Table table_opts=Field options table_header=Table $1 in database $2 table_field=Field name table_type=Type table_null=Allow nulls? table_arr=Array? table_none=None table_add=Add field of type: table_return=field list table_data=View Data table_drop=Drop Table table_name=Table name table_initial=Initial fields table_header2=New table options table_err=Failed to create table table_ename=Missing or invalid table name table_efield='$1' is not a valid field name table_etype=Missing type for field $1 table_esize=Missing type size for field $1 table_enone=No initial fields entered table_fielddrop=Drop Field field_title1=Add Field field_title2=Modify Field field_in=In table $1 in database $2 field_header=Field parameters field_name=Field name field_type=Data type field_size=Type width field_none=None field_null=Allow nulls? field_arr=Array field? field_key=Primary key? field_uniq=Unique? field_err=Failed to save field field_esize='$1' is not a valid field size field_eenum=No enumerated values entered field_efield='$1' is not a valid field name field_ekey=Fields that allow nulls cannot be part of the primary key exec_title=Execute SQL exec_header=Enter SQL command to execute on database $1 .. exec_exec=Execute exec_err=Failed to execute SQL exec_out=Output from SQL command $1 .. exec_none=No data returned stop_err=Failed to stop database server stop_epidfile=Failed to open PID file $1 stop_ekill=Failed to kill process $1 : $2 stop_ecannot=You are not allowed to stop the database server start_err=Failed to start database server start_ecannot=You are not allowed to start the database server ddrop_err=Failed to drop database ddrop_title=Drop Database ddrop_rusure=Are you sure you want to drop the database $1 ? $2 tables containing $3 rows of data will be deleted. ddrop_mysql=Because this is the master database, dropping it will probably make your PostgreSQL server unusable! ddrop_ok=Drop Database tdrop_err=Failed to drop table tdrop_title=Drop Table tdrop_rusure=Are you sure you want to drop the table $1 in database $2 ? $3 rows of data will be deleted. tdrop_ok=Drop Table view_title=Table Data view_pos=Rows $1 to $2 of $3 view_none=This table contains no data view_edit=Edit selected rows view_new=Add row view_delete=Delete selected rows view_nokey=Data in this table cannot be edited because it has no primary key. view_all=Select all view_invert=Invert selection newdb_title=Create Database newdb_header=New database options newdb_db=Database name newdb_path=Database file path newdb_err=Failed to create database newdb_edb=Missing or invalid database name newdb_ecannot=You are not allowed to create databases newdb_epath=Missing database path user_title=PostgreSQL Users user_ecannot=You are not allowed to edit users user_name=Username user_db=Can create databases? user_other=Can create users? user_until=Valid until user_add=Create a new user user_forever=Forever user_pass=Requires password? user_edit=Edit User user_create=Create User user_return=user list user_header=PostgreSQL user details user_passwd=Password user_none=None user_err=Failed to save user user_epass=Missing or invalid password user_ename=Missing or invalid username user_sync=The options below configure synchronization between Unix users created through Webmin and PostgreSQL users. user_sync_create=Add a new PostgreSQL user when a Unix user is added. user_sync_modify=Update a PostgreSQL user when the matching Unix user is modified. user_sync_delete=Delete a PostgreSQL user when the matching Unix user is deleted. host_ecannot=You are not allowed to edit allowed hosts host_title=Allowed Hosts host_desc=When a client connects to the database, hosts listed below are processed in order until one matches and the client is allowed or denied. host_header=PostgreSQL client authentication details host_local=Local connection host_address=Host address host_db=Database host_user=Users host_uall=All users host_auth=Authentication mode host_any=Any network host host_all=All databases host_same=Same as username host_gsame=Same as group name host_other=Other.. host_usel=Listed users.. host_add=Create a new allowed host host_ident=Check ident server on host host_trust=No authentication required host_reject=Reject connection host_password=Plaintext password host_crypt=Encrypted password host_md5=MD5 encrypted password host_krb4=Kerberos V4 host_krb5=Kerberos V5 host_pam=PAM host_passwordarg=Use password file host_identarg=Use user map host_pamarg=Use PAM service host_create=Create Allowed Host host_edit=Edit Allowed Host host_single=Single host host_network=Network host_netmask=Netmask host_return=host access list host_err=Failed to save allowed host host_eident=Missing or invalid user map host_epam=Missing or invalid PAM service host_epassword=Missing or invalid password file host_enetmask=Missing or invalid netmask host_enetwork=Missing or invalid network host_ehost=Missing or invalid host IP address host_move=Move host_edb=No database name(s) entered host_euser=No user name(s) entered grant_title=Granted Privileges grant_tvi=Object grant_type=Type grant_db=Database grant_public=Everyone grant_group=Group $1 grant_add=Add grant in database : grant_return=privileges list grant_ecannot=You are not allowed to edit privileges grant_create=Create Grant grant_edit=Edit Grant grant_header=Privileges granted to users grant_to=Grant privileges on grant_table=Table grant_view=View or index grant_users=Grant privileges to grant_user=User grant_what=Privileges grant_r=Table grant_v=View grant_i=Index grant_S=Sequence grant_none=No tables, views, sequences or indexes exist to grant privileges on. group_title=PostgreSQL Groups group_ecannot=You are not allowed to edit groups group_name=Group name group_id=Group ID group_mems=Members group_add=Create a new group group_edit=Edit Group group_create=Create Group group_header=PostgreSQL group details group_return=groups list group_err=Failed to save group group_ename=Missing or invalid group name group_egid=Missing or invalid group ID group_etaken=Group name is already in use group_none=No PostgreSQL groups currently exist esql=SQL $1 failed : $2 log_start=Started PostgreSQL server log_stop=Stopped PostgreSQL server log_db_create=Created database $1 log_db_delete=Dropped database $1 log_table_create=Created table $1 in database $2 log_table_delete=Dropped table $1 from database $2 log_field_create=Added field $1 $4 to $2 in database $3 log_field_modify=Modified field $1 $4 in $2 in database $3 log_field_delete=Deleted field $1 from $2 in database $3 log_data_create=Added row to table $2 in database $3 log_data_modify=Modified $1 rows in table $2 in database $3 log_data_delete=Deleted $1 rows from table $2 in database $3 log_exec=Executed SQL in database $1 log_exec_l=Executed SQL command $2 in database $1 log_create_user=Created user $1 log_delete_user=Deleted user $1 log_modify_user=Modified user $1 log_create_group=Created group $1 log_delete_group=Deleted group $1 log_modify_group=Modified group $1 log_create_local=Created allowed local connection log_modify_local=Modified allowed local connection log_delete_local=Deleted allowed local connection log_move_local=Moved allowed local connection log_create_all=Created any allowed host log_modify_all=Modified any allowed host log_delete_all=Deleted any allowed host log_move_all=Moved any allowed host log_create_hba=Created allowed host $1 log_modify_hba=Modified allowed host $1 log_delete_hba=Deleted allowed host $1 log_move_hba=Moved allowed host $1 log_grant=Granted privileges on $1 in database $2 log_setup=Initialized database acl_dbs=Databases this user can manage acl_dbscannot=This access control will become effective, after starting the PostgreSQL database server. acl_dall=All databases acl_dsel=Selected.. acl_create=Can create new databases? acl_delete=Can drop databases? acl_stop=Can stop and start the PostgreSQL server? acl_users=Can edit users, groups, hosts and grants? acl_backup=Can create backups? acl_restore=Can restore backups? fdrop_err=Error during field drop fdrop_header=Drop This One fdrop_lose_data=Select box to confirm that you understand that definitions, such as indexes and default values, on all fields may be lost. fdrop_perform=Drop Field fdrop_title=Drop Field setup_err=Failed to initialize database setup_ecannot=You are not allowed to initialize the database dbase_bkup=Backup dbase_rstr=Restore restore_title=Restore Database restore_header=Restore database options restore_db=Database name restore_path=Backup file path restore_err=Failed to restore database restore_edb=Missing or invalid database name restore_eacl=You must be allowed to create and drop database restore_ecannot=You are not allowed to restore databases restore_epath=Missing database path restore_go=Restore restore_pe1=File must be tar file ($1) restore_pe2=File not found ($1) restore_exe=Command execution error ($1) restore_ecmd=The restore command $1 was not found on your system restore_ecannot=You are not allowed to restore backups restore_only=Only restore data, not tables? restore_clean=Delete tables before restoring? backup_title=Backup Database backup_header=Backup database options backup_db=Database name backup_path=Backup file path backup_err=Failed to backup database backup_eacl=You must be allowed to create and drop database backup_edb=Missing or invalid database name backup_ecannot=You are not allowed to backup databases backup_epath=Missing database path backup_go=Backup backup_pe1=File must be TAR (.tar) file ($1) backup_pe2=File is existing already ($1) backup_pe3=Missing or invalid backup file path backup_exe=Command execution error ($1) backup_ecmd=The backup command $1 was not found on your system backup_format=Backup file format backup_format_p=Plain SQL text backup_format_t=Tar archive backup_format_c=Custom archive backup_ecannot=You are not allowed to create backups r_command=Command Unsupported postgresql/lang/hu0100644000567100000120000002773710024444317014241 0ustar jcameronwheelindex_title=PostgreSQL adatbzis szerver index_notrun=A PostgreSQL nem fut a rendszeren - az adatbzis-lista nem tallhat. index_start=A PostgreSQL szerver elindtsa index_startmsg=Kattintson erre a gombra a PostgreSQL adatbzis szerver
paranccsal val elindtshoz. Ez a Webmin modul nem tudja mdostani az adatbzist, mg az be nem tltdtt. index_nopass=Az adatbzisba val belpshez a Webmin-nek szksge van a PostgreSQL adminisztrtori felhasznlnvre s jelszra. Krem rja be adminisztrtori felhasznlnevt s jelszavt. index_ltitle=PostgreSQL bejelentkezs index_login=Bejelentkezs index_pass=Jelsz index_clear=Trl index_stop=A PostgreSQL szerver lelltsa index_stopmsg=Kattintson erre a gombra a PostgreSQL adatbzis szerver lelltshoz. Ezzel megelzheti, hogy brmely ms felhasznl, vagy program (a Webmin modult is belertve) hozzfrjen az adatbzishoz. index_dbs=PostgreSQL adatbzisok index_add=j adatbzis ltrehozsa index_users=Felhasznli belltsok index_return=Adatbzis-lista index_esql=A PostgreSQL kliens program $1 nem tallhat a rendszeren. Taln nincs teleptve a PostgreSQL, vagy hibs a modul konfigurci. index_ehba=A PostgreSQL gazda konfigurcis fjl $1 nem tallhat a rendszeren. Taln a PostgreSQL mg nem inicializldott, vagy hibs a modul konfigurci. index_superuser=A PostgreSQL kliens program psql nem futtathat a rendszeren. Taln nincs teleptve a PostgreSQL, vagy hibs a modul konfigurci. index_eversion=A rendszeren tallhat PostgreSQL adatbzis verzija $1, de a Webmin csak a $2 s az e fltti verzikat tmogatja. index_elibrary=A PostgreSQL kliens program $1 nem futtathat, mivel a program nem tallja a Postgres megosztott llomnyokat. Ellenrizze a modul konfigurcit s bizonyosodjon meg rla, hogy a PostgreSQL megosztott llomnyok elrsi tvonala be van lltva. index_ldpath=A megosztott llomnyok elrsi tvonala az n rendszern $1, mg a $2 ltal adott eredmny : index_version=PostgreSQL $1 verzi index_setup=A PostgreSQL gazda konfigurcis fjl $1 nem tallhat a rendszeren, ami arra utal, hogy az adatbzist mg nem inicializltk. Kattintson az albbi gombra a PostgreSQL teleptshez a $2 paranccsal. index_setupok=Adatbzis inicializlsa login_err=Sikertelen bejelentkezs login_ecannot=Nem konfigurlhatja az adatbzis belptetjt login_elogin=Hinyz adminisztrtori azonost login_epass=Helytelen adminisztrtori felhasznlnv, vagy jelsz dbase_title=Adatbzis mdostsa dbase_noconn=Ez az adatbzis jelenleg nem fogad kapcsolatokat, gy nem mdosthat dbase_tables=Adatbzis tblzatok dbase_add=j tblzat ltrehozsa dbase_drop=Adatbzis eldobsa dbase_exec=SQL futtatsa dbase_none=Az adatbzisban nincsenek tblzatok dbase_fields=Mezk: dbase_return=Tblzatok listja dbase_ecannot=Nem mdosthatja az adatbzist table_title=Tblzat mdostsa table_title2=Tblzat ltrehozsa table_opts=Mez belltsai table_header=$1 tblzat a $2 adatbzisban table_field=Mez neve table_type=Tpus table_null=Nullk engedlyezse? table_arr=Sorba rendezs? table_none=Semelyik table_add=Ilyen tpus mez hozzadsa: table_return=Mezk listja table_data=Adatok megtekintse table_drop=Tblzat eldobsa table_name=Tblzat neve table_initial=Kezdeti mezk table_header2=j tblzat belltsai table_err=A tblzatot nem sikerlt ltrehozni table_ename=hinyz vagy rvnytelen tblzatnv table_efield=A(z) '$1' rvnytelen meznv table_etype=Hinyz szveg a(z) $1 mezben table_esize=Hinyz szvegszlessg a(z) $1 mezben table_enone=Nincs megadva kezdeti mez table_fielddrop=Mez eldobsa field_title1=Mez hozzadsa field_title2=Mez mdostsa field_in=A $2 adatbzis $1 tblzatban field_header=Mez paramterei field_name=Mez neve field_type=Adattpus field_size=Szvegszlessg field_none=Semelyik field_null=Nullk engedlyezse? field_arr=Mez sorba rendezse? field_key=Elsdleges kulcs? field_uniq=Egyedi? field_err=A mezt nem sikerlt menteni field_esize=A(z) '$1' rvnytelen mezmret field_eenum=Nincs berva szmozott rtk field_efield=A(z) '$1' rvnytelen meznv field_ekey=A nullt tartalmaz mezk nem alkothatjk az elsdleges kulcs rszt exec_title=SQL futtatsa exec_header=SQL parancs bersa az$1 adatbzison val futtatshoz exec_exec=Futtats exec_err=SQL futtatsa sikertelen exec_out=Az SQL parancs $1 eredmnye exec_none=Nincs kijelzend adat stop_err=Az adatbzis szerver lelltsa sikertelen stop_epidfile=A PID fjl $1 megnyitsa sikertelen stop_ekill=A $1 : $2 folyamat lelltsa sikertelen stop_ecannot=Nem llthatja le az adatbzis szervert start_err=Az adatbzis szerver elindtsa sikertelen start_ecannot=Nem indthatja el az adatbzis szervert ddrop_err=Az adatbzis eldobsa sikertelen ddrop_title=Adatbzis eldobsa ddrop_rusure=Biztos benne, hogy elhagyja a(z) $1 adatbzist ? A(z) $2 tblzatok s a(z) $3 adatsorok trldni fognak. ddrop_mysql=Mivel ez a mester adatbzis, elhagysval a PostgreSQL szerver hasznlhatatlann vlhat! ddrop_ok=Adatbzis eldobsa tdrop_err=A tblzat eldobsa sikertelen tdrop_title=Tblzat eldobsa tdrop_rusure=Biztos benne, hogy elhygja a(z) $2 adatbzis $1 tblzatt ? A(z) $3 adatsorok trldni fognak. tdrop_ok=Tblzat eldobsa view_title=Tblzat adatai view_pos=A(z) $1 s $2 sor adatai a $3-bl view_none=Ez a tblzat nem tartalmaz adatokat view_edit=A kivlasztott sorok mdostsa view_new=Sor beszrsa view_delete=A kivlasztott sorok trlse view_nokey=E tblzat adatai nem mdosthatk, mivel nem rendelkezik elsdleges kulccsal view_all=Az sszes kijellse view_invert=A kijells megfordtsa newdb_title=Adatbzis ltrehozsa newdb_header=j adatbzis belltsai newdb_db=Adatbzis neve newdb_path=Adatbzis elrsi tvonala newdb_err=Az adatbzis ltrehozsa sikertelen newdb_edb=Hinyz, vagy rvnytelen adatbzisnv newdb_ecannot=Nem hozht ltre adatbzisokat newdb_epath=Hinyz adatbzis elrsi tvonal user_title=PostgreSQL felhasznlk user_ecannot=Nem mdosthatja a felhasznlkat user_name=Felhasznlnv user_db=Ltrehozhat adatbzisokat? user_other=Ltrehozhat felhasznlkat? user_until=rvnyessg lejrta user_add=j felhsznl ltrehozsa user_forever=rkk user_pass=Ignyel jelszt? user_edit=Felhasznl mdostsa user_create=Felhasznl ltrehozsa user_return=Felhasznl-lista user_header=PostgreSQL felhasznl rszletei user_passwd=Jelsz user_none=Semmi user_err=A felhasznl mentse sikertelen user_epass=Hinyz, vagy rvnytelen jelsz user_ename=Hinyz, vagy rvnytelen felhasznlnv user_sync=Az albbi belltsokkal a Webmin, illetve a PostgreSQL felhasznlkon keresztl ltrehozott Unix felhasznlk szinkronizcija mdosthat user_sync_create=PostgreSQL felhasznl hozzadsa Unix felhasznl hozzadsa esetn user_sync_modify=PostgreSQL felhasznl frisstse, ha a hozz tartoz Unix felhasznlt mdostjk user_sync_delete=PostgreSQL felhasznl trlse a hozz tartoz Unix felhasznl trlsekor host_ecannot=Nem mdosthatja az engedlyezett gazdk listjt host_title=Engedlyezett gazdk host_desc=Amikor egy kliens csatlakozik az adatbzishoz, az albb felsorolt gazdkat sorra vgigveszi a rendszer, mg egy olyat nem tall, amely megegyezik a klienssel, akit aztn vagy beenged, vagy elutast host_local=Helyi kapcsolat host_address=Gazda cm host_db=Adatbzis host_auth=Autentikcis kd host_any=Brmely hlzati gazda host_all=Minden databzis host_same=Megegyezik a felhasznlnvvel host_add=j engedlyezett gazda ltrehozsa host_ident=A szerver ident ellenrzse a gazdagpen host_trust=Az autentikci nem szksges host_reject=Kapcsolat megtagadsa host_password=Egyszer szveg jelsz host_crypt=Titkostott jelsz host_krb4=Kerberos V4 host_krb5=Kerberos V5 host_passwordarg=Jelszfjl hasznlata host_identarg=Felhsznl-trkp hasznlata host_create=Engedlyezett gazda ltrahozsa host_edit=Engedlyezett gazda mdostsa host_single=Egyedi gazda host_network=Hlzat host_netmask=Hlzati maszk host_return=Gazda hozzfrsi lista host_err=Az engedlyezett gazda mentse sikertelen host_eident=Hinyz, vagy rvnytelen felhasznl-trkp host_epassword=Hinyz, vagy rvnytelen jelszfjl host_enetmask=Hinyz, vagy rvnytelen hlzati maszk host_enetwork=Hinyz, vagy rvnytelen hlzat host_ehost=Hinyz, vagy rvnytelen IP cm host_move=thelyez grant_title=Megadott jogosultsgok grant_tvi=Objektum grant_type=Tpus grant_db=Adatbzis grant_public=Mindenki grant_group=$1 csoport grant_add=Engedly hozzadsa az adatbzishoz : grant_return=Jogosultsgok listja grant_ecannot=Nem mdosthatja a jogosultsgokat grant_create=Engedly ltrehozsa grant_edit=Engedly mdostsa grant_header=A felhasznlknak megadott jogosultsgok grant_to=Jogosultsgok megadsa grant_table=Tblzat grant_view=Nzet, vagy index grant_users=Jogosultsgok megadsa grant_user=Felhasznl grant_what=Jogosultsgok grant_r=Tblzat grant_v=Nzet grant_i=Index grant_S=Adatsor grant_none=Nincs tblzat, nzet, adatsor, vagy index, amelyre jogosultsg volna adhat group_title=PostgreSQL csoportok group_ecannot=Nem mdosthatja a csoportokat group_name=Csoportnv group_id=Csoportazonost group_mems=Tagok group_add=j csoport ltrehozsa group_edit=Csoport mdostsa group_create=Csoport ltrehozsa group_header=PostgreSQL csoport rszletei group_return=Csoport-lista group_err=A csoport mentse sikertelen group_ename=Hinyz, vagy rvnytelen csoportnv group_egid=Hinyz, vagy rvnytelen csoportazonost group_etaken=Ez a csoportnv mr hasznlatban van group_none=Mg nincsenek PostgreSQL csoportok esql=SQL $1 sikertelen : $2 log_start=A PostgreSQL szerver elindtva log_stop=A PostgreSQL szerver lelltva log_db_create=$1 adatbzis ltrehozva log_db_delete=$1 adatbzis elhagyva log_table_create=$1 tblzat ltrehozva a(z) $2 adatbzisban log_table_delete=$1 tblzat trlve a(z) $2 adatbzisbl log_field_create=$1 $4 mez hozzadva $2-hz a(z) $3 adatbzisban log_field_modify=$1 $4 mez mdostva $2-ben a(z) $3 adatbzisban log_field_delete=$1 mez trlve $2-bl a(z) $3 adatbzisban log_data_create=j sor hozzadva a(z) $2 tblzathoz a(z) $3 adatbzisban log_data_modify=A(z) $2 tblzat $1 sorai mdostva a(z) $3 adatbzisban log_data_delete=A(z) $2 tblzat $1 sorai trlve a(z) $3 adatbzisbl log_exec=SQL lefuttatva a(z) $1 adatbzisban log_exec_l=A(z) $2 SQL parancs lefuttatva a(z) $1 adatbzisban log_create_user=$1 felhasznl ltrehozva log_delete_user=$1 felhasznl trlve log_modify_user=$1 felhasznl mdostva log_create_group=$1 csoport ltrehozva log_delete_group=$1 csoport trlve log_modify_group=$1 csoport mdostva log_create_local=Engedlyezett helyi kapcsolat ltrehozva log_modify_local=Engedlyezett helyi kapcsolat mdostva log_delete_local=Engedlyezett helyi kapcsolat trlve log_move_local=Engedlyezett helyi kapcsolat thelyezve log_create_all=Tetszleges gazda ltrehozva log_modify_all=Tetszleges gazda mdostva log_delete_all=Tetszleges gazda trlve log_move_all=Tetszleges gazda thelyezve log_create_hba=$1 engedlyezett gazda ltrehozva log_modify_hba=$1 engedlyezett gazda mdostva log_delete_hba=$1 engedlyezett gazda trlve log_move_hba=$1 engedlyezett gazda thelyezve log_grant=Jogosultsgok megadva a(z) $1-re a(z) $2 adatbzisban log_setup=Adatbzis inicializlva acl_dbs=Az e felhasznl ltal kezelhet adatbzisok acl_dbscannot=A hozzfrs-vezrls a PostgreSQL adatbzis szerver elindtsa utn lp letbe acl_dall=Minden adatbzis acl_dsel=Kivlasztott.. acl_create=Ltrehozhat j adatbzisokat? acl_delete=Elhagyhat adatbzisokat? acl_stop=Lellthatja s elindthatja a PostgreSQL szervert? acl_users=Mdosthat felhasznlkat, csoportokat s jogosultsgokat? fdrop_err=Hiba a mez eldobsa kzben fdrop_header=Elhagyand mez fdrop_lose_data=Piplja ki a dobozt, hogy megerstse: tisztban van azzal hogy a defincik, mint az indexek, vagy alaprtkek az sszes mezbl eltnhetnek fdrop_perform=Mez eldobsa fdrop_title=Mez eldobsa setup_err=Hiba az adatbzis inicializlsa sorn setup_ecannot=Nem inicializlhatja az adatbzist postgresql/lang/bg0100664000567100000120000004011710005107317014175 0ustar jcameronwheelindex_title=PostgreSQL - index_notrun=PostgreSQL - . index_start= PostgreSQL index_startmsg= , PostgreSQL
. Webmin . index_nopass=Webmin PostgreSQL login . , -. index_nouser= Webmin PostgreSQL $1, . index_ltitle=PostgreSQL index_sameunix= Unix ? index_login=Login index_pass= index_clear= index_stop= PostgreSQL index_stopmsg= , PostgreSQL . , Webmin . index_dbs=PostgreSQL index_add= index_users= index_return= index_esql=PostgreSQL client $1 . PostgreSQL , . index_ehba=PostgreSQL $1 . PostgreSQL , . index_superuser=PostgreSQL client psql . PostgreSQL , . index_eversion=PostgreSQL $1, Webmin $2 -. index_elibrary=PostgreSQL client $1 , Postgre . PostgreSQL . index_ldpath= $1, $2 : index_version=PostgreSQL $1 index_setup=PostgreSQL $1 , . PostgreSQL $2. index_setupok= index_nomod=: Perl $1 Webmin PostgreSQL . . index_nomods=: Perl $1 $2 Webmin PostgreSQL . . index_nodbs= . login_err=Login login_ecannot= login_elogin= login login_epass= dbase_title= dbase_noconn= , . dbase_tables= dbase_add= dbase_drop= dbase_exec= SQL dbase_none= . dbase_fields=: dbase_return= dbase_ecannot= table_title= table_title2= table_opts= table_header= $1 $2 table_field= table_type= table_null=NULL? table_arr=? table_none= table_add= : table_return= table_data= table_drop= table_name= table_initial= table_header2= table_err= table_ename= table_efield='$1' table_etype= $1 table_esize= $1 table_enone= table_fielddrop= field_title1= field_title2= field_in= $1 $2 field_header= field_name= field_type= field_size= field_none= field_null=NULL? field_arr= ? field_key= ? field_uniq=? field_err= field_esize='$1' field_eenum= d field_efield='$1' field_ekey= NULL exec_title= SQL exec_header= SQL $1 .. exec_exec= exec_err= SQL exec_out= SQL $1 .. exec_none= exec_header2= SQL $1 .. exec_file= exec_upload= exec_eupload= exec_efile= exec_uploadout= SQL .. exec_fileout= SQL $1 .. exec_noout= stop_err= stop_epidfile= PID $1 stop_ekill= $1 : $2 stop_ecannot= start_err= start_ecannot= ddrop_err= ddrop_title= ddrop_rusure= , $1 ? $2 $3 . ddrop_mysql= , PostgreSQL ! ddrop_ok= tdrop_err= tdrop_title= tdrop_rusure= , $1 $2 ? $3 . tdrop_ok= view_title= view_pos= $1 $2 $3 view_none= view_edit= view_new= view_delete= view_nokey= , . view_all= view_invert= view_search2= $2 $3 $1 view_match0= view_match1= view_match2= view_match3= view_searchok= view_searchhead= $1 $2 .. view_searchreset= view_field= view_data= view_jump= : view_download=Download.. view_keep= view_set= .. view_warn= - upload- text bytea Perl $1 $2. newdb_title= newdb_header= newdb_db= newdb_path= newdb_err= newdb_edb= newdb_ecannot= newdb_epath= user_title=PostgreSQL user_ecannot= user_name= user_db= ? user_other= ? user_until= user_add= user_forever= user_pass= ? user_edit= user_create= user_return= user_header= PostgreSQL user_passwd= user_none= user_nochange= user_err= user_epass= user_ename= user_sync= - Unix Webmin PostgreSQL . user_sync_create= PostgreSQL Unix . user_sync_modify= PostgreSQL Unix . user_sync_delete= PostgreSQL , Unix . host_ecannot= host_title= host_desc= , -, . host_header= PostgreSQL host_local= host_address= host_db= host_user= host_uall= host_auth= host_any= host_all= host_same= host_gsame= host_other=.. host_usel= .. host_add= host_ident= ident host_trust= host_reject= host_password= host_crypt= host_md5=MD5 host_krb4=Kerberos V4 host_krb5=Kerberos V5 host_pam=PAM host_passwordarg= host_identarg= host_pamarg= PAM host_create= host_edit= host_single= host_network= host_netmask= host_return= host_err= host_eident= host_epam= PAM host_epassword= host_enetmask= host_enetwork= host_ehost= IP host_move= host_edb= host_euser= grant_title= grant_tvi= grant_type= grant_db= grant_public= grant_group= $1 grant_add= : grant_return= grant_ecannot= grant_create= grant_edit= grant_header= grant_to= grant_table= grant_view=View index grant_users= grant_user= grant_what= grant_r= grant_v=View grant_i=Index grant_S=Sequence grant_none= , . group_title=PostgreSQL group_ecannot= group_name= group_id=ID group_mems= group_add= group_edit= group_create= group_header= PostgreSQL group_return= group_err= group_ename= group_egid= ID group_etaken= group_none= PostgreSQL esql=SQL $1 : $2 log_start= PostgreSQL log_stop= PostgreSQL log_db_create= - $1 log_db_delete= - $1 log_table_create= $1 $2 log_table_delete= $1 $2 log_field_create= $1 $4 $2 $3 log_field_modify= $1 $4 $2 $3 log_field_delete= $1 $2 $3 log_data_create= $2 $3 log_data_modify= $1 $2 $3 log_data_delete= $1 $2 $3 log_exec= SQL $1 log_exec_l= SQL $2 $1 log_create_user= $1 log_delete_user= $1 log_modify_user= $1 log_create_group= $1 log_delete_group= $1 log_modify_group= $1 log_create_local= log_modify_local= log_delete_local= log_move_local= log_create_all= " " log_modify_all= " " log_delete_all= " " log_move_all= " " log_create_hba= $1 log_modify_hba= $1 log_delete_hba= $1 log_move_hba= $1 log_grant= $1 $2 log_setup= acl_dbs=, acl_dbscannot= , PostgreSQL . acl_dall= acl_dsel=.. acl_create= ? acl_delete= ? acl_stop= PostgreSQL ? acl_users= , , ? acl_backup= backup? acl_restore= backup? acl_login= MySQL acl_user_def= acl_user= acl_pass= acl_sameunix= backup Unix ? fdrop_err= fdrop_header= fdrop_lose_data= , . fdrop_perform= fdrop_title= setup_err= setup_ecannot= dbase_bkup=Backup dbase_rstr= restore_title= - restore_header= restore_db= restore_path= backup restore_err= restore_edb= restore_eacl= restore_epath= restore_go= restore_pe1= tar ($1) restore_pe2= ($1) restore_exe= ($1) restore_ecmd= $1 restore_ecannot= backup restore_only= , ? restore_clean= ? backup_title=Backup backup_header= backup backup_db= backup_desc= backup $1 SQL . backup_desc2= backup . backup_path= backup backup_err= backup backup_eacl= backup_edb= backup_epath= backup_ok=Backup backup_ok1= and Backup backup_ok2= backup_pe1= TAR (.tar) ($1) backup_pe2= ($1) backup_pe3= backup backup_ebackup= pg_dump : $1 backup_ecmd= backup $1 backup_format= backup backup_format_p= SQL backup_format_t=Tar backup_format_c= backup_ecannot= backup backup_done= backup $3 $1 $2. backup_sched= backup? backup_sched1=, - .. backup_ccron= backup . backup_dcron= backup . backup_ucron=, backup . backup_ncron= backup . r_command= postgresql/lang/ru_RU0100664000567100000120000002740010005107317014641 0ustar jcameronwheelgrant_users= ddrop_rusure= $1 ? $2 , $3 . host_same= fdrop_lose_data= , , . grant_title= host_move= log_grant= $1 $2 grant_edit= grant_ecannot= table_none= table_opts= index_ehba= PostgreSQL $1 . PostgreSQL , . exec_out= SQL $1 .. field_uniq=? log_stop= PostgreSQL user_err= user_edit= index_pass= login_ecannot= login_elogin= host_passwordarg= stop_err= table_null= ? host_epassword= index_superuser= PostgreSQL psql . PostgreSQL , . dbase_ecannot= host_network= field_ekey=, , group_none= PostgreSQL field_name= log_create_local= log_modify_user= $1 host_trust= field_header= log_move_hba= $1 stop_epidfile= PID $1 log_modify_hba= $1 group_id= index_start= PostgreSQL grant_what= user_name= host_all= log_delete_local= index_esql= PostgreSQL $1 . PostgreSQL , . host_local= table_initial= newdb_path= dbase_exec= SQL fdrop_perform= group_ecannot= group_add= group_return= group_edit= table_enone= stop_ekill= $1 : $2 grant_view= fdrop_err= field_type= exec_none= host_password= dbase_title= grant_type= table_name= index_setup= PostgreSQL $1 , , . PostgreSQL $2. table_efield='$1' user_ename= grant_create= view_title= table_fielddrop= index_elibrary= PostgreSQL $1 , PostgreSQL. , PostgreSQL. index_startmsg= PostgreSQL $1. Webmin , . view_none= exec_header= SQL $1 .. group_header= PostgreSQL user_db= ? log_delete_user= $1 group_name= user_add= log_modify_local= group_etaken= host_any= index_login= tdrop_title= host_ident= ident dbase_drop= log_create_hba= $1 newdb_db= newdb_ecannot= user_pass= ? host_err= index_version=PostgreSQL $1 table_header2= field_err= setup_ecannot= log_delete_hba= $1 index_return= tdrop_rusure= , $1 $2 ? $3 . host_ecannot= index_ltitle= PostgreSQL host_create= host_krb4=Kerberos V4 host_krb5=Kerberos V5 table_type= user_create= table_title2= grant_tvi= view_edit= host_enetwork= field_size= grant_S= host_desc= , , , , . dbase_noconn= , . newdb_err= host_auth= log_move_all= , user_sync_modify= PostgreSQL Unix. table_ename= start_ecannot= log_modify_all= , grant_table= index_dbs= PostgreSQL acl_stop= PostgreSQL? user_epass= grant_i= log_table_create= $1 $2 newdb_edb= field_esize='$1' grant_r= user_title= PostgreSQL grant_v= dbase_none= view_delete= grant_add= : index_notrun= PostgreSQL - . log_db_create= $1 acl_dbscannot= PostgreSQL. view_all= host_identarg= index_clear= dbase_fields=: acl_create= ? field_arr= ? user_sync_create= PostgreSQL Unix. host_eident= group_ename= table_etype= $1 index_stopmsg= PostgreSQL . , Webmin. field_efield='$1' grant_db= login_epass= index_nopass=Webmin PostgreSQL . , . host_ehost= IP view_nokey= , . log_data_modify= $1 $2 $3 index_stop= PostgreSQL index_eversion= PostgreSQL : $1, Webmin $2 . view_new= log_table_delete= $1 $2 exec_title= SQL host_netmask= host_add= fdrop_header= esql= SQL $1 : $2 table_err= acl_dbs= , field_in= $1 $2 log_field_modify= $1 $4 $2 $3 log_start= PostgreSQL view_pos= $1 $2 $3 table_title= field_key= ? grant_to= log_create_all= , log_db_delete= $1 dbase_tables= table_return= view_invert= ddrop_err= dbase_add= log_delete_all= , login_err= ddrop_ok= field_title1= acl_delete= ? field_title2= user_sync_delete= PostgreSQL Unix. group_create= log_create_user= $1 group_mems= log_create_group= $1 log_data_create= $2 $3 newdb_title= grant_return= index_ldpath= : $1, $2 : index_setupok= grant_public= newdb_header= user_other= ? group_egid= grant_user= field_eenum= log_exec= SQL $1 table_esize= $1 newdb_epath= user_sync= Unix, Webmin, PostgreSQL. log_setup= table_header= $1 $2 log_field_create= $1 $4 $2 $3 index_users= group_title= PostgreSQL start_err= index_title= PostgreSQL log_delete_group= $1 log_move_local= acl_users= , ? ddrop_mysql= , PostgreSQL! dbase_return= setup_err= log_exec_l= SQL $2 $1 acl_dall= grant_group= $1 grant_header=, acl_dsel=.. user_until= table_arr=? host_return= field_none= table_drop= table_field= user_return= table_data= grant_none= , , , . host_crypt= log_data_delete= $1 $2 $3 user_forever= table_add= : fdrop_title= stop_ecannot= field_null= ? exec_err= SQL host_db= host_single= exec_exec= user_none= group_err= log_field_delete= $1 $2 $3 host_enetmask= host_reject= user_ecannot= log_modify_group= $1 tdrop_ok= user_header= PostgreSQL host_title= host_address= tdrop_err= index_add= user_passwd= host_edit= ddrop_title= postgresql/lang/de0100664000567100000120000004437710067670020014215 0ustar jcameronwheelacl_backup=Darf Datensicherungen erzeugen? acl_create=Darf neue Datenbanken anlegen? acl_dall=Alle Datenbanken acl_dbs=Datenbanken, die dieser Benutzer verwalten darf acl_dbscannot=Diese Zugriffskontrolle wird aktiv, nachdem der PostgreSQL-Datenbankserver gestartet wird. acl_delete=Darf Datenbanken löschen? acl_dsel=Ausgewählte.. acl_login=Anmelden an PostgreSQL als acl_pass=Passwort acl_restore=Darf Datensicherungen wiederherstellen? acl_sameunix=Verbinden und Datensicherungen erstellen unter demselben Unix-Benutzer? acl_stop=Darf den PostgreSQL-Server starten und stoppen? acl_user=Benutzername acl_user_def=Benutzername aus Modulkonfiguration acl_users=Darf Benutzer, Gruppen, Hosts und Grants bearbeiten? backup_ccron=Sicherungsauftrag für die Datenbank aktiviert. backup_db=Datenbankname backup_dcron=Sicherungsauftrag für die Datenbank deaktiviert. backup_desc2=Die Datensicherung kann sofort oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt durchgeführt werden. backup_desc=Dieses Formular erlaubt Ihnen die Datenbank $1 entweder als eine Datei bestehend aus SQL-Befehlen oder als ein Archiv zu sichern. backup_done=$3 bytes erfolgreich aus Datenbank $1 in Datei $2 gesichert. backup_eacl=Sie müssen die Berechtigung besitzen Datenbanken anlegen und löschen zu dürfen backup_ebackup=pg_dump fehlgeschlagen : $1 backup_ecannot=Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung, Datensicherungen zu erstellen backup_ecmd=Der Sicherungsbefehl $1 wurde auf Ihrem System nicht gefunden backup_edb=Fehlender oder ungültiger Datenbankname backup_epath=Fehlender Datenbankpfad backup_err=Konnte die Datenbank nicht sichern backup_format=Format der Sicherungsdatei backup_format_c=Anderes Format backup_format_p=SQL-Anweisungen Textformat backup_format_t=Tar-Archiv backup_header=Datenbanksicherungsoptionen backup_ncron=Sicherungsauftrag für die Datenbank weiterhin deaktiviert. backup_ok1=Speichern und Datensicherung jetzt durchführen backup_ok2=Speichern backup_ok=Jetzt sichern backup_path=Sicherungspfad backup_pe1=Datei muß eine TAR-Datei (.tar) sein ($1) backup_pe2=Datei existiert bereits ($1) backup_pe3=Fehlender oder ungültiger Sicherungspfad backup_sched1=Ja, zu den unten gewählten Zeitpunkten .. backup_sched=Sicherungsauftrag aktivieren? backup_title=Datenbank sichern backup_ucron=Sicherungspfad, -einstellungen und -zeitpunkte für den Sicherungsauftrag dieser Datenbank aktualisiert. dbase_add=Erstelle eine neue Tabelle dbase_bkup=Datensicherung dbase_drop=Lösche Datenbank dbase_ecannot=Sie haben keine Berechtigung, diese Datenbank zu bearbeiten dbase_exec=SQL ausführen dbase_fields=Felder: dbase_noconn=Diese Datenbank akzeptiert zur Zeit keine Verbindungen. Deshalb können keine Aktionen in ihr durchgeführt werden. dbase_none=Diese Datenbank hat keine Tabellen. dbase_return=Tabellenliste dbase_rstr=Wiederherstellung dbase_tables=Datenbanktabellen dbase_title=Datenbank bearbeiten ddrop_err=Fehler beim Löschen der Datenbank ddrop_mysql=Weil dies die Hauptdatenbank ist, wird das Löschen Ihre PostgreSQL-Installation unbrauchbar machen. ddrop_ok=Lösche Datenbank ddrop_rusure=Sind sie sicher, dass Sie die Datenbank $1 löschen möchten? $2 Tabellen mit $3 Zeilen werden gelöscht. ddrop_title=Lösche Datenbank esql=SQL $1 schlug fehl: $2 exec_efile=Lokale Datei existiert nicht oder konnte nicht gelesen werden exec_err=Fehler beim Ausführen des SQL-Befehls exec_eupload=Keine Datei zum hochladen ausgewählt exec_exec=Ausführen exec_file=Aus lokaler Datei exec_fileout=Ausgabe der SQL-Befehle in Datei $1 .. exec_header2=Wählen Sie ein Datei mit SQL Befehlen aus, die auf der Datenbank $1 ausgeführt wird .. exec_header=Geben Sie den SQL-Befehl ein, der auf der Datenbank $1 ausgeführt werden soll .. exec_none=Es wurden keine Daten zurückgegeben exec_noout=Keine Ausgabe erzeugt exec_out=Ausgabe des SQL-Befehls $1 .. exec_title=SQL ausführen exec_upload=Aus hochgeladener Datei exec_uploadout=Ausgabe der hochgeladenen SQL-Befehle .. fdrop_err=Fehler beim Löschen des Felds fdrop_header=Dieses Löschen fdrop_lose_data=Aktivieren Sie dieses Feld um zu Bestätigen das Sie verstanden haben, das Definitionen, wie Indizes und Standardwerte, in allen Feldern verloren gehen können. fdrop_perform=Feld löschen fdrop_title=Feld löschen field_arr=Array-Feld? field_eenum=Keine durchnummerierten Werte angegeben field_efield='$1' ist kein gültige Feldgröße field_ekey=Felder die NULL enthalten dürfen, dürfen nicht Teil des Primärschlüssels sein field_err=Fehler beim Speichern des Felds field_esize='$1' ist keine gültige Feldgrösse field_header=Feldparameter field_in=In Tabelle $1 in Datenbank $2 field_key=Primärschlüssel? field_name=Feldname field_none=Keines field_null=Erlaube NULL? field_size=Typbreite field_title1=Feld hinzufügen field_title2=Feld bearbeiten field_type=Datentyp field_uniq=Eindeutig? grant_S=Sequenz grant_add=Grant hinzufügen in Datenbank : grant_create=Grant hinzufügen grant_db=Datenbank grant_ecannot=Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Privilegien zu bearbeiten grant_edit=Grant bearbeiten grant_group=Gruppe $1 grant_header=Privilegien die Benutzern zugewiesen wurden grant_i=Index grant_none=Keine Tabellen, Ansichten, Sequenzen oder Indizes, für die Privilegien zugewiesen werden könnten, existieren. grant_public=Jeder grant_r=Tabelle grant_return=Liste der Privilegien grant_table=Tabelle grant_title=Zugewiesene Privilegien grant_to=Privilegien zuweisen für grant_tvi=Objekt grant_type=Typ grant_user=Benutzer grant_users=Privilegien zuweisen an grant_v=Ansicht grant_view=Ansicht oder Index grant_what=Privilegien group_add=Neue Gruppe anlegen group_create=Gruppe anlegen group_ecannot=Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Gruppen zu bearbeiten group_edit=Gruppe bearbeiten group_egid=Fehlende oder ungültige Gruppen-ID group_ename=Fehlender oder ungültiger Gruppenname group_err=Fehler beim Speichern der Gruppe group_etaken=Eine Gruppe mit diesem Namen existiert bereits group_header=PostgreSQL Gruppendetails group_id=Gruppen-ID group_mems=Mitglieder group_name=Gruppenname group_none=Zur Zeit gibt es keine PostgreSQL Gruppen group_return=Gruppenliste group_title=PostgreSQL Gruppen host_add=Neuen berechtigten Host anlegen host_address=Hostadresse host_all=Alle Datenbanken host_any=Jeder Netzwerkhost host_auth=Authentifizierungsmethode host_create=Berechtigten Host anlegen host_crypt=Verschlüsseltes Passwort host_db=Datenbank host_desc=Wenn ein Client eine Verbindung zur Datenbank aufbaut, werden die Hosts in der unten aufgelisteten Reihenfolge geprüft, bis ein Eintrag dem aktuellen Clienthost entspricht und die Verbindung gestattet oder verweigert wird. host_ecannot=Sie haben keine Berechtigung, die berechtigten Hosts zu bearbeiten host_edb=Kein(e) Datenbankname(n) eingegeben host_edit=Berechtigten Host bearbeiten host_ehost=Fehlende oder ungültige IP-Adresse host_eident=Fehlendes oder ungültiges Benutzermapping host_enetmask=Fehlende oder ungültige Netzwerkmaske host_enetwork=Fehlendes oder ungültiges Netzwerk host_epam=Fehlender oder ungültiger PAM Service host_epassword=Fehlende oder ungültige Passwortdatei host_err=Fehler beim Speichern des berechtigten Hosts host_euser=Kein(e) Benutzername(n) eingegeben host_gsame=Wie Gruppenname host_header=PostgreSQL-Client Authentifizierungsdetails host_ident=Prüfe ident Server auf dem Host host_identarg=Benutze Benutzermapping host_krb4=Kerberos V4 host_krb5=Kerberos V5 host_local=Lokale Verbindung host_md5=MD5 verschlüsseltes Passwort host_move=Verschieben host_netmask=Netzwerkmaske host_network=Netzwerk host_other=Andere.. host_pam=PAM host_pamarg=Benutze PAM Service host_password=Plaintext Passwort host_passwordarg=Passwortdatei benutzen host_reject=Verbindung verweigern host_return=Zugriffsliste Host host_same=Wie Benutzername host_single=Einzelner Host host_title=Berechtigte Hosts host_trust=Keine Authentifizierung benötigt host_uall=Alle Benutzer host_usel=Aufgelistete Benutzer.. host_user=Benutzer index_add=Erstelle eine neue Datenbank index_clear=Löschen index_dbs=PostgreSQL-Datenbanken index_ehba=Die PostgreSQL Hostkonfigurationsdatei konnte auf Ihrem System nicht gefunden werden. Es könnte sein, dass PostgreSQL nicht installiert ist oder dass Ihre Modulkonfiguration fehlerhaft ist. index_elibrary=Das PostgreSQL Client-Programm $1 konnte nicht gestartet werden, da es die PostgreSQL Shared-Libraries nicht finden konnte. Prüfen Sie die Modulkonfiguration und stellen Sie sicher das der Pfad zu den PostgreSQL Shared-Libraries gesetzt ist. index_esql=Das PostgreSQL Client-Programm $1 konnte nicht auf Ihrem System gefunden werden. Es könnte sein, dass PostgreSQL nicht installiert ist oder dass Ihre Modulkonfiguration fehlerhaft ist. index_eversion=Die PostgreSQL-Datenbank auf Ihrem System ist Version $1, aber Webmin unterstützt nur Versionen $2 oder höher. index_ldpath=Ihr Shared-Library Pfad ist auf $1 gesetzt, die Ausgabe von $2 war : index_login=Anmeldung index_ltitle=PostgreSQL-Anmeldung index_nodbs=Sie dürfen auf keine Datenbanken zugreifen. index_nomod=Warnung: Das Perl-Modul $1 ist auf Ihrem System nicht installiert. Webmin ist deshalb nicht in der Lage zuverlässig auf Ihre PostgreSQL-Datenbank zuzugreifen. Klicken Sie hier um es jetzt zu installieren. index_nomods=Warnung: Die Perl-Module $1 und $2 sind auf Ihrem System nicht installiert. Webmin ist deshalb nicht in der Lage zuverlässig auf Ihre PostgreSQL-Datenbank zuzugreifen. Klicken Sie hier um sie jetzt zu installieren. index_nopass=Webmin muss Ihre PostgreSQL-Administrationsanmeldung und das dazugehörige Passwort kennen, um die Datenbank verwalten zu können. Bitte tragen Sie Ihren Adminstrationsbenutzernamen und das Passwort unten ein. index_notrun=PostgreSQL läuft nicht auf Ihrem System - die Liste der Datenbanken konnte nicht geholt werden. index_nouser=Ihr Webmin-Konto wurde konfiguriert, sich als Benutzer $1 am MySQL-Server anzumelden, aber diesem Benutzer wurde der Zugriff verweigert. index_pass=Passwort index_return=Datenbankliste index_sameunix=Anmelden wie dieser Unix-Benutzer? index_setup=Die PostgreSQL Hostkonfigurationsdatei konnte auf Ihrem System nicht gefunden werden. Das deutet darauf hin, das die Datenbank bis jetzt nicht initialisiert wurde. Klicken Sie den Button unten um PostgreSQL mit dem Befehl $2 zu konfigurieren. index_setupok=Datenbank initialisieren index_start=Starte PostgreSQL-Server index_startmsg=Klicken Sie auf diesen Button, um den MySQL Datenbank-Server auf Ihrem System mit dem Befehl
zu starten. Dieses Webmin-Modul kann die Datenbank nicht verwalten, bis er gestartet ist. index_stop=PostgreSQL-Server stoppen index_stopmsg=Klicken Sie auf diesen Button, um den PostgreSQL-Datenbank-Server auf Ihrem System zu stoppen. Dies wird allen Benutzern einschließlich dieses Webmin-Moduls den Zugriff auf die Datenbank verwehren. index_superuser=Das PostgreSQL Client-Programm psql konnte auf Ihrem System nicht ausgeführt werden. Es könnte sein, dass PostgreSQL nicht installiert ist oder dass Ihre Modulkonfiguration fehlerhaft ist. index_title=PostgreSQL-Datenbankserver index_users=Benutzereinstellungen index_version=PostgreSQL-Version $1 log_create_all=Jeder Host erlaubt angelegt log_create_group=Gruppe $1 angelegt log_create_hba=Berechtigter Host $1 angelegt log_create_local=Berechtigte lokale Verbindung angelegt log_create_user=Benutzer $1 angelegt log_data_create=Zeile in Tabelle $2 in Datenbank $3 hinzugefügt log_data_delete=$1 Zeilen aus Tabelle $2 in Datenbank $3 gelöscht log_data_modify=$1 Zeilen in Tabelle $2 in Datenbank $3 geändert log_db_create=Datenbank $1 erzeugt log_db_delete=Datenbank $1 gelöscht log_delete_all=Jeder Host erlaubt gelöscht log_delete_group=Gruppe $1 gelöscht log_delete_hba=Berechtigter Host $1 gelöscht log_delete_local=Berechtigte lokale Verbindung gelöscht log_delete_user=Benutzer $1 gelöscht log_exec=SQL in Datenbank $1 ausgeführt log_exec_l=SQL-Befehl $2 in Datenbank $1 ausgeführt log_field_create=Feld $1 $4 in $2 in Datenbank $3 hinzugefügt log_field_delete=Feld $1 aus $2 in Datenbank $3 gelöscht log_field_modify=Feld $1 $4 in $2 in Datenbank $3 geändert log_grant=Privilegien für $1 in Datenbank $2 zugewiesen log_modify_all=Jeder Host erlaubt geändert log_modify_group=Gruppe $1 geändert log_modify_hba=Berechtigter Host $1 geändert log_modify_local=Berechtigte lokale Verbindung geändert log_modify_user=Benutzer $1 geändert log_move_all=Jeder Host erlaubt verschoben log_move_hba=Berechtigter Host $1 verschoben log_move_local=Berechtigte lokale Verbindung verschoben log_setup=Datenbank initialisiert log_start=PostgreSQL-Server gestartet log_stop=PostgreSQL-Server gestoppt log_table_create=Tabelle $1 in Datenbank $2 erzeugt log_table_delete=Tabelle $1 aus der Datenbank $2 gelöscht login_ecannot=Sie haben keine Berechtigung, die Datenbankanmeldung zu konfigurieren login_elogin=Administrationsanmeldung fehlt login_epass=Falscher Administratorbenutzername oder Passwort login_err=Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen newdb_db=Datenbankname newdb_ecannot=Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Datenbanken anzulegen newdb_edb=Fehlender oder ungültiger Datenbankname newdb_epath=Fehlender Datenbankpfad newdb_err=Fehler beim Erstellen der Datenbank newdb_header=Einstellungen der neuen Datenbank newdb_path=Datenbankpfad newdb_title=Datenbank erstellen r_command=Befehl nicht unterstützt restore_clean=Tabellen vor der Wiederherstellung löschen? restore_db=Datenbankname restore_eacl=Sie müssen die Berechtigung besitzen Datenbanken anlegen und löschen zu dürfen restore_ecannot=Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung, Datensicherungen wiederherzustellen restore_ecmd=Der Wiederherstellungsbefehl ($1) wurde auf Ihrem System nicht gefunden restore_edb=Fehlender oder ungültiger Datenbankname restore_epath=Fehlender Datenbankpfad restore_err=Fehler beim Wiederherstellen der Datenbank restore_exe=Fehler beim Ausführen des Befehls ($1) restore_go=Wiederherstellen restore_header=Einstellungen für die Datenbankwiederherstellung restore_only=Nur Daten wiederherstellen, keine Tabellen? restore_path=Pfad für die Datensicherung restore_pe1=Datei muß eine TAR-Datei sein ($1) restore_pe2=Datei nicht gefunden ($1) restore_title=Datenbank wiederherstellen setup_ecannot=Sie haben keine Berechtigung, die Datenbank zu initialisieren setup_err=Fehler beim Initialisieren der Datenbank start_ecannot=Sie haben keine Berechtigung den Datenbankserver zu starten start_err=Datenbankserver konnte nicht gestartet werden stop_ecannot=Sie haben keine Berechtigung den Datenbankserver zu stoppen stop_ekill=Konnte Prozess $1 : $2 nicht beenden stop_epidfile=Konnte PID Datei $1 nicht öffnen stop_err=Datenbankserver konnte nicht gestoppt werden table_add=Füge Feld hinzu vom Typ: table_arr=Array? table_data=Daten zeigen table_drop=Lösche Tabelle table_efield='$1' ist kein gültiger Feldname table_ename=Fehlender oder ungültiger Tabellenname table_enone=Es wurden keine Anfangsfelder angegeben table_err=Fehler beim Erstellen der Tabelle table_esize=Fehlende Typengröße für Feld $1 table_etype=Fehlender Typ für Feld $1 table_field=Feldname table_fielddrop=Feld löschen table_header2=Neue Tabelleneinstellungen table_header=Tabelle $1 in Datenbank $2 table_initial=Anfangsfelder table_name=Tabellenname table_none=Keines table_null=Erlaube NULL? table_opts=Feldeinstellungen table_return=Feldliste table_title2=Tabelle erstellen table_title=Tabelle bearbeiten table_type=Typ tdrop_err=Fehler beim Löschen der Tabelle tdrop_ok=Lösche Tabelle tdrop_rusure=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Tabelle $1 in Datenbank $2 löschen wollen? $3 Zeilen werden gelöscht werden? tdrop_title=Lösche Tabelle user_add=Neuen Benutzer anlegen user_create=Benutzer anlegen user_db=Darf Datenbanken erzeugen? user_ecannot=Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Benutzer zu bearbeiten user_edit=Benutzer bearbeiten user_ename=Fehlender oder ungültiger Benutzername user_epass=Fehlendes oder ungültiges Passwort user_err=Fehler beim Speichern des Benutzers user_forever=Für immer user_header=PostgreSQL Benutzereinzelheiten user_name=Benutzername user_nochange=Nicht ändern user_none=Keines user_other=Darf Benutzer anlegen? user_pass=Benötigt Passwort? user_passwd=Passwort user_return=Benutzerliste user_sync=Die Einstellungen unten konfigurieren die Synchronisation zwischen Unix-Benutzer die unter Webmin angelegt werden und PostgreSQL-Benutzern. user_sync_create=Neuen PostgreSQL-Benutzer anlegen wenn ein neuer Unix-Benutzer angelegt wird. user_sync_delete=MySQL-Benutzer löschen, wenn der entsprechende Unix-Benutzer gelöscht wird. user_sync_modify=MySQL-Benutzer aktualisieren wenn der entsprechende Unix-Benutzer geändert wird. user_title=PostgreSQL-Benutzer user_until=Gültig bis view_all=Alle auswählen view_data=Neue Daten view_delete=Lösche ausgewählte Zeilen view_download=Download.. view_edit=Bearbeite ausgewählte Zeilen view_field=Feldname view_invert=Auswahl umkehren view_jump=Springe zu Zeile : view_keep=Unverändert lassen view_match0=enthält view_match1=gleich view_match2=enthält nicht view_match3=ungleich view_new=Neue Zeile view_nokey=Die Tabelle kann nicht editiert werden, weil sie keinen Primärschlüssel enthält. view_none=Diese Tabelle enthält keine Daten view_pos=Zeilen $1 bis $2 von $3 view_search2=Suche nach Zeilen wo Feld $2 $3 $1 view_searchhead=Suchergebnisse für $1 in Feld $2 .. view_searchok=Suchen view_searchreset=Suche zurücksetzen view_set=Durch Dateiinhalt ersetzen.. view_title=Tabellendaten view_warn=Warnung - Daten in text oder bytea Felder zu laden und Ihren Inhalt zu betrachten wird nicht funktionieren solange nicht die Perlmodule $1 und $2 installiert sind. backup_after=Befehl, der nach dem Backup ausgeführt werden soll backup_before=Befehl, der vor dem Backup ausgeführt werden soll table_eblob=Für ein BLOB-Feld ist keine Größe erforderlich $1postgresql/lang/ru_SU0100644000567100000120000002742310067401527014655 0ustar jcameronwheelindex_title= PostgreSQL index_notrun= PostgreSQL - . index_start= PostgreSQL index_startmsg= PostgreSQL $1. Webmin , . index_nopass=Webmin PostgreSQL . , . index_ltitle= PostgreSQL index_login= index_pass= index_clear= index_stop= PostgreSQL index_stopmsg= PostgreSQL . , Webmin. index_dbs= PostgreSQL index_add= index_users= index_return= index_esql= PostgreSQL $1 . PostgreSQL , . index_ehba= PostgreSQL $1 . PostgreSQL , . index_superuser= PostgreSQL psql . PostgreSQL , . index_eversion= PostgreSQL : $1, Webmin $2 . index_elibrary= PostgreSQL $1 , PostgreSQL. , PostgreSQL. index_ldpath= : $1, $2 : index_version=PostgreSQL $1 index_setup= PostgreSQL $1 , , . PostgreSQL $2. index_setupok= login_err= login_ecannot= login_elogin= login_epass= dbase_title= dbase_tables= dbase_add= dbase_drop= dbase_exec= SQL dbase_none= dbase_fields=: dbase_return= dbase_ecannot= dbase_noconn= , . table_title= table_title2= table_opts= table_header= $1 $2 table_field= table_type= table_null= ? table_arr=? table_none= table_add= : table_return= table_data= table_drop= table_name= table_initial= table_header2= table_err= table_ename= table_efield='$1' table_etype= $1 table_esize= $1 table_enone= table_fielddrop= field_title1= field_title2= field_in= $1 $2 field_header= field_name= field_type= field_size= field_none= field_null= ? field_arr= ? field_key= ? field_uniq=? field_err= field_esize='$1' field_eenum= field_efield='$1' field_ekey=, , exec_title= SQL exec_header= SQL $1 .. exec_exec= exec_err= SQL exec_out= SQL $1 .. exec_none= stop_err= start_err= stop_epidfile= PID $1 stop_ekill= $1 : $2 stop_ecannot= start_ecannot= ddrop_err= ddrop_title= ddrop_rusure= $1 ? $2 , $3 . ddrop_mysql= , PostgreSQL! ddrop_ok= tdrop_err= tdrop_title= tdrop_rusure= , $1 $2 ? $3 . tdrop_ok= view_title= view_pos= $1 $2 $3 view_none= view_edit= view_new= view_delete= view_nokey= , . view_all= view_invert= newdb_title= newdb_header= newdb_db= newdb_err= newdb_edb= newdb_ecannot= newdb_path= newdb_epath= user_title= PostgreSQL user_ecannot= user_name= user_db= ? user_other= ? user_until= user_add= user_forever= user_pass= ? user_edit= user_create= user_return= user_header= PostgreSQL user_passwd= user_none= user_err= user_epass= user_ename= user_sync= Unix, Webmin, PostgreSQL. user_sync_create= PostgreSQL Unix. user_sync_modify= PostgreSQL Unix. user_sync_delete= PostgreSQL Unix. host_ecannot= host_title= host_desc= , , , , . host_local= host_address= host_db= host_auth= host_any= host_all= host_same= host_add= host_ident= ident host_trust= host_reject= host_password= host_crypt= host_krb4=Kerberos V4 host_krb5=Kerberos V5 host_passwordarg= host_identarg= host_create= host_edit= host_single= host_network= host_netmask= host_return= host_err= host_eident= host_epassword= host_enetmask= host_enetwork= host_ehost= IP host_move= grant_title= grant_tvi= grant_type= grant_db= grant_public= grant_group= $1 grant_add= : grant_return= grant_ecannot= grant_create= grant_edit= grant_header=, grant_to= grant_table= grant_view= grant_users= grant_user= grant_what= grant_r= grant_v= grant_i= grant_S= grant_none= , , , . group_title= PostgreSQL group_ecannot= group_name= group_id= group_mems= group_add= group_edit= group_create= group_header= PostgreSQL group_return= group_err= group_ename= group_egid= group_etaken= group_none= PostgreSQL esql= SQL $1 : $2 log_start= PostgreSQL log_stop= PostgreSQL log_db_create= $1 log_db_delete= $1 log_table_create= $1 $2 log_table_delete= $1 $2 log_field_create= $1 $4 $2 $3 log_field_modify= $1 $4 $2 $3 log_field_delete= $1 $2 $3 log_data_create= $2 $3 log_data_modify= $1 $2 $3 log_data_delete= $1 $2 $3 log_exec= SQL $1 log_exec_l= SQL $2 $1 log_create_user= $1 log_delete_user= $1 log_modify_user= $1 log_create_group= $1 log_delete_group= $1 log_modify_group= $1 log_create_local= log_modify_local= log_delete_local= log_move_local= log_create_all= , log_modify_all= , log_delete_all= , log_move_all= , log_create_hba= $1 log_modify_hba= $1 log_delete_hba= $1 log_move_hba= $1 log_grant= $1 $2 log_setup= acl_dbs= , acl_dbscannot= PostgreSQL. acl_dall= acl_dsel=.. acl_create= ? acl_delete= ? acl_stop= PostgreSQL? acl_users= , ? fdrop_err= fdrop_header= fdrop_lose_data= , , . fdrop_perform= fdrop_title= setup_err= setup_ecannot= postgresql/config-debian-linux0100644000567100000120000000052507753534503016524 0ustar jcameronwheelhba_conf=/etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf psql=/usr/bin/psql start_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start basedb=template1 perpage=25 plib= pass= login=postgres stop_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ nodbi=0 dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore sameunix=1 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/edit_host.cgi0100775000567100000120000001175110114726060015417 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # edit_host.cgi # Display a form for editing or creating an allowed host require './'; &ReadParse(); $v = &get_postgresql_version(); if ($in{'new'}) { $type = $in{'new'}; &ui_print_header(undef, $text{"host_create"}, ""); $host = { 'type' => $type, 'netmask' => '', 'auth' => 'trust', 'db' => 'all' }; } else { @all = &get_hba_config($v); $host = $all[$in{'idx'}]; $type = $host->{'type'}; &ui_print_header(undef, $text{"host_edit"}, ""); } print "

\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; $mode = $type eq 'local' ? 3 : $host->{'netmask'} eq '' ? 0 : $host->{'netmask'} eq '' ? 1 : 2; print "\n", $mode == 2 ? $host->{'netmask'} : ''; if ($type eq "hostssl" || $v >= 7.3) { print "\n", $typeq eq "hostssl" ? "checked" : "", $text{'host_ssl'}; } local $found = !$host->{'db'} || $host->{'db'} eq 'all' || $host->{'db'} eq 'sameuser'; print "\n"; print "\n", $found ? "" : join(" ", split(/,/, $host->{'db'})); if ($v >= 7.3) { print "\n", $host->{'user'} eq 'all' ? "" : join(" ", split(/,/, $host->{'user'})); } print "\n"; print "
$text{'host_address'} \n"; printf " %s
\n", $mode == 3 ? 'checked' : '', $text{'host_local'}; printf " %s
\n", $mode == 0 ? 'checked' : '', $text{'host_any'}; printf " %s\n", $mode == 1 ? 'checked' : '', $text{'host_single'}; printf "
\n", $mode == 1 ? $host->{'address'} : ''; printf " %s\n", $mode == 2 ? 'checked' : '', $text{'host_network'}; printf " %s\n", $mode == 2 ? $host->{'address'} : '', $text{'host_netmask'}; printf "
   \n"; printf " %s
$text{'host_db'}\n"; printf "
$text{'host_user'} \n"; printf " %s\n", $host->{'user'} eq 'all' || !$host->{'user'} ? "checked" : "", $text{'host_uall'}; printf " %s\n", $host->{'user'} eq 'all' || !$host->{'user'} ? "" : "checked", $text{'host_usel'}; printf "
$text{'host_auth'} \n"; foreach $a ('password', 'crypt', ($v >= 7.2 ? ( 'md5' ) : ( )), 'trust', 'reject', 'ident', 'krb4', 'krb5', ($v >= 7.3 ? ( 'pam' ) : ( )) ) { printf " %s\n", $a, $host->{'auth'} eq $a ? 'checked' : '', $text{"host_$a"}; $arg = $host->{'auth'} eq $a ? $host->{'arg'} : undef; if ($a eq 'password') { print "
   \n"; printf " %s\n", $arg ? 'checked' : '', $text{'host_passwordarg'}; print "\n"; } elsif ($a eq 'ident') { print "
   \n"; printf " %s\n", $arg ? 'checked' : '', $text{'host_identarg'}; print "\n"; } elsif ($a eq 'pam') { print "
   \n"; printf " %s\n", $arg ? 'checked' : '', $text{'host_pamarg'}; print "\n"; } print "
\n"; if ($a eq 'reject') { print "
\n"; } } print "
\n"; print "\n"; if ($in{'new'}) { print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "
\n"; &ui_print_footer("list_hosts.cgi", $text{'host_return'}); postgresql/exec.cgi0100755000567100000120000000164110115213040014342 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # exec.cgi # Execute some SQL command and display output require './'; &ReadParse(); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); &error_setup($text{'exec_err'}); $d = &execute_sql_logged($in{'db'}, $in{'cmd'}); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'exec_title'}, ""); print &text('exec_out', "$in{'cmd'}"),"

\n"; @data = @{$d->{'data'}}; if (@data) { print "\n"; foreach $t (@{$d->{'titles'}}) { print "\n"; } print "\n"; foreach $r (@data) { print "\n"; foreach $c (@$r) { print "\n"; } print "\n"; } print "
",$c ne '' ? &html_escape($c) : "

\n"; } else { print "$text{'exec_none'}

\n"; } &webmin_log("exec", undef, $in{'db'}, \%in); &ui_print_footer("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}", $text{'dbase_return'}, "", $text{'index_return'}); postgresql/save_grant.cgi0100775000567100000120000000230210114725647015570 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # save_grant.cgi # Update privilege grants on some table/view/index require './'; &ReadParse(); $access{'users'} || &error($text{'grant_ecannot'}); # Remove old privileges on object $s = &execute_sql($in{'db'}, 'select relname, relacl from pg_class where (relkind = \'r\' OR relkind = \'S\') and relname !~ \'^pg_\' order by relname'); foreach $g (@{$s->{'data'}}) { if ($g->[0] eq $in{'table'}) { $g->[1] =~ s/^\{//; $g->[1] =~ s/\}$//; @grant = map { /^"(.*)=(.*)"$/ || /^(.*)=(.*)$/; [ $1, $2 ] } split(/,/, $g->[1]); } } $qt = "e_table($in{'table'}); foreach $g (@grant) { next if (!$g->[1]); if ($g->[0] eq '') { $who = "public"; } elsif ($g->[0] =~ /group\s+(\S+)/) { $who = "group $1"; } else { $who = $g->[0]; } &execute_sql_logged($in{'db'}, "revoke all on $qt from \"$who\""); } # Grant new privileges for($i=0; defined($in{"user_$i"}); $i++) { @what = split(/\0/, $in{"what_$i"}); next if (!$in{"user_$i"} || !@what); &execute_sql_logged($in{'db'}, "grant ".join(",", @what)." on ". "$qt to \"". $in{"user_$i"}."\""); } &webmin_log("grant", undef, $in{'table'}, \%in); &redirect("list_grants.cgi"); postgresql/list_hosts.cgi0100775000567100000120000000375210114726247015641 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # list_hosts.cgi # Display host access records require './'; $access{'users'} || &error($text{'host_ecannot'}); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'host_title'}, "", "list_hosts"); print "$text{'host_desc'}

\n"; $v = &get_postgresql_version(); @hosts = &get_hba_config($v); print "$text{'host_add'}
\n"; print "\n"; print " ", " ", ($v >= 7.3 ? " " : ""), " ", "\n"; foreach $h (@hosts) { print "\n"; local $ssl = $h->{'type'} eq 'hostssl' ? " ($text{'host_viassl'})" : ""; print "\n"; print "\n"; if ($v >= 7.3) { print "\n"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "
", &html_escape( $h->{'type'} eq 'local' ? $text{'host_local'} : $h->{'netmask'} eq '' ? $h->{'address'}.$ssl : $h->{'netmask'} eq '' ? $text{'host_any'}.$ssl : $h->{'address'}.'/'.$h->{'netmask'}.$ssl),"",$h->{'db'} eq 'all' ? $text{'host_all'} : $h->{'db'} eq 'sameuser' ? $text{'host_same'} : $h->{'db'},"",$h->{'user'} eq 'all' ? $text{'host_uall'} : $h->{'user'},"",$text{"host_$h->{'auth'}"} || $h->{'auth'},""; if ($h eq $hosts[@hosts-1]) { print ""; } else { print "", ""; } if ($h eq $hosts[0]) { print ""; } else { print "", ""; } print "
\n"; print "$text{'host_add'}

\n"; &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}); postgresql/save_host.cgi0100775000567100000120000000503410114725647015437 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # save_host.cgi # Create, modify or delete an allowed host record require './'; &ReadParse(); &lock_file($config{'hba_conf'}); $v = &get_postgresql_version(); @all = &get_hba_config($v); $host = $all[$in{'idx'}] if (!$in{'new'}); &error_setup($text{'host_err'}); if ($in{'delete'}) { # delete one host &delete_hba($host, $v); } else { # validate and parse inputs if ($in{'addr_mode'} == 0) { $host->{'address'} = '' if (!$host->{'address'}); $object = $host->{'netmask'} = ''; $host->{'type'} = $in{'ssl'} ? 'hostssl' : 'host'; } elsif ($in{'addr_mode'} == 1) { &check_ipaddress($in{'host'}) || &error($text{'host_ehost'}); $object = $host->{'address'} = $in{'host'}; $host->{'netmask'} = ''; $host->{'type'} = $in{'ssl'} ? 'hostssl' : 'host'; } elsif ($in{'addr_mode'} == 2) { &check_ipaddress($in{'network'}) || &error($text{'host_enetwork'}); &check_ipaddress($in{'netmask'}) || &error($text{'host_enetmask'}); $host->{'address'} = $in{'network'}; $host->{'netmask'} = $in{'netmask'}; $host->{'type'} = $in{'ssl'} ? 'hostssl' : 'host'; $object = "$in{'network'}/$in{'netmask'}"; } else { $object = $host->{'type'} = 'local'; } if ($in{'db'}) { $host->{'db'} = $in{'db'}; } else { $in{'dbother'} || &error($text{'host_edb'}); $host->{'db'} = join(",", split(/\s+/, $in{'dbother'})); } if ($v >= 7.3) { $in{'user_def'} || $in{'user'} || &error($text{'host_euser'}); $host->{'user'} = $in{'user_def'} ? 'all' : join(",", split(/\s+/, $in{'user'})); } $host->{'auth'} = $in{'auth'}; if ($in{'auth'} eq 'password' && $in{'passwordarg'}) { $in{'password'} =~ /^\S+$/ || &error($text{'host_epassword'}); $host->{'arg'} = $in{'password'}; } elsif ($in{'auth'} eq 'ident' && $in{'identarg'}) { $in{'ident'} =~ /^\S+$/ || &error($text{'host_eident'}); $host->{'arg'} = $in{'ident'}; } elsif ($in{'auth'} eq 'pam' && $in{'pamarg'}) { $in{'pam'} =~ /^\S+$/ || &error($text{'host_epam'}); $host->{'arg'} = $in{'pam'}; } else { $host->{'arg'} = undef; } if ($in{'new'}) { &create_hba($host, $v); } else { &modify_hba($host, $v); } } &unlock_file($config{'hba_conf'}); &restart_postgresql(); &webmin_log($in{'new'} ? 'create' : $in{'delete'} ? 'delete' : 'modify', 'hba', $host->{'type'} eq 'local' ? 'local' : $host->{'netmask'} eq '' ? 'all' : $host->{'netmask'} eq '' ? $host->{'address'}: "$host->{'address'}/$host->{'netmask'}", $host); &redirect("list_hosts.cgi"); postgresql/list_users.cgi0100775000567100000120000000357710114726256015647 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # list_users.cgi # Display all users in the database require './'; $access{'users'} || &error($text{'user_ecannot'}); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'user_title'}, "", "list_users"); $s = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, "select * from pg_shadow"); print "$text{'user_add'}
\n"; print "\n"; print " ", " ", " ", " ", "\n"; foreach $u (@{$s->{'data'}}) { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "
", &html_escape($u->[0]),"",$u->[5] ? $text{'yes'} : $text{'no'},"",$u->[2] =~ /t|1/ ? $text{'yes'} : $text{'no'},"",$u->[4] =~ /t|1/ ? $text{'yes'} : $text{'no'},"",$u->[7] ? &html_escape($u->[7]) : $text{'user_forever'},"
\n"; print "$text{'user_add'}

\n"; if (&get_postgresql_version() >= 7) { print "

\n"; print "\n"; print "$text{'user_sync'}
\n"; print "
\n"; printf " %s
\n", $config{'sync_create'} ? "checked" : "", $text{'user_sync_create'}; printf " %s
\n", $config{'sync_modify'} ? "checked" : "", $text{'user_sync_modify'}; printf " %s
\n", $config{'sync_delete'} ? "checked" : "", $text{'user_sync_delete'}; } print "
\n"; print "
\n"; &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}); postgresql/start.cgi0100755000567100000120000000061410114725647014576 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # start.cgi # Start the PostgreSQL database server require './'; &error_setup($text{'start_err'}); $access{'stop'} || &error($text{'start_ecannot'}); $temp = &tempname(); $rv = &system_logged("($config{'start_cmd'}) >$temp 2>&1"); $out = `cat $temp`; unlink($temp); if ($rv) { &error("
"); } sleep(3); &webmin_log("start"); &redirect(""); postgresql/config.info0100644000567100000120000000206707753534133015103 0ustar jcameronwheelline1=Configurable options,11 login=Administration login,0 pass=Administration password,12 sameunix=Unix user to connect to database as,1,1-Same as Administration login,0-root perpage=Number of rows to display per page,0 add_mode=Use vertical row editing interface,1,1-Yes,0-No blob_mode=Show blob and text fields as,1,0-Data in table,1-Links to download nodbi=Use DBI to connect if available?,1,0-Yes,1-No date_subs=Do strftime substitution of backup destinations?,1,1-Yes,0-No line2=System configuration,11 psql=Path to psql command,0 plib=Path to PostgreSQL shared libraries,3,Not needed basedb=Initial PostgreSQL database,0 start_cmd=Command to start PostgreSQL,0 stop_cmd=Command to stop PostgreSQL,3,Kill process setup_cmd=Command to initialize PostgreSQL,3,None pid_file=Path to postmaster PID file,0 hba_conf=Path to host access config file,0 host=PostgreSQL host to connect to,3,localhost port=PostgreSQL port to connect to,3,Default dump_cmd=Path to pg_dump command,0 rstr_cmd=Path to pg_restore command,0 repository=Default backup repository directory,3,None postgresql/newdb.cgi0100755000567100000120000000201710114725647014537 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # newdb.cgi # Create a new database with one optional table require './'; &ReadParse(); $access{'create'} || &error($text{'newdb_ecannot'}); &error_setup($text{'newdb_err'}); # Make sure maximum databases limit has not been exceeded @alldbs = &list_databases(); @titles = grep { &can_edit_db($_) } @alldbs; if ($access{'create'} == 2 && @titles >= $access{'max'}) { &error($text{'newdb_ecannot2'}); } $in{'db'} =~ /^[A-z0-9\.\-]+$/ || &error($text{'newdb_edb'}); $user = $in{'user_def'} ? "" : "with owner=\"$in{'user'}\""; if ($in{'path_def'}) { &execute_sql_logged($config{'basedb'}, "create database $in{'db'} $user"); } else { $in{'path'} || &error($text{'newdb_epath'}); &execute_sql_logged($config{'basedb'}, "create database $in{'db'} ". "with location = '$in{'path'}' $user"); } &webmin_log("create", "db", $in{'db'}); if ($access{'dbs'} ne '*') { $access{'dbs'} .= " " if ($access{'dbs'}); $access{'dbs'} .= $in{'db'}; &save_module_acl(\%access); } &redirect(""); postgresql/edit_group.cgi0100775000567100000120000000373610114726055015606 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # edit_group.cgi # Display a form for editing or creating a group require './'; &ReadParse(); $access{'users'} || &error($text{'group_ecannot'}); if ($in{'new'}) { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'group_create'}, ""); } else { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'group_edit'}, ""); $s = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, "select * from pg_group ". "where grosysid = '$in{'gid'}'"); @group = @{$s->{'data'}->[0]}; } print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; if ($in{'new'}) { $s = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, "select max(grosysid) from pg_group"); $gid = $s->{'data'}->[0]->[0] + 1; print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; print "\n"; } map { $mem{$_}++ } &split_array($group[2]) if (!$in{'new'}); print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; if ($in{'new'}) { print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "
\n"; &ui_print_footer("list_groups.cgi", $text{'group_return'}); postgresql/save_field.cgi0100775000567100000120000000207110115476137015541 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # save_field.cgi # Create or rename a field require './'; &ReadParse(); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); $qt = "e_table($in{'table'}); if ($in{'delete'}) { # Attempt to remove field &error_setup($text{'field_err1'}); &execute_sql_logged($in{'db'}, "alter table $qt ". "drop column \"$in{'old'}\""); } else { # Validate inputs &error_setup($text{'field_err2'}); $in{'field'} =~ /^\S+$/ || &error(&text('field_efield', $in{'field'})); if ($in{'new'}) { # Add field if (defined($in{'size'})) { $in{'size'} =~ /^\d+(,\d+)?$/ || &error(&text('field_esize', $in{'size'})); $size = "($in{'size'})"; } $arr = $in{'arr'} ? "[]" : ""; &execute_sql_logged($in{'db'}, "alter table $qt add ". "\"$in{'field'}\" $in{'type'}$size$arr"); } elsif ($in{'old'} ne $in{'field'}) { # Rename field &execute_sql_logged($in{'db'}, "alter table $qt rename ". "\"$in{'old'}\" to \"$in{'field'}\""); } } &redirect("edit_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&table=$in{'table'}"); postgresql/drop_dbase.cgi0100755000567100000120000000216310114725702015534 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # drop_dbase.cgi # Drop an existing database require './'; &ReadParse(); &error_setup($text{'ddrop_err'}); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); if ($in{'confirm'}) { # Drop the database &execute_sql_logged($config{'basedb'}, "drop database \"$in{'db'}\""); &webmin_log("delete", "db", $in{'db'}); &redirect(""); } else { # Ask the user if he is sure.. &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'ddrop_title'}, ""); @tables = &list_tables($in{'db'}); $rows = 0; foreach $t (@tables) { $d = &execute_sql($in{'db'}, "select count(*) from $t"); $rows += $d->{'data'}->[0]->[0]; } print "

",&text('ddrop_rusure', "$in{'db'}", scalar(@tables), $rows),"\n"; print $text{'ddrop_mysql'},"\n" if ($in{'db'} eq $master_db); print "

\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "

\n"; &ui_print_footer("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}", $text{'dbase_return'}, "", $text{'index_return'}); } postgresql/config-cobalt-linux0100644000567100000120000000055007753534503016544 0ustar jcameronwheelhba_conf=/home/pgsql/pg_hba.conf psql=/usr/bin/psql start_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start basedb=template1 perpage=25 plib= pass=cfc4b0056f0833c6 login=admin stop_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ nodbi=0 dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/config0100644000567100000120000000066407753534503014153 0ustar jcameronwheelbasedb=template1 pass= hba_conf=/usr/local/pgsql/var/pg_hba.conf pid_file=/usr/local/pgsql/var/ stop_cmd= start_cmd=su postgres -c "/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -i -S -D/usr/local/pgsql/var" perpage=25 psql=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql login=postgres plib=/usr/local/pgsql/lib nodbi=0 dump_cmd=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/config-redhat-linux0100644000567100000120000000056107753534503016551 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=postgres psql=/usr/bin/psql basedb=template1 start_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start stop_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ perpage=25 hba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/pg_hba.conf nodbi=0 dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore repository=/home/db_repository sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/log_parser.pl0100664000567100000120000000352510064521655015447 0ustar jcameronwheel# # Functions for parsing this module's logs do ''; # parse_webmin_log(user, script, action, type, object, ¶ms) # Converts logged information from this module into human-readable form sub parse_webmin_log { local ($user, $script, $action, $type, $object, $p, $long) = @_; if ($action eq 'stop') { return $text{'log_stop'}; } elsif ($action eq 'start') { return $text{'log_start'}; } elsif ($action eq 'setup') { return $text{'log_setup'}; } elsif ($type eq 'db') { return &text("log_${type}_${action}", "$object"); } elsif ($type eq 'table') { return &text("log_${type}_${action}", "$object", "$p->{'db'}"); } elsif ($type eq 'field') { $p->{'size'} =~ s/\s+$//; return &text("log_${type}_${action}", "$object", "$p->{'table'}", "$p->{'db'}", "$p->{'type'}$p->{'size'}"); } elsif ($type eq 'data') { return &text("log_${type}_${action}", "$object", "$p->{'table'}", "$p->{'db'}"); } elsif ($action eq 'exec') { return &text($long ? 'log_exec_l' : 'log_exec', "$object", "".&html_escape($p->{'cmd'}).""); } elsif ($type eq 'user' || $type eq 'group') { return &text("log_${action}_${type}", "$object"); } elsif ($type eq 'hba') { return $object eq 'local' ? $text{"log_${action}_local"} : $object eq 'all' ? $text{"log_${action}_all"} : &text("log_${action}_hba", "$object"); } elsif ($action eq 'grant') { return &text('log_grant', "$object", "$p->{'db'}"); } elsif ($action eq 'backup') { return &text($object ? ($long ? 'log_backup_l' : 'log_backup') : ($long ? 'log_backup_all_l' : 'log_backup_all'), "$object", "".&html_escape($p->{'file'}).""); } else { return undef; } } postgresql/index.cgi0100755000567100000120000001502510114726237014546 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # index.cgi # Display all existing databases require './'; # Check for PostgreSQL program if (!-x $config{'psql'} || -d $config{'psql'}) { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", "intro", 1, 1, 0, &help_search_link("postgresql", "man", "doc", "google")); print &text('index_esql', "$config{'psql'}", "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name"),"

\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); exit; } # Check for the config file if (!-r $config{'hba_conf'}) { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", "intro", 1, 1, 0, &help_search_link("postgresql", "man", "doc", "google")); if ($config{'setup_cmd'}) { # Offer to setup DB for first time print &text('index_setup', "$config{'hba_conf'}", "$config{'setup_cmd'}"),"
\n"; print "

\n"; print "\n"; print "

\n"; } else { # Config file wasn't found print &text('index_ehba', "$config{'hba_conf'}", "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name"),"

\n"; } &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); exit; } $r = &is_postgresql_running(); if ($r == 0) { # Not running .. need to start it &main_header(); print "$text{'index_notrun'}

\n"; if ($access{'stop'}) { print "

\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "",&text('index_startmsg', "$config{'start_cmd'}"),"
\n"; print "
\n"; } } elsif ($r == -1 && $access{'user'} && 0) { # Running, but the user's password is wrong &main_header(); print "

",&text('index_nouser', "$access{'user'}"), "

\n"; } elsif ($r == -1) { # Running, but webmin doesn't know the login/password &main_header(); print "


\n"; print "

\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; printf "\n", $access{'user'} || $config{'login'}; if (!$access{'user'}) { print "\n"; printf "\n", $config{'sameunix'} ? "checked" : "", $text{'index_sameunix'}; } print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; } elsif ($r == -2) { # Looks like a shared library problem &main_header(); print &text('index_elibrary', "$config{'psql'}", "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name"),"

\n"; print &text('index_ldpath', "$ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}}", "$config{'psql'}"),"
\n"; print "

\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); exit; } else { # Running .. check version $postgresql_version = &get_postgresql_version(); if (!$postgresql_version) { &main_header(); print &text('index_superuser',"$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name"),"

\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); exit; } if ($postgresql_version < 6.5) { &main_header(); print &text('index_eversion', $postgresql_version, 6.5), "

\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); exit; } # Check if we can re-direct to a single DB's page @alldbs = &list_databases(); @titles = grep { &can_edit_db($_) } @alldbs; $can_all = (@alldbs == @titles); if (@titles == 1 && $access{'dbs'} ne '*' && !$access{'users'} && !$access{'create'} && !$access{'stop'}) { # Only one DB, so go direct to it! &redirect("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$titles[0]"); exit; } # List the databases &main_header(); print "


\n"; $can_create = $access{'create'} == 1 || $access{'create'} == 2 && @titles < $access{'max'}; if (!@titles) { print "$text{'index_nodbs'}

\n"; } else { @icons = map { "images/db.gif" } @titles; @links = map { "edit_dbase.cgi?db=$_" } @titles; @titles = map { &html_escape($_) } @titles; print "$text{'index_add'}
\n" if ($can_create); &icons_table(\@links, \@titles, \@icons, 5); } print "$text{'index_add'}

\n" if ($can_create); if ($access{'users'}) { print "

\n"; print "


\n"; @links = ( 'list_users.cgi', 'list_groups.cgi', 'list_hosts.cgi', 'list_grants.cgi' ); @titles = ( $text{'user_title'}, $text{'group_title'}, $text{'host_title'}, $text{'grant_title'} ); @images = ( 'images/users.gif', 'images/groups.gif', 'images/hosts.gif', 'images/grants.gif' ); &icons_table(\@links, \@titles, \@images, 5); } if ($access{'stop'}) { print "
\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "$text{'index_stopmsg'}
\n"; print "
\n"; } # Show backup all button if ($can_all && $access{'backup'}) { print "
\n" if (!$access{'stop'}); print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "$text{'index_backupmsg'}
\n"; print "
\n"; } # Check if the optional perl modules are installed &read_acl(\%acl, undef); if ($acl{$base_remote_user, 'cpan'}) { eval "use DBI"; push(@needs, "DBI") if ($@); $nodbi++ if ($@); eval "use DBD::Pg"; push(@needs, "DBD::Pg") if ($@); if (@needs) { $needs = &urlize(join(" ", @needs)); print "
",&text(@needs == 2 ? 'index_nomods' : 'index_nomod', @needs, "/cpan/download.cgi?source=3&cpan=$needs&mode=2&return=/$module_name/&returndesc=".&urlize($text{'index_return'})), "
\n"; } } } &ui_print_footer("/", "index"); sub main_header { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", "intro", 1, 1, 0, &help_search_link("postgresql", "man", "doc", "google"), undef, undef, $postgresql_version ? &text('index_version', $postgresql_version) : undef); } postgresql/table_form.cgi0100755000567100000120000000343010115213040015526 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # table_form.cgi # Display a form for creating a table require './'; &ReadParse(); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'table_title2'}, "", "table_form"); print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
$text{'table_initial'}\n"; print " ", " ", " ", "\n"; @type_list = &list_types(); for($i=0; $i<(int($in{'fields'}) || 4); $i++) { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "
\n"; print " $text{'table_arr'}\n"; print " $text{'field_null'}\n"; print " $text{'field_key'}\n"; print " $text{'field_uniq'}\n"; print "
\n"; &ui_print_footer("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}", $text{'dbase_return'}); postgresql/drop_table.cgi0100755000567100000120000000215710115213040015534 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # drop_table.cgi # Delete an existing table require './'; &ReadParse(); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); $qt = "e_table($in{'table'}); if ($in{'confirm'}) { # Drop the table &error_setup($text{'tdrop_err'}); &execute_sql_logged($in{'db'}, "drop table $qt"); &webmin_log("delete", "table", $in{'table'}, \%in); &redirect("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}"); } else { # Ask the user if he is sure.. &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'tdrop_title'}, ""); @tables = &list_tables($in{'db'}); $d = &execute_sql($in{'db'}, "select count(*) from $qt"); $rows = $d->{'data'}->[0]->[0]; print "

", &text('tdrop_rusure', "$in{'table'}", "$in{'db'}", $rows),"

\n"; print "

\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; &ui_print_footer("edit_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&table=$in{'table'}", $text{'table_return'}); } postgresql/acl_security.pl0100664000567100000120000001030010101303262015745 0ustar jcameronwheel require ''; # acl_security_form(&options) # Output HTML for editing security options for the postgresql module sub acl_security_form { my (@listdb)=&list_databases(); print " $text{'acl_dbs'}\n"; print "
$text{'acl_dbscannot'}" unless @listdb; print "\n"; print "\n"; if (@listdb) { printf " %s\n", $_[0]->{'dbs'} eq '*' ? 'checked' : '', $text{'acl_dall'}; printf " %s
\n", $_[0]->{'dbs'} eq '*' ? '' : 'checked', $text{'acl_dsel'}; print ""; print "\n"; } else { print "{'dbs'}."\">\n"; } print "\n"; print "$text{'acl_create'} \n"; printf " %s\n", $_[0]->{'create'} == 1 ? 'checked' : '', $text{'yes'}; printf " %s\n", $_[0]->{'create'} == 2 ? 'checked' : '', $text{'acl_max'}; printf "\n", $_[0]->{'max'}; printf " %s \n", $_[0]->{'create'} == 0 ? 'checked' : '', $text{'no'}; print " $text{'acl_delete'} \n"; printf " %s\n", $_[0]->{'delete'} ? 'checked' : '', $text{'yes'}; printf " %s \n", $_[0]->{'delete'} ? '' : 'checked', $text{'no'}; print " $text{'acl_stop'} \n"; printf " %s\n", $_[0]->{'stop'} ? 'checked' : '', $text{'yes'}; printf " %s \n", $_[0]->{'stop'} ? '' : 'checked', $text{'no'}; print " $text{'acl_users'} \n"; printf " %s\n", $_[0]->{'users'} ? 'checked' : '', $text{'yes'}; printf " %s \n", $_[0]->{'users'} ? '' : 'checked', $text{'no'}; print " $text{'acl_login'} \n"; printf " %s
\n", $_[0]->{'user'} ? '' : 'checked', $text{'acl_user_def'}; printf "\n", $_[0]->{'user'} ? 'checked' : ''; printf "%s \n", $text{'acl_user'}, $_[0]->{'user'}; printf "%s
\n", $text{'acl_pass'}, $_[0]->{'pass'}; print "   \n"; printf " %s \n", $_[0]->{'sameunix'} ? "checked" : "", $text{'acl_sameunix'}; print " $text{'acl_backup'} \n"; printf " %s\n", $_[0]->{'backup'} ? 'checked' : '', $text{'yes'}; printf " %s\n", $_[0]->{'backup'} ? '' : 'checked', $text{'no'}; print "$text{'acl_restore'} \n"; printf " %s\n", $_[0]->{'restore'} ? 'checked' : '', $text{'yes'}; printf " %s \n", $_[0]->{'restore'} ? '' : 'checked', $text{'no'}; } # acl_security_save(&options) # Parse the form for security options for the postgresql module sub acl_security_save { if ($in{'dblist'} eq '1') { if ($in{'dbs_def'}) { $_[0]->{'dbs'} = '*'; } else { $_[0]->{'dbs'} = join(" ", split(/\0/, $in{'dbs'})); } } else { $_[0]->{'dbs'} = $in{'dblist'}; $_[0]->{'dbs'} =~ s/^0 //; } $_[0]->{'create'} = $in{'create'}; $_[0]->{'max'} = $in{'max'}; $_[0]->{'delete'} = $in{'delete'}; $_[0]->{'stop'} = $in{'stop'}; $_[0]->{'users'} = $in{'users'}; $_[0]->{'backup'} = $in{'backup'}; $_[0]->{'restore'} = $in{'restore'}; if ($in{'user_def'}) { delete($_[0]->{'user'}); delete($_[0]->{'pass'}); } else { $_[0]->{'user'} = $in{'user'}; $_[0]->{'pass'} = $in{'pass'}; } $_[0]->{'sameunix'} = $in{'sameunix'}; } postgresql/help/0040755000567100000120000000000007702771351013706 5ustar jcameronwheelpostgresql/help/edit_table.html0100644000567100000120000000105207171004030016642 0ustar jcameronwheel
Edit Table
The table that takes up most of this page shows the structure of the selected table in your database. Each row details one field in the table, with the name, data type and other options shown.

At the bottom-left is a button for adding a new field to the table. Before clicking it, you must select the type of field to add - see the PostgreSQL documentation for more information on field types. Also at the bottom are buttons for viewing all data in the table and dropping the entire table and all data in it.

postgresql/help/list_users.html0100664000567100000120000000047007171007272016762 0ustar jcameronwheel
PostgreSQL Users
This page allows you to create and edit users who will have access to your PostgreSQL databases. For each user you can specify a username, an optional password, an optional expiry date, and choose whether the user will be allowed to create other users or databases.

postgresql/help/view_table.html0100664000567100000120000000130407171005540016700 0ustar jcameronwheel
Table Data
This page allows you to view data in a table, to edit that data and to add new records.
Editing records
Select the checkboxes to the left of the rows you want to edit and click the Edit selected rows button. Then enter the new values into the fields and click on Save.

Deleting records
Select the checkboxes to the left of the rows you want to delete and click the Delete selected rows button.

Adding a record
Click on the Add row button and enter the values for the new record into the fields at the bottom the table, then click on Save.

postgresql/help/newdb_form.html0100644000567100000120000000045507171003737016713 0ustar jcameronwheel
Create Database
This form allows you to create a new PostgreSQL database. You must enter the name of the database, and can also enter a directory in which the database files will be stored. When done, click on the Create to have the database immediately created.

postgresql/help/edit_dbase.html0100644000567100000120000000064707171003304016645 0ustar jcameronwheel
Edit Database
At the top of this page are rows of icons, each representing one table in the database. To edit the structure of a table, just click on one of the icons.

Below are buttons for creating a new table in this database, executing SQL on the tables of the database and dropping the database and all tables in it. The final button should be used with care, as it is not reversible!

postgresql/help/create_field.html0100644000567100000120000000106107171004334017163 0ustar jcameronwheel
Add Field
On this page you can add a new field to the table. The editable parameters for the new field are :
Field name
The name of this field in the table.

Type width (for varchar and char fields)
The maximum number of characters allowed for data in this field.

Array field?
If this option is set to Yes, the field will be able to store multiple values of the same type.

When done, click on the Save button to update the table structure with the new field.
postgresql/help/exec_form.html0100644000567100000120000000031307171003304016517 0ustar jcameronwheel
Execute SQL
This page is for entering an arbitrary SQL statement to be executed on the selected database. Select, insert, update and administration commands may all be used.

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Modify Field
On this page you can edit an existing table field. When editing, only the name of the field can be changed, not it's data type or any other options. When done, click on the Save button to update the table structure, or on Delete to remove the field from the table.

postgresql/help/list_grants.html0100664000567100000120000000071507171014104017111 0ustar jcameronwheel
Granted Privileges
This page allows you to view and edit the permissions granted on tables, views, sequences and indexes to users and groups. The table shows all the objects in all databases upon which privileges can be granted, and who those privileges are currently granted to (if anyone). To change the privileges, click on the name of the object and use the form to select a user or group and the capabilities he will be given.

postgresql/help/table_form.html0100644000567100000120000000076507171005743016706 0ustar jcameronwheel
Create Table
This form is for creating a new, empty table. You must enter a table name and one or more fields. For each field, you must enter a name, select a data type and enter the type width (if appropriate for the data type). You can also choose if the field is an multi-value array, if it allows null, if it is the primary key for indexing, and if the values it in must be unique. When done, click on the Create button to have the table immediately created.

postgresql/help/list_groups.html0100664000567100000120000000033507171007431017135 0ustar jcameronwheel
PostgreSQL Groups
This page allows you to create groups of users for later use when granting permissions. Each group has a name, a group ID (usually assigned by Webmin) and a list of members.

postgresql/help/intro.html0100644000567100000120000000130107171003535015707 0ustar jcameronwheel
PostgreSQL Database Server
PostgreSQL is a simple database server for Unix systems. It supports multiple databases, powerful access controls, many data types and most of the standard SQL syntax. Each database managed by the server can contain multiple tables, and each table contains multiple rows of data.

The main page dislays a list of database icons at the top, with a link for adding a new database below them. Every PostgreSQL server will have at least one template database, usually called template1. Below the databases are icons for configuring access control and permissions, and at the bottom is a button for stopping or starting the database server.

postgresql/help/list_hosts.html0100664000567100000120000000211707171010717016757 0ustar jcameronwheel
Allowed Hosts
On this page you can control which hosts are allowed to access your database server and what kind of authentication they will need to provide. Each access control rule can apply to a single host, to an entire network, to all network hosts or only to users connecting from this machine. In addition, each rule can apply to either a single selected database or to all databases on the server.

When choosing the authentication mode for allowed hosts, the following options are available :

Plaintext password
The user must supply a password that matches the one set in the PostgreSQL Users page.

Encrypted password
The user must supply a password that when encrypted matches the one set in PostgreSQL Users.

No authentication required
No password needs to be supplied at all.

Reject connection
Don't allow connections from this host at all. This is useful for denying access from specific hosts if you have granted access to a whole network.

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Aadir Campo
En esta pgina puedes aadir un nuevo campo a la tabla. Los parmetros editables para el nuevo campo son:
Nombre de campo
El nombre de este campo en la tabla.

Medida de tipo (para campos varchar y char)
El mximo nmero de caracteres permitidos para datos en este campo.

Campo de arreglo?
Si se pone esta opcin a S, el campo ser capaz de almacenar valores del mismo tipo.

Al terminar, haz click en el botn Salvar para actualizar la estructura de la tabla con el nuevo campo.
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Ejecutar SQL
Esta pgina es para digitar una sentencia SQL arbitraria y que sea ejecutada en la base de datos seleccionada. Se pueden usar comandos Seleccionar (Select), Insertar (Insert), Actualizar (Update) y comandos de administracin.

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Crear Tabla
Este formulario se usa para crear una tabla nueva y vaca. Debes de digitar un nombre de tabla y uno o ms campos. Para cada campo, debes de digitar un nombre, seleccionar un tipo de dato y digitar el tipo de ancho (siempre que sea apropiado para el tipo de campo). Puedes tambin decidir si el campo es un arreglo multi-valor, si permite nulos, si es la clave primaria del ndice y si los valores en l deben de se nicos. Al terminar, haz click en el botn Crear para tener la tabla inmeditamente creada.

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Grupos PostgreSQL
Esta pgina te permite crear grupos de usuarios para su uso posterior al garantizar permisos. Cada grupo tiene un nombre, una ID de grupo (normlmente asignada por Webmin) y una lista de miembros.

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Datos de Tabla
Esta pgina te permite ver los datos de una tabla, editarlos y aadir nuevos registros.
Editando registros
Selecciona las casillas de verificacin a la izquierda de las filas que quieres editar y haz click en el botn Editar filas seleccionadas. Luego digita los nuevos valores en los campos y haz click en Salvar.

Borrando registros
Selecciona las casillas de verficacin la izquierda de las filas que desees borrar y haz click en el botn Borrar filas seleccionadas.

Aadiendo un registro
Hac click en el botn Aadir fila, digita los valores para el nuevo registro en los campos de la parte final de la tabla y haz click en Salvar.

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Crear Base de Datos
Este formulario te permite crear una nueva base de datos PostgreSQL. Debes de digitar el nombre de la base de datos y puedes tambin digitar un directorio en el cual se almacenen los archivos de la base de datos. Al terminar, haz click en el botn Crear para tener la base de datos inmeditamente creada.

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Editar Base de Datos
En la parte superior de esta pgina hay filas de iconos, cada uno representando una tabla en la base de datos. Para editar la estructura de la tabla, haz click en uno de los iconos.

Debajo hay botones para crear una nueva tabla en esta base de datos, ejecutar SQL en las tablas de la base de datos y eliminar la base de datos y todas sus tablas. El botn final debera de ser utilizado con cuidado, ya que no es reversible!.

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Modificar Campo
En esta pgina puedes editar un campo ya existente de tabla. Al editarlo, slo el nombre del campo puede ser cambiado, no su tipo de dato o cualquier otra opcin. Al terminar, haz click en el botn Salvar para actualizar la estructura de la tabla o en Borrar para quitar el campo de la tabla.

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Privilegios Garantizados
Esta pgina te permite ver y editar los permisos garantizados sobre las tablas, vistas, secuencias e ndices a los usuarios y grupos. La tabla muestra todos los objetos de todas las bases de datos en los que hay garantizados privilegios (si hay). Para cambiar los privilegios, haz click en el nombre del objeto y usa el formuario para seleccionar un usuario o grupo y las capacidades que le dars.

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Servidor de Base de Datos PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL es un servidor de base de datos simple para sistemas Unix. Soporta mltiples bases de datos, potentes controles de acceso, mltiples tipos de datos y la mayora de la sintxis estndar SQL. Cada base de datos gestionada por el servidor puede contener nltiples tablas y cada tabla puede contener mltiples filas de datos.

La pgina principal muestra una lista de los iconos de bases de datos en la parte superior, con un enlace para aadir una nueva base de datos bajo ellos. Cada servidor PostgreSQL tendr al menos una base de datos de plantilla, normlmente llamada template1. Bajo las bases de datos hay iconos para configurar el control de acceso y los permisos y en la parte inferior hay un botn para parar y arrancar el servidor de base de datos.

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Mquinas Autorizadas
En esta pgina puedes controlar qu mquinas estn autorizadas a acceder a tu servidor de base de datos y qu clase de autenticacin necesitarn. Cada regla de control de acceso se puede aplicar a una sola mquina, a toda una red, a todas las mquinas de una red o slo a los usuarios que se conecten desde esta mquina. Adems, cada regla se puede aplicar a una base de datos seleccionada o a todas las bases de datos del servidor.

Al seleccionar el modo de autenticacin para las mquinas autorizadas, estn disponibles las siguienes opciones:

Clave de acceso de texto en claro
El usuario debe de suministrar una clave de acceso que coincida con la puesta en la pgina de Usuarios de PostgreSQL.

Clave de acceso encriptada
El usuario debe de suministrar una clave de acceso cuya encriptacin coincida con la de Usuarios de PostgreSQL.

No se requiere autenticacin
No se necesita clave de acceso de ningn tipo.

Rechazar conexin
No permitir conexiones desde esta mquina. Esto es til para denegar el acceso desde mquinas especficas siempre que hayas garantizado el aceso a toda una red.

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Usuarios de PostgreSQL
Esta pgina te permite crear y editar los usuarios que tendrn acceso a tus bases de datos PostgreSQL. Para cada usuario, puedes especificar un nombre de usuario, clave de acceso opcional, fecha opcional de expiracin y decidir si el usuario podr crear a otros usuarios o bases de datos.

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Editar Tabla
La tabla que ocupa la mayor parte de esta pgina muestra la estructura de la tabla seleccionada en tu base de datos. Cada fila detalla un campo de la tabla con el nombre, tipo de dato y otras opciones.

En la parte inferior izquierda hay un botn para aadir un nuevo campo a la tabla. Antes de hacer click en l, debes de seleccionar el tipo de campo a aadir - mira la documentacin de PostgreSQL para ms informacin sobre los tipos de campo. Tambin en la parte inferior hay botones para ver todos los datos de la tabla y para eliminar toda la tabla y todos sus datos.

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Utwrz tebel
Ten formularz suy do tworzenia nowej, pustej tabeli. Musisz poda nazw tabeli, i jedno lub wicej pl. Dla kadego pola musisz poda jego nazw, wybra typ danych oraz szeroko pola (jeli typ danych tego wymaga). Moesz rwnie okreli, czy pole ma by tablic o wielu wartociach, czy dopuszcza brak wartoci, czy stanowi podstawowy klucz indeksowy, oraz czy warto pola musi by unikalna. Gdy skoczysz, naconij przycisk Utwrz, aby natychmiast utworzy t tablic.

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Dane w tabeli
Za pomoc tej strony moesz przeglda dane w tabeli, modyfikowa te dane oraz dodawa nowe rekordy.
Modyfikacje rekordw
Zaznacz pola wyboru z lewej strony wierszy, ktre chcesz zmodyfikowa i nacinij przycisk Modyfikuj wybrane wiersze. Nastpnie podaj nowe wartoci pl i nacinij Zachowaj.

Usuwanie rekordw
Zaznacz pola wyboru z lewej strony wierszy, ktre chcesz usun i nacinij przycisk Skasuj wybrane wiersze.

Dodawanie nowego rekordu
Nacinij przycisk Dodaj wiersz i podaj wartoci pl nowego rekordu w dolnej czsci tabeli, a nastpnie nacinij Zachowaj.

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Utwrz baz danych
Za pomoc tego formularza moesz utworzy now baz danych PostgreSQLa. Musisz poda nazw bazy danych, moesz rwnie poda katalog, w ktrym bd przechowywane jej pliki. Gdy skoczysz, nacinij Utwrz, aby natychmiast utworzy t baz danych.

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Zmie baz danych
W grnej czci strony znajduj si rzdy ikon, z ktrych kady reprezentuje jedn tabel w bazie danych. Aby zmieni struktur tabeli, po prostu kliknij jedn z tych ikon.

Poniej znajduj sie przyciski do tworzenia nowych tabel w bazie danych, uruchamiania SQL dla tabel bazy oraz usuwania bazy danych wraz ze wszystkimi tabelami w niej zawartymi. Z ostatniego przycisku naley korzysta ostronie, gdy jego dziaanie jest nieodwracalne!

postgresql/help/ 0ustar jcameronwheel
Zmie pole
Na tej stronie moesz zmieni istniejce pole tabeli. Zmieni mona jedynie nazw pola, nie mona zmienia typu przechowywanych danych ani innych opcji. Gdy skoczysz, nacinij przycisk Zachowaj, aby uaktualni struktur tabeli lub Usu, aby usun pole z tabeli.

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Nadane uprawnienia
Za pomoc tej strony moesz obejrze i zmieni nadane uytkownikom i grupom uprawnienia do tabel, widokw, sekwencji i indeksw. Tabelka pokazuje wszystkie obiekty bazy danych, do ktrych mona nadawa uprawnienia i komu te uprawnienia nadano (jeli komukolwiek). Aby zmieni uprawnienia kliknij nazw obiektu i wykorzystaj poniszy formularz aby wybra uytkownika lub grup oraz uprawnienia, ktre otrzyma.

postgresql/help/ 0ustar jcameronwheel
Zmie tabel
Tabelka, ktra zajmuje wiksz cz tej strony pokazuje struktur wybranej tabeli w bazie danych. Kady wiersz opisuje jedno pole tabeli: pokazano naz pola, typ danych i inne informacje.

U gry, po lewej znajduje si przycisk dodajcy nowe pole do tabeli. Zanim go naciniesz, musisz wybra typ dodawanego pola - dodatkowych informacji o typach pl szukaj w dokumantacji PostgreSQLa. Rwnie u gry znajduj si przyciski do przegldania danych w tabeli oraz usuwania caej tabeli wraz z zawartymi w niej danymi.

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Dodaj pole
Na tej stronie moesz doda do tabeli nowe pole. Modyfikowalnymi parametrami nowo tworzonych pl s :
Nazwa pola
Nazwa tego pola w tabeli.

Szeroko pola (dla pl typu varchar i char)
Maksymalna dozwolona liczba znakw dla danych tego w tym polu.

Pole tablicowe?
Jeli opcj te ustawi si na Tak, pole bdzie mogo przechowywa wiele wartoci tego samego typu.

Gdy skoczysz, nacinij przycisk Zachowaj, aby poszerzy struktur tabeli o nowe pole.
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Execute SQL
Ta strona suy do podania dowolnego polecenia SQL w celu jego wykonania w wybranej bazie danych. Mona uywa zarwno polece wyboru (select), dodawania (insert), aktualizacji (update), jak te polece administracyknych.

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Grupy PostgreSQLa
Za pomoc tej strony moesz tworzy grupy uytkownikw dla pniejszego wykorzystania podczas nadawania uprawnie. Kada grupa posiada nazw, identyfikator grupy (zazwyczaj nadawany przez Webmina) oraz list czonkw.

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Dozwolone hosty
Na tej stronie moesz okreli, z ktrych hostw bdzie moliwy dostp do Twojego serwera baz danych oraz jaki rodzaj autoryzacji musi by zapewniony. Kada z regu kontroli dostpu moe dotyczy pojedyczego hosta, caej sieci, wszystkich hostw w sieci lub wycznie uytkownikw lokalnych. Dodatkowo, kada z regu moe dotyczy jednej wybranej bazy danych lub wszystkich baz danych na serwerze.

Przy wyborze trybu autoryzacji dla dozwolonych hostw dostpne s nastpujce moliwoci :

Haso otwartym tekstem
Uytkownik musi poda haso, ktre zgadza si z ustawionym na stronie Uytkownicy PostgreSQLa.

Encrypted password
Uytkownik musi poda haso, ktre po zaszyfrowaniu zgadza si z ustawionym w Uytkownicy PostgreSQLa.

Autoryzacja nie wymagana
Nie ma w ogle potrzeby podawania hasa.

Odrzu poczenie
Nie pozwala w ogle na poczenia z tego hosta. Jest to przydatne do zablokowania dostpu z wybranych hostw, podczas gdy zapewniony jest dostp z caej sieci.

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Serwer baz danych PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL jest prostym serwerem baz danych dla systemw uniksowych. Obsuguje on wiele baz danych, wiele typw danych, wikszo standardowej skadni jzyka SQL i posiada potn kontrol dostpu. Kada z zarzdzanych przez serwer baz danych moe zawiera wiele tabel, a kada tabela wiele wierszy danych.

W grnej czci strony gownej znajduje si lista ikon odpowiadajcych poszczeglnym bazom danych, a pod ni odsyacz do dodania nowej bazy. Kady serwer PostgreSQLa bdzie posiada przynajmniej jedn wzorcow baz danych, zazwyczaj o nazwie template1. Pod bazami danych znajduj si ikony do konfiguracji kontroli dostpu i uprawnie, za na samym dole umieszczony jest przycisk zatrzymujcy bd uruchamiajcy serwer baz danych.

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Uytkownicy PostgreSQLa
Za pomoc tej strony moesz tworzy i zmienia uytkownikw, ktrzy bd mieli dostp do baz danych PostgreSQLa. Kademu uytkownikowi moesz nada jego nazw, opcjonalnie haso, rwnie opcjonalnie dat wanoci oraz okreli, czy ten uytkownik bdzie mg tworzy innych uytkownikw lub bazy danych.

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Edici de Base de Dades
A la part de dalt d'aquesta pgina hi ha unes files d'icones, cadascuna de les quals representant una taula de la base de dades. Per editar l'estructura d'una taula, fes clic sobre una de les icones.

Ms avall hi ha botons per crear una taula nova de la base de dades, executar SQL sobre les taules de la base de dades, i destruir la base de dades i totes les taules que cont. Cal fer servir aquest darrer bot amb molt de compte, ja que no s reversible!

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Modificaci de Camp
En aquesta pgina pots editar un camp existent d'una taula. Editant, noms es pot canviar el nom del camp, per no el tipus de dades ni cap altra opci. En acabat, fes clic sobre el bot Desa per actualitzar l'estructura de la taula, o sobre Suprimeix per eliminar el camp de la taula.

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Edici de Taula
La taula que ocupa la major part d'aquesta pgina mostra l'estructura de la taula seleccionada de la base de dades. Cada fila mostra els detalls d'un camp de la taula, amb el nom, tipus de dades i altres opcions.

A la part de baix a l'esquerra, hi ha un bot per afegir un camp nou a la taula. Abans de fer-hi clic, has de seleccionar el tipus de camp que vols afegir - mira la documentaci de PostgreSQL per a ms informaci sobre tipus de camps. A la part de baix, tamb hi ha botons per veure totes les dades de la taula i destruir la taula amb totes les dades que cont.

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Execuci de SQL
Aquesta pgina s per introduir una instrucci SQL arbitrria per executar sobre la base de dades seleccionada. Es poden fer servir totes les ordres de selecci, inserci i actualitzaci.

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Servidor de Bases de Dades PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL s una base de dades senzilla per a sistemes Unix. Suporta mltiples bases de dades, controls d'accs potents, molts tipus de dades i la majoria de sintaxi SQL estndard. Cada base de dades gestionada pel servidor pot contenir mltiples taules, i cada taula pot contenir mltiples files de dades.

La pgina principal mostra una llista d'icones de bases de dades a la part de dalt, amb un enlla per afegir-hi una nova base de dades a sota. Cada servidor PostgreSQL tindr almenys una base de dades d'exemple, normalment anomenada template1. Sota les bases de dades, hi ha les icones per configurar el control d'accs i els permisos, i a baix de tot un bot per aturar i engegar el servidor de bases de dades.

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Concessi de Privilegis
Aquesta pgina permet veure i editar els permisos donats als usuaris i grups sobre les taules, vistes, seqncies i ndexs. La taula mostra tots els objectes de totes les bases de dades sobre les quals es poden concedir privilegis, i a qui s'atorguen aquests privilegis (si s que hi ha alg). Per canviar aquests privilegis, fes clic sobre el nom de l'objecte i fes servir el formulari per seleccionar un usuari o grup a qui donar les capacitats.

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Grups PostgreSQL
Aquesta pgina permet crear grups d'usuaris per a un s posterior, en concedir permisos. Cada grup t un nom, un ID de grup, (normalment assignat per Webmin), i una llista de membres.

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Hosts permesos
En aquesta pgina, pots controlar quins hosts tenen perms accedir el teu servidor de bases de dades i quina mena d'autenticaci hauran de subministrar. Totes les regles de control d'accs es poden aplicar a un sol host, a tota una xarxa, a tots els hosts d'una xarxa a noms a usuaris connectant-se des de la mquina local. A ms a ms, totes les regles es poden aplicar a una sola base de dades o a totes les bases de dades del servidor.

En triar el mode d'autenticaci dels hosts permesos, hi ha disponibles les opcions segents:

Contrasenya sense xifrar
L'usuari ha de subministrar una contrasenya que coincideixi amb l'establerta la la pgina d'Usuaris PostgreSQL.

Contrasenya xifrada
L'usuari ha de subministrar una contrasenya que, un cop xifrada. coincideixi amb l'establerta la la pgina d'Usuaris PostgreSQL.

No cal autenticaci
No cal subministrar cap contrasenya.

Rebutja la connexi
No permet cap connexi des d'aquest host. Aix s til per denegar l'accs des de hosts especfics si has concedit accs a tota una xarxa.

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Usuaris PostgreSQL
Aquesta pgina permet crear i editar usuaris que tindran accs a les bases de dades PostgreSQL. Per cada usuari pots especificar-ne el nom, una contrasenya opcional, una data d'expiraci opcional, i triar si l'usuari tindr dret a crear altres usuaris o bases de dades.

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Creaci de Bases de Dades
Aquest formulari permet crear una nova base de dades PostgreSQL. Has d'introduir el nom de la base de dades, i tamb pots introduir el directori on s'allotjaran els fitxers de la base de dades. En acabat. fes clic sobre el boto Crea per crear la base de dades de forma immediata.

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Creaci de Taula
Aquest formulari s per crear una nova taula buida. Has d'introduir el nom de la taula i un o ms camps. Per cada camp, has d'introduir-ne el nom, seleccionar el tipus de dades i introduir la llargria del camp (si s'escau pel tipus de dades). Tamb pots triar si el camp s un array multivalor, si permet nuls, si s la clau primaria d'indexaci, i si els valors de les claus han de ser nics. En acabat, fes clic sobre el boto Crea per crear la taula de forma immediata.

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Dades de la Taula
Aquesta pgina permet veure les dades d'una taula, editar-les i afegir registres nous.
Edici de Registres
Selecciona les caselles de l'esquerra de les files que vols editar i fes clic sobre el bot Edita les files seleccionades. Llavors, introdueix els nous valors als camps i fes clic a Desa.

Supressi de registres
Selecciona les caselles de l'esquerra de les files que vols suprimir i fes clic sobre el bot Suprimeix les files seleccionades.

Addici de registre
Fes clic sobre el bot Afegeix fila i introdueix els valors del nou registre als camps del peu de la taula; llavors fes clic a Desa.

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Aggiungi Campo
In questa pagina puoi aggiungere un campo alla tabella. I parametri modificabili per il nuovo campo sono:
nome del campo
Il nome del nuovo campo in questa tabella.

Dimensione ( per campi char e varchar )
Il numero massimo di caratteri permessi in questo campo.

E' un campo array?
Se si, questo campo potra' contenere piu' valori dello stesso tipo.

Appena hai terminato, clicca il pulsante Salva per aggiornare la tabella
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Modifica Database
In cima a questa pagina ci sono file di icone, ognuna delle quali rappresenta una tabella del database. Per modificare la struttura di una tabella, clicca sull' icona corrispondente.

In fondo ci sono pulsanti per creare nuove tabelle nel database, per eseguire comandi SQL sulle tabelle, e per cancellare il database e tutte le sue tabelle. L' ultimo pulsante deve essere usato con attenzione, perche' il suo effetto non e' reversibile!!

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Modifica Campo
in questa pagina puoi modificare un campo gia esistente di una tabella. Durante la modifica, soltanto il nome del campo puo' essere modificato, e non il tipo o altri parametri. Quando hai finito, clicca sul pulsante Salva per aggiornare la struttura della tabella o sul pulsante Cancella per cancellare il campo dalla tabella.

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Modifica Tabella
The table that takes up most of this page shows the structure of the selected table in your database. Each row details one field in the table, with the name, data type and other options shown.

At the bottom-left is a button for adding a new field to the table. Before clicking it, you must select the type of field to add - see the PostgreSQL documentation for more information on field types. Also at the bottom are buttons for viewing all data in the table and dropping the entire table and all data in it.

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Esegui SQL
In questa pagina si possono inserire comandi SQL arbitrari da eseguire sul database selezionato. Possono essere usate istruzioni come Select, Insert e Update, e tutti i comandi di amministrazione.

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PostgreSQL Database Server
PostgreSQL e' un database per sistemi Unix. supporta database multipli, un controllo degli accessi potente e flessibile, molti tipi di dati e la maggior parte della sintassi SQL standard. Ogni database puo' contenere moltissime tabelle, ognuna delle quali puo' contenere moltissime righe di dati.

Questa pagina mostra, in cima, una lista di icone collegate ciascuna ad un diverso database, con sotto un collegamento per aggiungerne uno nuovo. Ogni server PostgreSQL ha almeno un database campione, di solito chiamato template1. Sotto alla lista dei database ci sono le icone per la configurazione del controllo degli accessi e dei permessi, ed in fondo un pulsante per avviare e fermare il server.

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Assegnazione Privilegi
In questa pagina si possono vedere e modificare i permessi di accesso degli utenti e dei gruppi a tabelle, viste ed indici. La tabella mostra tutti gli oggetti del database per i quali possono essere impostati dei permessi, e gli eventuali utenti per i quali sono impostati. Per modificare i permessi, clicca sul nome dell' oggetto ed usa la maschera per scegliere l' utente e selezionare i permessi che vuoi impostare.

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Gruppi di utenti in PostgreSQL
In questa pagina puoi creare gruppi di utenti a cui successivamente aseegnare permessi di accesso al database. Ogni gruppo ha un nome ed un numero identificativo, solitamente assegnato con Webmin, ed una lista di utenti membri.

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Computer che hanno accesso
In questa pagina si puo' controllare quali computer possono accedere al database e quali tipi di autenticazione devono utilizzare. Ogni regola del controllo di accesso puo' applicarsi ad un singolo computer, una intera rete di computer, o ad un determinato utente che si collega da un determinato computer. Inoltre, ogni regola puo' applicarsi ad un singolo database o a tutti i database del server.

Nella scelta del modo di autenticazione dei computer, hai le seguenti possibilita' :

password in chiaro
L' utente deve fornire una password corrispondente a quella impostata nella pagina Utenti PostgreSQL .

password criptata
L' utente deve fornire una password che, criptata, corrisponde a quella impostata nella pagina PostgreSQL Users.

Nessuna autenticazione
Non e' necessario fornire alcuna password.

Rifiuta la connessione
Non permettere connssioni da questo computer. Questo e' utile per negare la connessione a computer particolari quando si e' consentito l' accesso a tutta una rete.

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Utenti PostgreSQL
Qui puoi creare e modificare gli utenti che avranno accesso ai database del tuo server. Per ogni utente bisogna specificare un nome, una password opzionale con, eventualmente, un limite di durata, e scegliere se l' utente in questione puo' creare altri utenti o database.

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Crea un Database
Qui puoi creare un nuovo database sul server. Devi inserire il nome del database e la cartella ( directory ) in cui tenere gli archivi dello stesso. Infine, clicca su Crea per creare il database.

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Crea Tabella
Questa e' la pagina in cui creare una nuova tabella. Bisogna specificare un nome per la tabella ed uno o piu' campi. per ogni campo devi inserire il nome, e poi il tipo di dato che conterra' ed eventualmente la sua dimensione. Si possono anche inserire campi a valore multiplo ( array ), campi che possono contenere valori nulli ( nulli non vuol dire 0, ma assenza di valore ), se il campo e' una chiave primaria o se i valori che contiene devono essere unici. Alla fine, clicca sul pulsante Crea per creare la tabella.

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Dati della Tabella
In questa pagina puoi vedere quali dati sono contenuti in una tabella, ed aggiungere o modificare tali dati
Modifica righe
Clicca sulla casella di spunta a sinistra della riga che vuoi modificare e poi clicca sul pulsante Modifica riga selezionata . Poi inserisci i nuovi valori e clicca su Salva.

Cancella righe
Clicca sulla casella di spunta a sinistra della riga che vuoi modificare e poi clicca sul pulsante Cancella riga selezionata .

Aggiungi riga
Clicca sul pulsante Aggiungi riga ed inserisci i valoriper il nuovo record negli spazi sottostanti la tabella, infine clicca sul pulsante Salva.

postgresql/help/drop_field.html0100644000567100000120000000073607504235457016710 0ustar jcameronwheel
Drop Field
On this page you can delete an existing table field. Click the radio button after the field to indicate which field to delete. Also confirm in the checkbox that you want to perform the deletion and that you understand that all the data in that column will be lost. Note that all definitions (such as a definition of a default value) in the table are lost other than column names, types, and sizes. Click on the button to drop the field.

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Destrucci de camp
En aquesta pgina pots suprimir un camp existent de la taula. Fes clic sobre el bot de rdio darrere del camp per indicar que el vols suprimir. Confirma tamb a la casella de verificaci que vols portar a terme la supressi i que entens que totes les dades d'aquesta columna es perdran. Tingues en compte que es perden totes les definicions de la taula (com ara una definici o un valor per defecte) que no siguin noms de columna, tipus i mides. Fes clic sobre el bot per eliminar el camp.

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Mez hozzadsa
Ezen az oldalon j mezt adhat a tblzathoz. Az j mez mdosthat paramterei a kvetkezk :
Mez neve
A mez neve a tblzaton bell.

Szvegszlessg (a varchar s char mezkhz)
A mezben adatok szmra engedlyezett karakterek maximuma.

Mez rendezse?
Ha ez a bellts Igen, akkor a mezben tbb azonos tpus adat trolhat.

Ha elkszlt, kattintson a Ments gombra a tblzatstruktra frisstshez.
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Mez elhagysa
Ezen az oldalon ltez mezket trlhet a tblzatbl. A trlsre sznt mez kijellshez kattintson a mez mellett lv rdigombra. A doboz kipiplsval erstse meg, hogy valban vgre akarja hajtani a trlst, s hogy tisztban van azzal, hogy azzal az oszlop sszes adata elvsz. Egybirnt, az oszlopok nevn, tpusn s mretn kvl a tblzatban foglalt sszes definci (pl. egy alaprtk defincija) elvsz. A mez elhagyshoz kattintson a gombra.

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Adatbzis mdostsa
Az oldal tetejn egy sor ikon lthat, melyek mindegyike az adatbzis egy tblzatt kpviseli. A tblzat struktrjnak mdostshoz kattintson az ikonok valamelyikre.

Lent az j tblzat ltrehozshoz szksges gombok tallhatk, melyek vgrehajtjk az SQL-t az adatbzis tblzatain, s elhagyjk gy az adatbzist, mint a benne lv tblzatokat. Az utols gombot hasznlja krltekinten, mivel hatsa visszafordthatatlan!

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Mez mdostsa
Ezen az oldalon mr meglv mezket mdosthat. Szerkesztskor csak a mez neve vltoztathat meg, a benne foglalt adattpusok, illetve a tovbbi belltsok nem. Ha elkszlt, kattintson a Ments gombra a tblzatstruktra frisstshez, vagy a Trls gombra a mez eltvoltshoz.

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Tblzat mdostsa
Az oldal legnagyobb rszt elfoglal tblzat az adatbzisbl kivlasztott tblzat szerkezett mutatja be. Minden egyes sor egy mezt r le a tblzatban, a nv, adattpus s tovbbi belltsok megjelentsvel.

A bal als sarokban tallhat gombbal j mezt adhat a tblzathoz. Mieltt rkattintana, ki kell vlasztania az j mez tpust - a PostgreSQL dokumentciban tovbbi informcit tall a meztpusokrl. Szintn az oldal aljn tallhatk a tblzat sszes adatt megjelent gombok, illetve a tblzat elhagysra szolgl gombok.

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SQL futtatsa
Ezen az oldalon a kivlasztott adatbzison futtatand tetszleges SQL programutastst adhatunk hozz. A kivlaszts, beilleszts, frissts s adminisztrci gombok egyarnt hasznlhatk.

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PostgreSQL adatbzis szerver
A PostgreSQL egy egyszer adatbzis szerver Unix rendszerekhez. Tbbfle adatbzist, fejlett hozzfrsi szablyokat, tbb adattpust, illetve az SQL szintaxis nagy rszt tmogatja. A szerver ltal kezelt adatbzisok mindegyike tbb tblzatot tartalmazhat, a tblzatokon bell tbb adatsorral.

A foldal tetejn az adatbzis-ikonok listja lthat, alatta az j adatbzis hozzadshoz szksges hivatkozssal. Minden PostgreSQL szerver tartalmazza minimlisan a sablon1 adatbzist. Az adatbzisok alatt a hozzfrs-vezrlshez szksges ikonok tallhatk, mg a lap aljn a szerver lelltshoz s elindtshoz szksges gomb tallhat.

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Megadott jogosultsgok
Ezen az oldalon megtekintheti s mdosthatja a felhasznlk s csoportok tblzatokra, nzetekre, adatsorokra s indexekre vonatkoz jogosultsgait. A tblzatban lthat az sszes adatbzis sszes olyan objektuma, melyre jogosultsg adhat, tovbb, hogy jelenleg mely felhasznlk milyen jogosultsgokkal rendelkeznek. A jogosultsgok megvltoztatshoz kattintson az objektum nevre, majd hasznlja a mezt a felhasznl, vagy csoport kivlasztsra s a kiosztand jogosultsgok megadsra.

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PostgreSQL Csoportok
Ezen az oldalon felhasznli csoportokat hozhat ltre, a kzs jogosultsgok ksbbi kiosztsa cljbl. Minden csoportnak van neve, csoportazonostja (amit ltalban a Webmin ad), tovbb egy listja a tagokrl.

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Engedlyezett gazdk
Ezen az oldalon azt szablyozhatja, hogy mely gazdk frhetnek hozz az adatbzis szerverhez, illetve, hogy milyen autentikcis folyamatokon kell tmennik ehhez. A hozzfrs-vezrl szablyok vonatkozhatnak egyetlen gazdra, egy teljes hlzatra, minden hlzati gazdra, vagy kizrlag a helyi gprl csatlakoz felhasznlkra. Ezen fell a szablyok vonatkozhatnak egy konkrt adatbzisra, vagy a szerveren tallhat sszes adatbzisra.

Az engedlyezett gazdk autentikcijra az albbi lehetsgek llnak rendelkezsre :

Egyszer szveg jelsz
A felhasznlnak olyan jelszt kell megadnia, mely megegyezik a PostgreSQL felhasznlk oldalon belltottal.

Titkostott jelsz
A felhasznlnak olyan jelszt kell megadnia, mely titkosts utn megegyezik a PostgreSQL felhasznlk oldalon belltottal.

Nem szksges autentikci
Nincs szksg jelsz megadsra.

Kapcsolat megtagadsa
Az adott gazdtl rkez minden kapcsoldsi ksrlet megtagadsa. Ez a bellts akkor hasznos, ha konkrt gazdagpektl akarja megtagadni a hozzfrst, mikzben a teljes hlzat szmra bngszhet az adatbzis.

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PostgreSQL felhasznlk
Ezen az oldalon a PostgreSQL adatbzisokhoz hozzfr felhasznlk ltrehozsra s mdostsra van lehetsg. Minden egyes felhasznlnak megadhat felhasznlnevet, egy opcionlis jelszt, egy opcionlis lejrati dtumot, tovbb eldntheti, hogy a felhasznl ltrehozhat-e tovbbi felhasznlkat, vagy adatbzisokat.

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Adatbzis ltrehozsa
Ezzel az rlappal j PostgreSQL adatbzist hozhat ltre. Meg kell adnia az adatbzis nevt, tovbb egy opcionlis knyvtrat a fjlok trolsra. Ha elkszlt, kattintson a Ltrehoz gombra az adatbzis azonnali ltrehozatalhoz.

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Tblzat ltrehozsa
Ezzel az rlappal j, res tblzatot hozhat ltre. Meg kell adnia a tblzat nevt s egy, vagy tbb mezt. Minden egyes mez esetn meg kell adnia a nevet, az adattpust s a szvegszlessget (ha az adattpus ezt lehetv teszi). Eldntheti, hogy a mez tbbrtk sor legyen-e, tartalmazhat-e nullt, indexelsnl elsdleges kulcsknt szerepeljen-e, illetve, hogy a benne trolt adatok egyediek-e. Ha elkszlt, kattintson a Ltrehoz gombra a tblzat azonnali ltrehozatalhoz.

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A tblzat adatai
Ezen az oldalon megtekintheti egy tblzat adatait, mdosthatja az adatokat, s j rekordokat adhat hozz a tblzathoz.
Rekordok mdostsa
A mdostani kvnt sorok bal oldaln lv dobozokat piplja ki, majd kattintson a Kivlasztott sorok mdostsa gombra. Ezutn rja be az j rtkeket a mezkbe, majd kattintson a Ments gombra.

Rekordok trlse
A trlni kvnt sorok bal oldaln lv dobozokat piplja ki, majd kattintson a Kivlasztott sorok trlse gombra.

Rekordok hozzadsa
Kattintson a Sor hozzadsa gombra, rja be az j rekord rtkeit a tblzat aljn lv mezkbe, majd kattintson a Ments gombra.

postgresql/config-suse-linux-7.00100644000567100000120000000057607753534503016571 0ustar jcameronwheelhba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf psql=/usr/bin/psql start_cmd=/sbin/init.d/postgres start basedb=template1 perpage=25 plib= pass= login=postgres stop_cmd=/sbin/init.d/postgres stop pid_file=/var/run/ nodbi=0 setup_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/config-redhat-linux-7.00100644000567100000120000000064207753534503017053 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=postgres psql=/usr/bin/psql basedb=template1 start_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start stop_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ perpage=25 hba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf nodbi=0 setup_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore repository=/home/db_repository sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/ 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=Administratrskonto,0 pass=Administratrslsenord,0 psql=Skvg till psql-kommando,0 plib=Skvg till delade bibliotek fr PostgreSQL,3,Behvs inte basedb=PostgreSQL-databas att starta med,0 start_cmd=Kommando fr att starta PostgreSQL,0 stop_cmd=Kommando fr att stanna PostgreSQL,3,Dda processen pid_file=Skvg till postmaster-PID-fil,0 hba_conf=Skvg till konfigurationsfil fr datortillgng,0 perpage=Antal rader som ska visas per sida,0 host=PostgreSQL-dator att koppla upp mot,3,Localhost postgresql/ 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=Login de administracin,0 pass=Clave de acceso de administracin,0 psql=Trayectoria a comando psql,0 plib=Trayectoria a bibliotecas compartidas de PostgreSQL,3,No son necesarias basedb=Base de datos inicial de PostgreSQL,0 start_cmd=Comando para arrancar PostgreSQL,0 stop_cmd=Comando para parar PostgreSQL,3,Matar proceso pid_file=Trayectoria a archivo PID del jefe de estafeta de correos,0 hba_conf=Trayectoria archivo de configuracin de acceso de mquinas,0 perpage=Nmero de filas a mostrar por pgina,0 host=Mquina PostgreSQL a conectarse,3,Local unix=Usuario de Unix como el que ejecutar los comandos de PostgreSQL,3,root nodbi=Uso DBI para conectar si est disponible?,1,0-S,1-No postgresql/ 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=Ա½,0 pass=Ա,0 psql=·,0 plib=PostgreSQL ·,3,Ҫ basedb=ʼ PostgreSQL ݿ,0 start_cmd= PostgreSQL ,0 stop_cmd=ֹͣ PostgreSQL ,3,رս pid_file=postmaster ̱ʶļ·,0 hba_conf=ļ·,0 perpage=ÿҳʾ,0 postgresql/config-suse-linux-7.10100644000567100000120000000060007753534503016556 0ustar jcameronwheelhba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf psql=/usr/bin/psql start_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start basedb=template1 perpage=25 plib= pass= login=postgres stop_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ nodbi=0 setup_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/config-redhat-linux-7.10100644000567100000120000000064207753534503017054 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=postgres psql=/usr/bin/psql basedb=template1 start_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start stop_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ perpage=25 hba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf nodbi=0 setup_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore repository=/home/db_repository sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/ 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=Login administracyjny,0 pass=Haso administracyjne,0 psql=cieka do polecenia psql,0 plib=cieka do bibliotek wspdzielonych PostgreSQLa,3,Nie wymagana basedb=Pocztkowa baza danych PostgreSQLa,0 start_cmd=Polecenie uruchamiajce PostgreSQLa,0 stop_cmd=Polecenie zatrzymujce PostgreSQLa,3,Zabicie procesu pid_file=cieka z numerem PID procesu postmaster,0 hba_conf=cieka do pliku konfiguracyjnego dostpu hostw,0 perpage=Ilo linii wywietlanych na stronie,0 host=Host PostgreSQLa, z ktrym si czy,3,Localhost postgresql/config-mandrake-linux0100644000567100000120000000060307753534503017061 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=postgres psql=/usr/bin/psql basedb=template1 start_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start stop_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop setup_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start pid_file=/var/run/ perpage=25 hba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf nodbi=0 dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/config-freebsd0100664000567100000120000000063107753534503015557 0ustar jcameronwheelbasedb=template1 pass= hba_conf=/usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf pid_file=/usr/local/pgsql/data/ stop_cmd=/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop start_cmd=/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start perpage=25 psql=/usr/local/bin/psql login=pgsql plib=/usr/local/lib nodbi=0 dump_cmd=/usr/local/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/local/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/config-suse-linux-7.20100644000567100000120000000060007753534503016557 0ustar jcameronwheelhba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf psql=/usr/bin/psql start_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start basedb=template1 perpage=25 plib= pass= login=postgres stop_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ nodbi=0 setup_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/config-netbsd0100664000567100000120000000057307753534503015431 0ustar jcameronwheelbasedb=template1 pass= hba_conf=/usr/pkg/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf pid_file=/usr/pkg/pgsql/data/ stop_cmd=/usr/pkg/etc/rc.d/pgsql stop start_cmd=/usr/pkg/etc/rc.d/pgsql start perpage=25 psql=/usr/pkg/bin/psql login=pgsql plib=/usr/pkg/lib nodbi=0 dump_cmd=/usr/pkg/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/pkg/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/config-msc-linux0100644000567100000120000000055607753534503016070 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=postgres psql=/usr/bin/psql basedb=template1 start_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start stop_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql stop setup_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ perpage=25 hba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/pg_hba.conf nodbi=0 dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/ 0ustar jcameronwheelline1=Opcions configurables,11 login=Usuari d'administraci,0 pass=Contrasenya d'administraci,12 sameunix=Usuari Unix per connectar-se a la base de dades,1,1-El mateix que el d'administraci,0-root perpage=Nombre de files a mostrar per pgina,0 add_mode=Fes servir la interfcie vertical d'edici de files,1,1-S,0-No blob_mode=Mostra els camps BLOB i TEXT com a,1,0-Dades de la taula,1-Enllaos a descarregar nodbi=Connecta amb DBI si est disponible,1,0-S,1-No date_subs=Fes la substituci strftime de les destinacions de cpia,1,1-S,0-No line2=Configuraci del sistema,11 psql=Cam de l'ordre psql,0 plib=Cam de les llibreries compartides de PostgreSQL,3,No cal basedb=Base de dades inicial de PostgreSQL,0 start_cmd=Ordre per iniciar PostgreSQL,0 stop_cmd=Ordre per aturar PostgreSQL,3,Mata el procs setup_cmd=Ordre per inicialitzar PostgreSQL,3,Cap pid_file=Cam del fitxer de PID de postmaster,0 hba_conf=Cam del fitxer de configuraci d'accs a hosts,0 host=Host PostgreSQL a connectar,3,localhost port=Port PostgreSQL a connectar,3,Defecte dump_cmd=Cam de l'ordre pg_dump,0 rstr_cmd=Cam de l'ordre pg_restore,0 repository=Directori per defecte de repositori de cpies,3,Cap postgresql/ 0ustar jcameronwheelline1=ǽʥץ,11 login=PostgreSQLѥ桼,0 pass=PostgreSQLѥ桼ѥ,0 sameunix=Unix桼Υǡ١ؤ³ˡ,1,1-Ʊ,0-root perpage=ڡɽԿ,0 add_mode=ľԽ󥿡եѤ,1,1-Ϥ,0- blob_mode=BLOBȥƥȥեɤɽˡ,1,0-ơ֥ǡ,1-ɥ nodbi=ǽʤ DBI ³Ȥ ?,1,0-Yes,1-No date_subs=Хåå strftimeѴԤޤ?,1,1-Ϥ,0- line2=ƥ,11 psql=psqlޥɥե,0 plib=PostgreSQL ɥ饤֥,3,ɬ̵ basedb=PostgreSQLǡ١,0 start_cmd=PostgreSQLưޥ,0 stop_cmd=PostgreSQLߥޥ,3,Kill ץ setup_cmd=PostgreSQL ޥ,3,̵ pid_file=postmaster PID ե,0 hba_conf=pg_hba.confե,0 host=PostgreSQL³ۥ,3,ۥ port=PostgreSQL³ݡ,3,ǥե dump_cmd=pg_dump ޥɤΥѥ,0 rstr_cmd=pg_restore ޥɤΥѥ,0 repository=ХååѤΥǥ쥯ȥ,0 postgresql/config-suse-linux-7.30100644000567100000120000000060007753534503016560 0ustar jcameronwheelhba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf psql=/usr/bin/psql start_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start basedb=template1 perpage=25 plib= pass= login=postgres stop_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ nodbi=0 setup_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/config-redhat-linux-7.20100644000567100000120000000064207753534503017055 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=postgres psql=/usr/bin/psql basedb=template1 start_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start stop_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ perpage=25 hba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf nodbi=0 setup_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore repository=/home/db_repository sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/ 0ustar jcameronwheel# # Common PostgreSQL functions do '../'; &init_config(); if ($config{'plib'}) { $ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}} .= ':' if ($ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}}); $ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}} .= $config{'plib'}; } if ($config{'psql'} =~ /^(.*)\/bin\/psql$/ && $1 ne '' && $1 ne '/usr') { $ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}} .= ':' if ($ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}}); $ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}} .= "$1/lib"; } %access = &get_module_acl(); if (!$config{'nodbi'}) { # Check if we have DBD::Pg eval <install_driver("Pg"); EOF } # is_postgresql_running() # Returns 1 if yes, 0 if no, -1 if the login is invalid, -2 if there # is a library problem sub is_postgresql_running { local $temp = &tempname(); local $host = $config{'host'} ? "-h $config{'host'}" : ""; local $cmd; if ($config{'login'}) { open(TEMP, ">$temp"); print TEMP "$config{'login'}\n$config{'pass'}\n"; close(TEMP); local $out; $cmd = "$config{'psql'} -u -c '' $host $config{'basedb'} <$temp"; } else { $cmd = "$config{'psql'} -c '' $host $config{'basedb'}"; } if ($config{'unix'} && getpwnam($config{'unix'})) { $cmd = "su $config{'unix'} -c \"$cmd\""; } open(OUT, "$cmd 2>&1 |"); while() { $out .= $_; } close(OUT); unlink($temp); if ($out =~ /setuserid:/i || $out =~ /no\s+password\s+supplied/i || $out =~ /no\s+postgres\s+username/i || $out =~ /authentication\s+failed/i || $out =~ /password:.*password:/i || $out =~ /database.*does.*not/i) { return -1; } elsif ($out =~ /connect.*failed/i || $out =~ /could not connect to server:/) { return 0; } elsif ($out =~ /lib\S+\.so/i) { return -2; } else { return 1; } } # get_postgresql_version() sub get_postgresql_version { local $v = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, 'select version()'); $v = $v->{'data'}->[0]->[0]; if ($v =~ /postgresql\s+([0-9\.]+)/i) { return $1; } else { return undef; } } # list_databases() # Returns a list of all databases sub list_databases { local $t = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, 'select * from pg_database order by datname'); return map { $_->[0] } @{$t->{'data'}}; } # list_tables(database) # Returns a list of tables in some database sub list_tables { #local $t = &execute_sql($_[0], 'select relname from pg_class where relkind = \'r\' and relname not like \'pg_%\' and relhasrules = \'f\' order by relname'); local $t = &execute_sql($_[0], 'select tablename from pg_tables where tablename not like \'pg_%\' order by tablename'); return map { $_->[0] } @{$t->{'data'}}; } # list_types() # Returns a list of all available field types sub list_types { local $t = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, 'select typname from pg_type where typrelid = 0 and typname !~ \'^_.*\' order by typname'); return map { $_->[0] } @{$t->{'data'}}; } # table_structure(database, table) # Returns a list of hashes detailing the structure of a table sub table_structure { local $t = &execute_sql($_[0], "select a.attnum, a.attname, t.typname, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, a.atthasdef FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t WHERE c.relname = '$_[1]' and a.attnum > 0 and a.attrelid = c.oid and a.atttypid = t.oid order by attnum"); local (@rv, $r); foreach $r (@{$t->{'data'}}) { local $arr; $arr++ if ($r->[2] =~ s/^_//); local $sz = $r->[4] - 4; if ($sz >= 65536) { $sz = int($sz/65536).",".($sz%65536); } push(@rv, { 'field' => $r->[1], 'arr' => $arr ? 'YES' : 'NO', 'type' => $r->[4] < 0 ? $r->[2] : $r->[2]."($sz)", 'null' => $r->[5] =~ /f|0/ ? 'YES' : 'NO' } ); } return @rv; } # execute_sql(database, sql) sub execute_sql { if ($driver_handle && !$config{'unix'} && $_[1] !~ /^(create|drop)\s+database/ && $_[1] !~ /^\\/) { # Use the DBI interface local $cstr = "dbname=$_[0]"; $cstr .= ";host=$config{'host'}" if ($config{'host'}); local $dbh = $driver_handle->connect($cstr, $config{'login'}, $config{'pass'}); $dbh || &error("DBI connect failed : ",$DBI::errstr); $dbh->{'AutoCommit'} = 0; local $cmd = $dbh->prepare($_[1]); if (!$cmd->execute()) { &error(&text('esql', "".&html_escape($_[1])."", "".&html_escape($dbh->errstr)."")); } local (@data, @row); local @titles = @{$cmd->{'NAME'}}; while(@row = $cmd->fetchrow()) { push(@data, [ @row ]); } $cmd->finish(); $dbh->commit(); $dbh->disconnect(); return { 'titles' => \@titles, 'data' => \@data }; } else { # Call the psql program local $temp = &tempname(); open(TEMP, ">$temp"); print TEMP "$config{'login'}\n$config{'pass'}\n"; close(TEMP); local $host = $config{'host'} ? "-h $config{'host'}" : ""; local $cmd = "$config{'psql'} -u -c \"$_[1]\" $host $_[0] <$temp"; if ($config{'unix'}) { $cmd =~ s/"/\\"/g; $cmd = "su $config{'unix'} -c \"$cmd\""; } open(OUT, "$cmd <$temp 2>&1 |"); local ($line, $rv, @data); do { $line = ; } while($line =~ /^(username|password|user name):/i || $line =~ /(warning|notice):/i || $line !~ /\S/); if ($line =~ /^ERROR:\s+(.*)/ || $line =~ /FATAL.*:\s+(.*)/) { &error(&text('esql', "$_[1]", "$1")); } else { local $dash = ; if ($dash =~ /^\s*\+\-/) { # mysql-style output $line = ; $line =~ s/^[\s\|]+//; $line =~ s/[\s\|]+$//; local @titles = split(/\|/, $line); map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$// } @titles; $line = ; # skip useless dashes while(1) { $line = ; last if (!$line || $line =~ /^\s*\+/); $line =~ s/^[\s\|]+//; $line =~ s/[\s\|]+$//; local @row = split(/\|/, $line); map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$// } @row; push(@data, \@row); } $rv = { 'titles' => \@titles, 'data' => \@data }; } elsif ($dash !~ /^-/) { # no output, such as from an insert $rv = undef; } else { # psql-style output local @titles = split(/\|/, $line); map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$// } @titles; while(1) { $line = ; last if (!$line || $line =~ /^\(\d+\s+\S+\)/); local @row = split(/ \| /, $line); map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$// } @row; push(@data, \@row); } $rv = { 'titles' => \@titles, 'data' => \@data }; } } close(OUT); unlink($temp); return $rv; } } # execute_sql_logged(database, command) sub execute_sql_logged { &additional_log('sql', $_[0], $_[1]); return &execute_sql(@_); } # run_as_postgres(command) sub run_as_postgres { pipe(OUTr, OUTw); local $pid = fork(); if (!$pid) { untie(*STDIN); untie(*STDOUT); untie(*STDERR); close(STDIN); open(STDOUT, ">&OUTw"); open(STDERR, ">&OUTw"); local @u = getpwnam($config{'user'}); $( = $u[3]; $) = "$u[3] $u[3]"; ($>, $<) = ($u[2], $u[2]); exec(@_); print "Exec failed : $!\n"; exit 1; } close(OUTw); return OUTr; } sub can_edit_db { local $d; return 1 if ($access{'dbs'} eq '*'); foreach $d (split(/\s+/, $access{'dbs'})) { return 1 if ($d eq $_[0]); } return 0; } # get_hba_config() # Parses the postgres host access config file sub get_hba_config { local $lnum = 0; open(HBA, $config{'hba_conf'}); while() { s/\r|\n//g; s/^\s*#.*$//g; if (/^\s*host\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)(\s+(\S+))?/) { push(@rv, { 'type' => 'host', 'index' => scalar(@rv), 'line' => $lnum, 'db' => $1, 'address' => $2, 'netmask' => $3, 'auth' => $4, 'arg' => $6 } ); } elsif (/^\s*local\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)(\s+(\S+))?/) { push(@rv, { 'type' => 'local', 'index' => scalar(@rv), 'line' => $lnum, 'db' => $1, 'auth' => $2, 'arg' => $4 } ); } $lnum++; } close(HBA); return @rv; } # create_hba(&hba) sub create_hba { local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'hba_conf'}); push(@$lref, &hba_line($_[0])); &flush_file_lines(); } # delete_hba(&hba) sub delete_hba { local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'hba_conf'}); splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, 1); &flush_file_lines(); } # modify_hba(&hba) sub modify_hba { local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'hba_conf'}); splice(@$lref, $_[0]->{'line'}, 1, &hba_line($_[0])); &flush_file_lines(); } # swap_hba(&hba1, &hba2) sub swap_hba { local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'hba_conf'}); local $line0 = $lref->[$_[0]->{'line'}]; local $line1 = $lref->[$_[1]->{'line'}]; $lref->[$_[1]->{'line'}] = $line0; $lref->[$_[0]->{'line'}] = $line1; &flush_file_lines(); } sub hba_line { if ($_[0]->{'type'} eq 'host') { return join(" ", 'host', $_[0]->{'db'}, $_[0]->{'address'}, $_[0]->{'netmask'}, $_[0]->{'auth'}, $_[0]->{'arg'} ? ( $_[0]->{'arg'} ) : () ); } else { return join(" ", 'local', $_[0]->{'db'}, $_[0]->{'auth'}, $_[0]->{'arg'} ? ( $_[0]->{'arg'} ) : () ); } } # split_array(value) sub split_array { if ($_[0] =~ /^\{(.*)\}$/) { local @a = split(/,/, $1); return @a; } else { return ( $_[0] ); } } # join_array(values ..) sub join_array { local $alpha; map { $alpha++ if (!/^-?[0-9\.]+/) } @_; return $alpha ? '{'.join(',', map { "'$_'" } @_).'}' : '{'.join(',', @_).'}'; } 1; postgresql/config-redhat-linux-7.30100644000567100000120000000066007753534503017056 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=postgres psql=/usr/bin/psql basedb=template1 start_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start stop_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ perpage=25 hba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf nodbi=0 user=postgres setup_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore repository=/home/db_repository sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/config-suse-linux-8.00100644000567100000120000000060007753534503016556 0ustar jcameronwheelhba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf psql=/usr/bin/psql start_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start basedb=template1 perpage=25 plib= pass= login=postgres stop_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ nodbi=0 setup_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/ 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=޲znJ,0 pass=޲zKX,0 psql=psqlRO|,0 plib=PostgreSQL @Ψ禡w|,3,ݭn basedb=l PostgreSQL Ʈw,0 start_cmd=Ұ PostgreSQL RO,0 stop_cmd= PostgreSQL RO,3,{ pid_file=postmaster PIDɮ׸|,0 hba_conf=DiJtmɮ׸|,0 perpage=Cܪ,0 host=PostgreSQLDsu,3,a unix=PostgreSQLOUnixϥΪ,3,root nodbi=pGiHܡAϥDBIsu?,1,0-O,1-_ postgresql/down.cgi0100775000567100000120000000115210114725647014410 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # down.cgi # Move a hosts list entry down require './'; &ReadParse(); $access{'users'} || &error($text{'host_ecannot'}); &lock_file($config{'hba_conf'}); @hosts = &get_hba_config(); $host = $hosts[$in{'idx'}]; &swap_hba($host, $hosts[$in{'idx'}+1]); &unlock_file($config{'hba_conf'}); &restart_postgresql(); &webmin_log('move', 'hba', $host->{'type'} eq 'local' ? 'local' : $host->{'netmask'} eq '' ? 'all' : $host->{'netmask'} eq '' ? $host->{'address'}: "$host->{'address'}/$host->{'netmask'}", $host); &redirect("list_hosts.cgi"); postgresql/drop_field.cgi0100755000567100000120000000651610115213040015533 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # drop_field.cgi # Drop a field from some table sub mytext($); require './'; &ReadParse(); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error(mytext('dbase_ecannot')); $desc = &text('table_header', "$in{'table'}", "$in{'db'}"); &ui_print_header($desc, mytext('fdrop_title'), "", "field_drop"); @desc = &table_structure($in{'db'}, $in{'table'}); local $table_shuffle; # If a field drop has been specified using this script if ( $in{'dropfld'} && $in{'dropfldok'} ) { # Drop the field by copying the other fields through a temp table &error_setup(mytext('fdrop_err')); local $i; local $fld_list = ""; if( @desc > 1 ) { for($i=0; $i{'field'}) ) { # Note PostgreSQL requires quotes for uppercase if( $fld_list eq "" ) { $fld_list = '"'.$r->{'field'}.'"'; } else { $fld_list = $fld_list . ', "' .$r->{'field'}.'"'; } } } } if( $fld_list ne "" ) { local $tmp_tbl = "webmin_tmp_table".$PROCESS_ID; local $qt = "e_table($in{'table'}); $table_shuffle = join '', "LOCK TABLE $qt;", "CREATE TABLE $tmp_tbl AS SELECT $fld_list FROM $qt;", "DROP TABLE $qt;", "ALTER TABLE $tmp_tbl RENAME TO $qt;"; &execute_sql_logged($in{'db'}, $table_shuffle); &webmin_log("delete", "table+field", $in{'table'}."+".$in{'dropfld'}, \%in); } @desc = &table_structure($in{'db'}, $in{'table'}); } # if a field drop has been specified # Display field selection screen $mid = int((@desc / 2)+0.5); print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; &type_table(0, $mid); print "\n"; &type_table($mid, scalar(@desc)) if (@desc > 1); print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "'."\n"; print "
\n"; print "", &html_escape(mytext('fdrop_lose_data')), "", "\n"; print '
\n"; print "
\n"; &ui_print_footer("edit_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&table=$in{'table'}",mytext('table_return'), "edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}", mytext('dbase_return'), "", mytext('index_return')); sub type_table { print "\n"; print " ", " ", " ", "\n"; local $i; for($i=$_[0]; $i<$_[1]; $i++) { local $r = $desc[$i]; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "
",&html_escape($r->{'field'}),"",&html_escape($r->{'type'}),"",$r->{'arr'} eq 'YES' ? mytext('yes') : mytext('no'),"","
\n"; } sub mytext($) { my ($x) = @_; my $rv = $text{"$x"}; if( ! $rv ) { $rv = "$x"; # if unknown text, use the label } return $rv; } postgresql/config-gentoo-linux0100644000567100000120000000054207753534503016574 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=postgres psql=/usr/bin/psql basedb=template1 start_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start stop_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/lib/postgresql/data/ perpage=25 hba_conf=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf nodbi=0 dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/up.cgi0100775000567100000120000000114610114725647014070 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # up.cgi # Move a hosts list entry up require './'; &ReadParse(); $access{'users'} || &error($text{'host_ecannot'}); &lock_file($config{'hba_conf'}); @hosts = &get_hba_config(); $host = $hosts[$in{'idx'}]; &swap_hba($host, $hosts[$in{'idx'}-1]); &unlock_file($config{'hba_conf'}); &restart_postgresql(); &webmin_log('move', 'hba', $host->{'type'} eq 'local' ? 'local' : $host->{'netmask'} eq '' ? 'all' : $host->{'netmask'} eq '' ? $host->{'address'}: "$host->{'address'}/$host->{'netmask'}", $host); &redirect("list_hosts.cgi"); postgresql/save_sync.cgi0100775000567100000120000000052510114725647015436 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # save_sync.cgi # Save unix-postgresql synchronization options require './'; &ReadParse(); $config{'sync_create'} = $in{'sync_create'}; $config{'sync_modify'} = $in{'sync_modify'}; $config{'sync_delete'} = $in{'sync_delete'}; &write_file("$module_config_directory/config", \%config); &redirect(""); postgresql/useradmin_update.pl0100664000567100000120000000364207771422242016646 0ustar jcameronwheel $use_global_login = 1; # Always login as master user, not the mysql # login of the current Webmin user do ''; # useradmin_create_user(&details) # Create a new postgesql user if syncing is enabled sub useradmin_create_user { if ($config{'sync_create'}) { local $version = &get_postgresql_version(); local $sql = "create user $_[0]->{'user'}"; if ($_[0]->{'passmode'} == 3) { $sql .= " with password '$_[0]->{'plainpass'}'"; } $sql .= " nocreatedb nocreateuser"; &execute_sql_logged($config{'basedb'}, $sql); } } # useradmin_delete_user(&details) # Delete a mysql user sub useradmin_delete_user { if ($config{'sync_delete'}) { local $s = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, "select * from pg_shadow where usename = '$_[0]->{'user'}'"); return if (!@{$s->{'data'}}); &execute_sql_logged($config{'basedb'}, "drop user $_[0]->{'user'}"); } } # useradmin_modify_user(&details) # Update a mysql user sub useradmin_modify_user { if ($config{'sync_modify'}) { local $s = &execute_sql($config{'basedb'}, "select * from pg_shadow where usename = '$_[0]->{'olduser'}'"); return if (!@{$s->{'data'}}); local $version = &get_postgresql_version(); if ($_[0]->{'user'} ne $_[0]->{'olduser'}) { # Need to delete and re-create to rename :( local @user = @{$s->{'data'}->[0]}; &execute_sql_logged($config{'basedb'}, "drop user $_[0]->{'olduser'}"); local $sql = "create user $_[0]->{'user'}"; if ($_[0]->{'passmode'} == 3) { $sql .= " with password '$_[0]->{'plainpass'}'"; } elsif ($_[0]->{'passmode'} == 4) { $sql .= " with password '$user[6]'"; } &execute_sql_logged($config{'basedb'}, $sql); } elsif ($_[0]->{'passmode'} != 4) { # Just change password local $sql = "alter user $_[0]->{'user'}"; if ($_[0]->{'passmode'} == 3) { $sql .= " with password '$_[0]->{'plainpass'}'"; } &execute_sql_logged($config{'basedb'}, $sql); } } } 1; postgresql/ 0ustar jcameronwheeladd_mode=Benutze vertikale Reihen als Bearbeitungs-Schnittstelle,1,1-Ja,0-Nein basedb=Anfängliche PostgreSQL-Datenbank,0 blob_mode=Zeige Blob- und Textfelder als,1,0-Daten in der Tabelle,1-Zu downloadende Verbindungen date_subs=Verwende strftime als Ersatz der Backup-Speicherorte?,1,1-Ja,0-Nein dump_cmd=Pfad zu pg_dump,0 hba_conf=Pfad zur Host-Zugriff-Konfigurationsdatei,0 host=Verbinde zu PostgreSQL-Host,3,Localhost line1=Konfigurierbare Options,11 line2=Systemkonfiguration,11 login=Administrations-Login,0 nodbi=Benutze DBI zur Verbindung wenn verfügbar?,1,0-Ja,1-Nein pass=Administrations-Paßwort,12 perpage=Anzahl anzuzeigender Reihen je Seite,0 pid_file=Pfad zur Postmaster PID-Datei,0 plib=Pfad zu freigegebenen PostgreSQL-Bibliotheken,3,Nicht benötigt port=PostgreSQL-Port zu welchem verbunden wird,3,Standard psql=Pfad zu psql,0 repository=Standard Backup-Verzeichnis,3,Keines rstr_cmd=Pfad zu pg_restore,0 sameunix=Unix-Benutzername mit welchem zur Datenbank verbunden wird,1,1-Wie Administrationslogin,0-ROOT setup_cmd=Befehl um PostgreSQL zu initialisieren,3,Keiner start_cmd=Befehl zum Start von PostgreSQL,0 stop_cmd=Befehl zum Beenden von PostgreSQL,3,Beende Prozeß postgresql/setup.cgi0100755000567100000120000000062410114725647014602 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # setup.cgi # Setup the database server for the first time require './'; &error_setup($text{'setup_err'}); $access{'stop'} || &error($text{'setup_ecannot'}); $temp = &tempname(); $rv = &system_logged("($config{'setup_cmd'}) >$temp 2>&1"); $out = `cat $temp`; unlink($temp); if ($rv) { &error("
"); } sleep(3); &webmin_log("setup"); &redirect(""); postgresql/config-redhat-linux-8.00100644000567100000120000000066007753534503017054 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=postgres psql=/usr/bin/psql basedb=template1 start_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start stop_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ perpage=25 hba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf nodbi=0 user=postgres setup_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore repository=/home/db_repository sameunix=1 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/config-redhat-linux-7.40100644000567100000120000000066007753534503017057 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=postgres psql=/usr/bin/psql basedb=template1 start_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start stop_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ perpage=25 hba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf nodbi=0 user=postgres setup_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore repository=/home/db_repository sameunix=1 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/config-united-linux0100644000567100000120000000060007753534503016564 0ustar jcameronwheelhba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf psql=/usr/bin/psql start_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start basedb=template1 perpage=25 plib= pass= login=postgres stop_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ nodbi=0 setup_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/backup.cgi0100775000567100000120000001010310115213040014656 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # backup.cgi # Backup a database to a local file require './' ; &ReadParse ( ) ; &error_setup ( $text{'backup_err'} ) ; # Validate inputs if ($in{'all'}) { @alldbs = &list_databases(); @dbs = grep { &can_edit_db($_) } @alldbs; @alldbs == @dbs || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); } else { &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); } $access{'backup'} || &error($text{'backup_ecannot'}); if (!$in{'save'} || $in{'sched'}) { if ($in{'all'}) { -d $in{'path'} || &error(&text('backup_pe4', $in{'path'})) ; } else { $in{'path'} =~ /^\/\S+$/ || &error(&text('backup_pe3', $in{'path'})) ; } } $cron = !$module_info{'usermin'} && !$access{'user'} && &foreign_installed("cron"); if ($cron) { $config{'backup_before_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'before'}; $config{'backup_after_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'after'}; &foreign_require("cron", ""); @jobs = &cron::list_cron_jobs(); $cmd = $in{'all'} ? "$cron_cmd --all" : "$cron_cmd $in{'db'}"; ($job) = grep { $_->{'command'} eq $cmd } @jobs; $oldjob = $job; $job ||= { 'command' => $cmd, 'user' => 'root', 'active' => 1 }; &cron::parse_times_input($job, \%in); } if (!$in{'all'}) { # Make sure the database exists $db_find_f = 0 ; if ( $in{'db'} ) { foreach ( &list_databases() ) { if ( $_ eq $in{'db'} ) { $db_find_f = 1 ; } } } if ( $db_find_f == 0 ) { &error ( &text ( 'backup_edb' ) ) ; } } # Save choices for next time the form is visited (and for the cron job) if ($module_info{'usermin'}) { $userconfig{'backup_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'path'}; $userconfig{'backup_format_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'format'}; &write_file("$user_module_config_directory/config", \%userconfig); } else { $config{'backup_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'path'}; $config{'backup_format_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'format'}; &write_file("$module_config_directory/config", \%config); } &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'backup_title'}, ""); if (!$in{'save'}) { # Construct and run the backup command @dbs = $in{'all'} ? @alldbs : ( $in{'db'} ); $suf = $in{'format'} eq "p" ? "sql" : $in{'format'} eq "t" ? "tar" : "post"; foreach $db (@dbs) { if ($in{'all'}) { $path = &date_subs("$in{'path'}/$db.$suf"); } else { $path = &date_subs($in{'path'}); } &execute_before($db, STDOUT, 1, $path) if ($cron); $bkup_command = $config{'dump_cmd'}. ($postgres_login ? " -U $postgres_login" : ""). ($config{'host'} ? " -h $config{'host'}" : ""). ($in{'format'} eq 'p' ? "" : " -b"). " -F$in{'format'} -f ".quotemeta($path)." $db" ; if ( $postgres_sameunix && defined(getpwnam($postgres_login)) ) { $bkup_command =~ s/"/\\"/g ; $bkup_command = "su $postgres_login -c ".quotemeta($bkup_command); } $temp = &tempname(); open(TEMP, ">$temp"); print TEMP "$postgres_pass\n"; close(TEMP); $out = &backquote_logged("$bkup_command 2>&1 <$temp"); unlink($temp); if ($? || $out =~ /could not|error|failed/i) { print "$whatfailed : ", &text('backup_ebackup', "

\n"; } else { @st = stat($path); print &text('backup_done', "$db", "$path", $st[7]),"

\n"; } &execute_after($db, STDOUT, 1, $path) if ($cron); } } if ($cron) { &lock_file($cron_cmd); &cron::create_wrapper($cron_cmd, $module_name, ""); &unlock_file($cron_cmd); &lock_file(&cron::cron_file($job)); if ($in{'sched'} && !$oldjob) { &cron::create_cron_job($job); $what = "backup_ccron"; } elsif (!$in{'sched'} && $oldjob) { # Need to delete cron job &cron::delete_cron_job($job); $what = "backup_dcron"; } elsif ($in{'sched'} && $oldjob) { # Need to update cron job &cron::change_cron_job($job); $what = "backup_ucron"; } else { $what = "backup_ncron"; } &unlock_file(&cron::cron_file($job)); # Tell the user what was done print $text{$what},"

\n" if ($what); } &webmin_log("backup", undef, $in{'all'} ? "" : $in{'db'}, \%in); if ($in{'all'}) { &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}); } else { &ui_print_footer("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}", $text{'dbase_return'}, "", $text{'index_return'}); } postgresql/backup_form.cgi0100775000567100000120000000656310115213040015720 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # backup_form.cgi # Display a form for backup the database require './' ; &ReadParse(); &error_setup ( $text{'backup_err'} ) ; if ($in{'all'}) { @alldbs = &list_databases(); @dbs = grep { &can_edit_db($_) } @alldbs; @alldbs == @dbs || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); } else { &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); } $access{'backup'} || &error($text{'backup_ecannot'}); &has_command($config{'dump_cmd'}) || &error(&text('backup_ecmd', "$config{'dump_cmd'}")); &ui_print_header(undef, $in{'all'} ? $text{'backup_title2'} : $text{'backup_title'}, "", "backup_form" ) ; $cron = !$module_info{'usermin'} && !$access{'user'} && &foreign_installed("cron"); if ($in{'all'}) { print "$text{'backup_desc3'}\n"; } else { print &text('backup_desc', "$in{'db'}"),"\n"; } if ($cron) { print "$text{'backup_desc2'}\n"; } print "

\n"; %c = $module_info{'usermin'} ? %userconfig : %config; print "

\n" ; print "\n" ; print "\n" ; print "\n" ; print "\n" ; print "
\n" ; $p = $c{'backup_'.$in{'db'}} || "$config{'repository'}/"; if ($in{'all'}) { print "\n" ; } else { print "\n" ; } print "\n" ; $f = $c{'backup_format_'.$in{'db'}}; print "\n"; print "\n"; if ($cron) { $b = $c{'backup_before_'.$in{'db'}}; print "\n"; printf "\n", $b; $a = $c{'backup_after_'.$in{'db'}}; print "\n"; printf "\n", $a; &foreign_require("cron", ""); @jobs = &cron::list_cron_jobs(); $cmd = $in{'all'} ? "$cron_cmd --all" : "$cron_cmd $in{'db'}"; ($job) = grep { $_->{'command'} eq $cmd } @jobs; print "\n"; printf "\n", $job ? "checked" : "", $text{'backup_sched1'}; print "\n"; } print "\n" ; print "
$text{'backup_sched'} %s\n", $job ? "" : "checked", $text{'no'}; printf " %s
\n"; $job ||= { 'mins' => 0, 'hours' => 0, 'days' => '*', 'months' => '*', 'weekdays' => '*' }; &cron::show_times_input($job); print "
\n"; if ($cron) { print "\n"; print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; } print "
\n" ; if ($in{'all'}) { &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}); } else { &ui_print_footer("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}", $text{'dbase_return'}, "", $text{'index_return'}); } postgresql/restore.cgi0100775000567100000120000000240610115213040015103 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # restore.cgi # Restore a database from a local file require './' ; &ReadParse ( ) ; &error_setup ( $text{'restore_err'} ) ; $access{'restore'} || &error($text{'restore_ecannot'}); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); if ( ! -f $in{'path'} ) { &error ( &text ( 'restore_pe2', $in{'path'} ) ) ; } $db_find_f = 0 ; if ( $in{'db'} ) { foreach ( &list_databases() ) { if ( $_ eq $in{'db'} ) { $db_find_f = 1 ; } } } if ( $db_find_f == 0 ) { &error ( &text ( 'restore_edb' ) ) ; } $rstr_command = $config{'rstr_cmd'}. ($postgres_login ? " -U $postgres_login" : ""). ($config{'host'} ? " -h $config{'host'}" : ""). ($in{'only'} ? " -a" : ""). ($in{'clean'} ? " -c" : ""). " -d $in{'db'} ".quotemeta($in{'path'}); if ( $postgres_sameunix && defined(getpwnam($postgres_login)) ) { $rstr_command =~ s/"/\\"/g ; $rstr_command = "su $postgres_login -c ".quotemeta($rstr_command); } $temp = &tempname(); open(TEMP, ">$temp"); print TEMP "$postgres_pass\n"; close(TEMP); $out = &backquote_logged("$rstr_command 2>&1 <$temp"); unlink($temp); if ( $? == 0 ) { &redirect ("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}") ; } else { &error ( &text ( 'restore_exe', $rstr_command )."
" ) ; } postgresql/restore_form.cgi0100775000567100000120000000301710115213040016125 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # restore_form.cgi # Display a form for restore a database require './' ; &ReadParse ( ) ; &error_setup ( $text{'restore_err'} ) ; $access{'restore'} || &error($text{'restore_ecannot'}); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); &has_command($config{'rstr_cmd'}) || &error(&text('restore_ecmd', "$config{'rstr_cmd'}")); &header ( $text{'restore_title'}, "", "restore_form" ) ; print "
\n" ; print "
\n" ; print "\n" ; print "\n" ; print "\n" ; print "
\n" ; print "\n" ; print "\n" ; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n" ; print "
$text{'restore_path'}\n" ; print "
$text{'restore_only'} $text{'yes'}\n"; print " $text{'no'}
$text{'restore_clean'} $text{'yes'}\n"; print " $text{'no'}
\n" ; print "
\n" ; &ui_print_footer("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}", $text{'dbase_return'}, "", $text{'index_return'}); postgresql/restore_form.cgi.bak0100664000567100000120000000302407606422221016672 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # restore_form.cgi # Display a form for restore a database require './' ; &ReadParse ( ) ; &error_setup ( $text{'restore_err'} ) ; $access{'restore'} || &error($text{'restore_ecannot'}); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); &has_command($config{'rstr_cmd'}) || &error(&text('restore_ecmd', "$config{'rstr_cmd'}")); &header ( $text{'restore_title'}, "", "restore_form" ) ; print "
\n" ; print "
\n" ; print "\n" ; print "\n" ; print "\n" ; print "
\n" ; print "\n" ; print "\n" ; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n" ; print "
$text{'restore_path'}\n" ; print "
$text{'restore_only'} $text{'yes'}\n"; print " $text{'no'}
$text{'restore_clean'} $text{'yes'}\n"; print " $text{'no'}
$text{'yes'}\n"; print "
\n" ; print "
\n" ; &footer ( "", $text{'index_return'} ) ; postgresql/restore.cgi.bak0100664000567100000120000000240107606423566015662 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # restore.cgi # Restore a database from a local file require './' ; &ReadParse ( ) ; &error_setup ( $text{'restore_err'} ) ; $access{'restore'} || &error($text{'restore_ecannot'}); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); if ( ! -f $in{'path'} ) { &error ( &text ( 'restore_pe2', $in{'path'} ) ) ; } $db_find_f = 0 ; if ( $in{'db'} ) { foreach ( &list_databases() ) { if ( $_ eq $in{'db'} ) { $db_find_f = 1 ; } } } if ( $db_find_f == 0 ) { &error ( &text ( 'restore_edb' ) ) ; } $rstr_command = $config{'rstr_cmd'}. ($config{'login'} ? " -U $config{'login'}" : ""). ($config{'host'} ? " -h $config{'host'}" : ""). ($in{'only'} ? " -a" : ""). ($in{'clean'} ? " -c" : ""). " -d $in{'db'} $in{'path'}" ; if ( $config{'sameunix'} && defined(getpwnam($config{'login'})) ) { $rstr_command =~ s/"/\\"/g ; $rstr_command = "su $config{'login'} -c ".quotemeta($rstr_command); } $temp = &tempname(); open(TEMP, ">$temp"); print TEMP "$config{'pass'}\n"; close(TEMP); $out = &backquote_logged("$rstr_command 2>&1 <$temp"); unlink($temp); if ( $? == 0 ) { &redirect ("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}") ; } else { &error ( &text ( 'restore_exe', $rstr_command )."
" ) ; } postgresql/backup.cgi.bak0100664000567100000120000000255007606423604015442 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # backup.cgi # Backup a database to a local file require './' ; &ReadParse ( ) ; &error_setup ( $text{'backup_err'} ) ; $access{'backup'} || &error($text{'backup_ecannot'}); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); $in{'format'} =~ /^[a-z]$/ || &redirect ( "" ); $in{'path'} =~ /^\S+$/ || &error(&text('backup_pe3', $in{'path'})) ; if ( -e $in{'path'} ) { &error ( &text ( 'backup_pe2', $in{'path'} ) ) ; } $db_find_f = 0 ; if ( $in{'db'} ) { foreach ( &list_databases() ) { if ( $_ eq $in{'db'} ) { $db_find_f = 1 ; } } } if ( $db_find_f == 0 ) { &error ( &text ( 'backup_edb' ) ) ; } $bkup_command = $config{'dump_cmd'}. ($config{'login'} ? " -U $config{'login'}" : ""). ($config{'host'} ? " -h $config{'host'}" : ""). ($in{'format'} eq 'p' ? "" : " -b"). " -F$in{'format'} -f $in{'path'} $in{'db'}" ; if ( $config{'sameunix'} && defined(getpwnam($config{'login'})) ) { $bkup_command =~ s/"/\\"/g ; $bkup_command = "su $config{'login'} -c ".quotemeta($bkup_command); } $temp = &tempname(); open(TEMP, ">$temp"); print TEMP "$config{'pass'}\n"; close(TEMP); $out = &backquote_logged("$bkup_command 2>&1 <$temp"); unlink($temp); if ( $? == 0 ) { &redirect ("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}") ; } else { &error ( &text ( 'backup_exe', $bkup_command )."
" ) ; } postgresql/ 0ustar jcameronwheelline1= ,11 login= ,0 pass= ,12 perpage= , ,0 nodbi= DBI ?,1,0-,1- line2= ,11 psql= psql,0 plib= PostgreSQL,3, basedb= PostgreSQL,0 start_cmd= PostgreSQL,0 stop_cmd= PostgreSQL,3, setup_cmd= PostgreSQL,3, pid_file= PID postmaster,0 hba_conf= ,0 host= PostgreSQL ,3,localhost unix= unix, PostgreSQL,3,root postgresql/ 0ustar jcameronwheelhba_conf= ,0 start_cmd= PostgreSQL,0 plib= PostgreSQL,3, pass= ,12 basedb= PostgreSQL,0 nodbi= DBI ?,1,0-,1- stop_cmd= PostgreSQL,3, setup_cmd= PostgreSQL,3, line1= ,11 line2= ,11 host= PostgreSQL ,3,localhost perpage= , ,0 psql= psql,0 unix= unix, PostgreSQL,3,root pid_file= PID postmaster,0 login= ,0 postgresql/config-redhat-linux-8.10100644000567100000120000000066007753534503017055 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=postgres psql=/usr/bin/psql basedb=template1 start_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start stop_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ perpage=25 hba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf nodbi=0 user=postgres setup_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore repository=/home/db_repository sameunix=1 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/config-redhat-linux-9.00100644000567100000120000000066007753534503017055 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=postgres psql=/usr/bin/psql basedb=template1 start_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start stop_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ perpage=25 hba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf nodbi=0 user=postgres setup_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore repository=/home/db_repository sameunix=1 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/exec_file.cgi0100775000567100000120000000314610115213040015345 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # exec_files.cgi # Execute some SQL commands from a file and display the output require './'; &ReadParseMime(); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); &error_setup($text{'exec_err'}); if ($in{'mode'}) { # From uploaded file $in{'upload'} || &error($text{'exec_eupload'}); $file = &tempname(); open(TEMP, ">$file"); print TEMP $in{'upload'}; close(TEMP); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'exec_title'}, ""); print "$text{'exec_uploadout'}

\n"; } else { # From local file -r $in{'file'} || &error($text{'exec_efile'}); $file = $in{'file'}; &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'exec_title'}, ""); print &text('exec_fileout', "$in{'file'}"),"

\n"; } # Call the psql program on the file local $cmd = "$config{'psql'} -u -f $file". ($config{'host'} ? " -h $config{'host'}" : ""). ($config{'port'} ? " -h $config{'port'}" : ""). " $in{'db'}"; print "

&additional_log('exec', undef, $cmd);
$ltemp = &tempname();
open(TEMP, ">$ltemp");
print TEMP "$postgres_login\n$postgres_pass\n";
if ($postgres_sameunix && defined(getpwnam($postgres_login))) {
	$cmd = "su $postgres_login -c ".quotemeta($cmd);
open(SQL, "$cmd 2>&1 <$ltemp |");
while() {
	print &html_escape($_);
	$got++ if (/\S/);
print "$text{'exec_noout'}\n" if (!$got);
print "
\n"; &webmin_log("execfile", undef, $in{'db'}, { 'mode' => $in{'mode'}, 'file' => $in{'file'} }); unlink($file) if ($in{'mode'}); &ui_print_footer("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}", $text{'dbase_return'}, "", $text{'index_return'}); postgresql/config-suse-linux-8.20100644000567100000120000000060007753534503016560 0ustar jcameronwheelhba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf psql=/usr/bin/psql start_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start basedb=template1 perpage=25 plib= pass= login=postgres stop_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ nodbi=0 setup_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/download.cgi0100775000567100000120000000153110115213040015225 0ustar jcameronwheel#!/usr/local/bin/perl # download.cgi # Output the contents of a blob field require './'; &ReadParse(); &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); @str = &table_structure($in{'db'}, $in{'table'}); # Get the field to download $d = &execute_sql($in{'db'}, "select \"$in{'field'}\" from \"$in{'table'}\" where oid = ?", $in{'row'}); # Work out the MIME type based on the data $data = $d->{'data'}->[0]->[0]; if ($data =~ /^\s*($temp"); print TEMP "$postgres_pass\n"; close(TEMP); $out = &backquote_logged("$bkup_command 2>&1 <$temp"); unlink($temp); if ($? || $out =~ /could not|error|failed/i) { print STDERR "Backup of database $db to file $file failed:\n"; print STDERR $out; $ex = 1; } &execute_after($db, STDOUT, 0, $file); } exit($ex); postgresql/config-suse-linux-9.10100644000567100000120000000060007776756124016572 0ustar jcameronwheelhba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf psql=/usr/bin/psql start_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start basedb=template1 perpage=25 plib= pass= login=postgres stop_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ nodbi=0 setup_cmd=/etc/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/config-redhat-linux-11.00100644000567100000120000000122310035117527017110 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=postgres psql=/usr/bin/psql basedb=template1 start_cmd=if [ -r /etc/rc.d/init.d/rhdb ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/rhdb start; else /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start; fi stop_cmd=if [ -r /etc/rc.d/init.d/rhdb ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/rhdb stop; else /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop; fi pid_file=/var/run/ perpage=25 hba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf nodbi=0 user=postgres setup_cmd=if [ -r /etc/rc.d/init.d/rhdb ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/rhdb start; else /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start; fi dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore repository=/home/db_repository sameunix=1 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/config-sol-linux0100664000567100000120000000060310042613313016054 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=postgres psql=/server/postgresql/bin/psql basedb=template1 start_cmd=/etc/rc.d/postgresql up stop_cmd=/etc/rc.d/postgresql down pid_file=/server/postgresql/data/ perpage=25 hba_conf=/server/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf nodbi=0 dump_cmd=/server/postgresql/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/server/postgresql/bin/pg_restore sameunix=0 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/config-coherent-linux0100664000567100000120000000066010042617466017106 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=postgres psql=/usr/bin/psql basedb=template1 start_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start stop_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop pid_file=/var/run/ perpage=25 hba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf nodbi=0 user=postgres setup_cmd=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore repository=/home/db_repository sameunix=1 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0 postgresql/CHANGELOG0100664000567100000120000000114210115476351014157 0ustar jcameronwheel---- Changes since 1.150 ---- Added a button on the module's main page for backing up all databases, either immediately or on schedule. When using PostgreSQL version 7.4 or later, users can now be re-named. A Webmin user who has been set up to login to PostgreSQL as a different user will now be prompted to login if his password set in the Webmin Users module incorrect. Added an access control restriction to limit the number of databases a Webmin user can own. Fields can now be deleted from a table by clicking the Delete button on the field details page, rather than using the complex field-removal form. postgresql/config-redhat-linux-12.00100644000567100000120000000122310075126563017115 0ustar jcameronwheellogin=postgres psql=/usr/bin/psql basedb=template1 start_cmd=if [ -r /etc/rc.d/init.d/rhdb ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/rhdb start; else /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start; fi stop_cmd=if [ -r /etc/rc.d/init.d/rhdb ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/rhdb stop; else /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop; fi pid_file=/var/run/ perpage=25 hba_conf=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf nodbi=0 user=postgres setup_cmd=if [ -r /etc/rc.d/init.d/rhdb ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/rhdb start; else /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start; fi dump_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_dump rstr_cmd=/usr/bin/pg_restore repository=/home/db_repository sameunix=1 access=*: * blob_mode=0 add_mode=0 date_subs=0